SAP Table - PA0024

SAP TablePA0024
DescriptionHR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T7AR60Relationship between fam. mem type and family allowance typePA-PA
T7TW4YEthnic Group of Taiwan Aborigines (Text)PA-PA
T5KRMCanadian Tax Remittance Form PD7A DataPA-PA
T7BRASIAI percentage for special retirementPA-PA
T7BRMTDescription of employment relationshipPA-PA
PA0709HR Master Record: Infotype 0709 (Person ID)PA-PA
T7RURECALCRSNDirectory of possible recalculation reasonsPA-PA
PA0660HR master record infortype 0660PA-PA
T7GR1HR9Special InsurancePA-PA
T7SA35TOccupational Hazard Compensation Allowance Text TablePA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables