SAP Table - T7HK2O

DescriptionOutput Format for Length of Service(LOS) - Text
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T7US_FMLA_AB_ADMPermissibility of Absences for FMLAPA-PA
T7PL91Seniority codes relevance to technical datesPA-PA
T5D03Employee Group/SubgroupPA-PA
T535RPI Area NumbersPA-PA
PA0356Employment Stabilization Fund (TW)PA-PA
T7RUR1_298Assigning sybtype of infotype 0298 to document typePA-PA
T5EG1Special RulePA-PA
T7AR20Date for final settlement of income for financial yearPA-PA
T588DInfogroups for ActionsPA-PA
PA0387HR Master Record : Infotype 0387 (Starter's Details)PA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables