SAP Personnel Administration Tables
Table | Description | Module |
T5N5S | Text: Professional Group Code (NL) | PA-PA |
T5JSY | HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN | PA-PA |
T7CO95T | Settlement code texts | PA-PA |
T77EIRNL_MTYPE | Electronic Illness Reporting NL: Message Type | PA-PA |
T5ITII | Sickness handling c/INPS table | PA-PA |
T543 | Challenge Groups | PA-PA |
T5J74 | HR Retirement Allowance Unit Amount JP | PA-PA |
T7GR1HR7T | K.A.D. (Texts) | PA-PA |
T5J29 | HR SI Entitlement Acquired/Lost JPN | PA-PA |
T7PLW2 | Groups of wagetypes | PA-PA |
Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables