SAP Table - T5E4D

SAP TableT5E4D
DescriptionCNAE texts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T7AE20Leave Passage : Evaluation Wage Types per Quota TypePA-PA
T7ID16Text table for Entity Calculation Rule for Insurances, IDPA-PA
T5J14HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Point Criteria JPNPA-PA
PA0116HR Master Record: Infotype 0116 (Garn. Transfer D)PA-PA
T7BRAPBranches and/or construction sites groupingPA-PA
T5W1MSocial insurance companiesPA-PA
T5ITDZFamily member type textPA-PA
T7IDATJamsostek Office Descriptions (Indonesia)PA-PA
T7RUN2EXTAssigment wage type to wage code(extension)PA-PA
T7ID0AAbsence Split AssignmentPA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables