SAP Table - J_3R_CLFT10TXT

DescriptionCustomizing Table for TORG-10 Text Types
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryFinancial Accounting
Sub CategoryLocalization

SAP Localization Tables

J_1BTDECREGPCTDeclaration Regimen for PIS/COFINS DescriptionFI-LOC
IDCN_ALGACCLISTAccount Level Hierarchy: Assigned Child G/L AccountsFI-LOC
IDREPFW_EVNTS_TRep.Framework: List of Events DescriptionsFI-LOC
J_1AWTH_TAX_TAXTConditions per Tax Type for Applying WithholdingTaxFI-LOC
TIVXCJPFLWTYPFlow Type Defined for Service Charge KeysFI-LOC
J_3RFPRTEXEMPExemption codes from property tax paymentFI-LOC
FIBKRUD_BALANCEFI Banking Russia: Totals RecordsFI-LOC
IDCN_GLACCATTRTG/L account time-depen.attributes-texts(CN)FI-LOC
J_1ISERCATSDFI2Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2FI-LOC
IDREPFW_REPID_CRep.Framework: Report IdentificationFI-LOC

Full List of SAP Localization Tables