SAP Table - T7RUN8

DescriptionAssignment wage's groups & codes to reports
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPersonnel Management
Sub CategoryPersonnel Administration

SAP Personnel Administration Tables

T513CJobs With Other/Previous EmployersPA-PA
T5KTVTax levelPA-PA
T5DA2Supplement Percentages for Semiretirement ModelPA-PA
T5W1RSocial Insurance schemes ZA TextPA-PA
T5JTXHR Text of indicator for taxation JPPA-PA
PA0305HR master record, infotype 0305 (previous employer)PA-PA
PA0735HR Master Record: Infotype 0735 (Dimona B)PA-PA
PA0835HR master record for infotypes 0835PA-PA
PA0125HR Master Record: Infotype 0125 (Garnishment B)PA-PA
T588AUTO_TABLEMapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/TablesPA-PA

Full List of SAP Personnel Administration Tables