SAP Table - T705D

SAP TableT705D
DescriptionFunction Codes
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

PA0028HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)PA-PA
T5UWSWC: Workers' Comp. Wage Type Assignment per WC StatePA-PA
T5J76HR Santei/Geppen Form remarks column text JPPA-PA
PB0108HR Master Record: Infotype 0108 (Personal Data B)PA-PA
T7RU0290CODEDocument (IT0290) CodePA-PA
T5M5MSAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema Descriptions OF-CODES (DK)PA-PA
T5UPBSPA12TRetirement Plan Text (PS)PA-PA
T5MF0FA Place of Employment (Employer Association Financ.Sector)PA-PA
T500CCurrency for Public Service SectorPA-PA
T5JLTTLeaving Type Text (JAPAN)PA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables