SAP Table - PA0280

SAP TablePA0280
DescriptionHR Master Record Infotype 0280/View for 0016
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T7AR28Assignment of SIJP periods to settled payrollsPA-PA
T7JP_CHARSET_TText for character setPA-PA
T549XRecurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment PeriodsPA-PA
T7THMTProvident Fund EG/ESG Modifier Text for PF THAILANDPA-PA
T7INT3Taxation slabsPA-PA
T7THMCSocial Security Modifier table for BranchesPA-PA
T542SDescription of Work Contract - Other EmployersPA-PA
T7GR1WTHCharacteristics of WagetypesPA-PA
T51C9Car maintenance rule texttablePA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables