SAP Table - T5EA1

SAP TableT5EA1
DescriptionSeniority payment methods
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T7PLF0Form repositoryPA-PA
T7CO13Credit and debit memos and interestsPA-PA
T7TW1SReason for insurance permium change, TextPA-PA
T5H1ASI contribution typesPA-PA
T5ITNTTable for exposure / contribution indicatorsPA-PA
T7INW3Labour welfare fund ratesPA-PA
T7INPES3P2E: Header Level Field ConfigurationPA-PA
PA0830HR master record for infotypes 0830PA-PA
HRSM_HEADExternal employee data: Header dataPA-PA
PA0793HR Master Record: Infotype 0793PA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables