SAP Personnel Administration Tables
Table | Description | Module |
T500W | Valid Country Currencies | PA-PA |
PA0905 | HR master record infotype 0905 | PA-PA |
T5R05 | Types of Identification | PA-PA |
T505N | Military Status Texts | PA-PA |
T585C | Field Group Characteristics | PA-PA |
T7RUACTCAT1 | Labor and Other Activity Types | PA-PA |
T5ITAW | Wage types to recalculate | PA-PA |
PA0294 | HR Naster Record Infotype 0294 - reserved ! | PA-PA |
T7JPSI_INR_ASN | Assign Health Insurance Insurer to Social Insurance Modifier | PA-PA |
T7INS3 | Superannuation ID | PA-PA |
Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables