SAP Table - T7KW01H

SAP TableT7KW01H
DescriptionGCC Countries other than Kuwait
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T77WWW_INF04TColumn Details TextPA-PA
TJPESS_TXT_MEANSJP ESS IT0559 Means of Transportation DescriptionPA-PA
T5ITC6Contribution table extention for settlementPA-PA
PA3252HR Master Record: Infotype 3252PA-PA
T5E4TDescription of Social Insurance branch-office typesPA-PA
PA0337HR Master Record: Infotype 0337 (Prof.Classification - PT)PA-PA
T7ID0AAbsence Split AssignmentPA-PA
T7AE05TUAE Statutory Social Insurance Exemption Reason Text TablePA-PA
T5F1C7Contributions rulesPA-PA
T5BD7TTexts for groupings of premium rates for risk activitiesPA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables