SAP Table - T7UAQ0

DescriptionQuarter Reports
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPayroll

SAP Payroll Tables

T7BG10Insurance Bank transferPY
T7BGC2TContract types NAP -textsPY
T7UA508ANormative Work Schedule Rules for Personal Work SchedulePY
T7SK04Grouping of absences for reportsPY
T7UA9GRPDefinition of the groupsPY
T7SI51ZIP codes SKPY
T5H1NTitle text table to private pension fundsPY
T5H4LText table of first two characters of 5-char. absence codePY
T7RO4BForms - field propertiesPY
T7UAT3CConnected taxes (same privileges)PY

Full List of SAP Payroll Tables