SAP Table - PA0397

SAP TablePA0397
DescriptionInfotype 0021 Family
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T5KCFTax claim code - federalPA-PA
T7RUSSAB_OPERType of Sickness Certificate -> Absences Subtypes MappingPA-PA
PA0158HR master record, infotype 0158 (Amounts paid by 3rd party)PA-PA
T7SA12TOccupational Hazard Compensation ID Text TablePA-PA
T7VETXTaxable incomePA-PA
T7IE_W_PPSNPY-IE:Charcter weightage for check charcter calculationPA-PA
T7INE2Employees' state insurance grouping textPA-PA
T5V5BAssignment of job to occupation codePA-PA
T5NI3Default PW PlanPA-PA
T5F3CContributions and Profit Sharing AgenciesPA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables