Table | Description | Module |
T5H7U | Certificate for tax allowance | PY |
T5HNR | HU_NREN payroll table data of the "current month" | PY |
T5TST | Tax table CZ | PY |
T5TS0 | Central storage of XML documents | PY |
T5TPF | Configuration table for medium of pension funds | PY |
T5TL3 | Days for vacation in IT2006 | PY |
T5TL2 | Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmes | PY |
T5TL1 | Algorithmes for leaves in IT2006 | PY |
T5TCO | Compensation for work accidents and work illnesses | PY |
T5TCL | Table fields for delete (protect of personal datas) | PY |
T5TA3 | Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALC | PY |
T5TA2 | Medium for health insurance | PY |
T5TA1 | External transfers | PY |
T5T62 | HR master record Infotype 0620 | PY |
T5T60 | Warning and error messages from operation CZMSG | PY |
T5HAA | Cumulation interrelations | PY |
T5H9K | Salary compensation at budgetary institutions | PY |
T5H7V | K100 data | PY |
T5H81 | Registered employment relationships | PY |
T5H82 | Registered employment relationships - sent statuses | PY |
T5H83 | Data of other legal relationships | PY |
T5H84 | Payroll log | PY |
T5H8N | Codes of nationality | PY |
T5H8U | Table of transfer fees | PY |
T5H8X | Changes reported to MEP | PY |
T5H8Y | Transfer download formates of banks | PY |
T5H8Z | Bank transfer download log | PY |
T5H98 | Solidarity tax | PY |
T5H9C | Control table of payroll cost center diversion | PY |
T5H9D | Payroll accounting data table | PY |
T5H9E | Control table 2 to T5H9D | PY |
T5T59 | Configuration for field sending into Insured Register | PY |
T5T58 | Codebook of states for ELDP | PY |
T5T57 | ZIP codes CZ | PY |
T5T0C | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T5T10 | Tarif groups - ext.survey | PY |
T5T13 | Jobs x KZAM | PY |
T5T1J | Health insurance institutions | PY |
T5T1K | Health insurance institutions | PY |
T5T1L | Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance) | PY |
T5T1X | Last foreign Health insurance - name | PY |
T5T2G | Configuration of tax calculation CZ | PY |
T5T2H | Configuration of tax calculation CZ | PY |
T5T2I | Tax calculation configuration - non-residents | PY |
T5T2Z | Number and numbers like words | PY |
T5T3A | SI insurance calculation | PY |
T5T3B | Forms for changes of eval.base of SI | PY |
T5T3C | Calculation of SI | PY |
T5T05 | Personal events for reports | PY |
T5T04 | Absences for reports | PY |
T5T56 | Configuration for HRCZ infotypes | PY |
T5T55 | Configuration table for IT0620, ... | PY |
T5T54 | Codebook of cities in ÈR | PY |
T5T52 | Postal checks fees | PY |
T5T51 | ZIP codes CZ | PY |
T5T50 | KZAM - ext.surveys | PY |
T5T4G | Parameter configuration personal reportts for output by ALV | PY |
T5T4F | Reports - user-exits | PY |
T5T4E | Text of report parameters | PY |
T5T4D | Configuration of parameters of reports | PY |
T5T4B | of lines of forms" | PY |
T5T4A | Lines of forms | PY |
T5HV0 | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T5T03 | Personal groups/subgroups - extension | PY |
T5T47 | Contract types - extension of T547V | PY |
T5H7R | Settlement codes | PY |
T5H2H | Text table for T5H2G | PY |
T5H1M | Private pension fund title codes | PY |
T5H4H | Text table of process code/variant of SI services | PY |
T5H1K | T5H1J texts | PY |
T5H4L | Text table of first two characters of 5-char. absence code | PY |
T5H1J | SI cumulation report control table from 1997 | PY |
T5H1H | SI paying offices | PY |
T5H41 | Irregular incomes - in terms of accident sick pay | PY |
T5H4G | NYENYI SI names of absences | PY |
T5H4N | Irregular incomes | PY |
T5H4O | Reported "closed incapacities to work" | PY |
T5H44 | Regular absence fee wage types | PY |
T5H1N | Title text table to private pension funds | PY |
T5H2I | Institutions data for infotype 307 | PY |
T5H2F | Wage types of schooling benefits and vacation checks | PY |
T5H2V | M29: ABEV IDs | PY |
T5H2Z | Display wage types and their validity in infotypes | PY |
T5H3A | Payroll journal parameter table | PY |
T5H3B | Text table of payroll journal parameter table | PY |
T5H2E | Family allowance | PY |
T5H2B | Year-end (tax) certificates elements | PY |
T5H2A | Tax table (tax brackets and percentages) | PY |
T5H1O | Control table to private pension fund monthly report | PY |
T5H2D | Wage types to be transf.: secondary pers. number-> main p.n. | PY |
T5H5B | Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime brackets | PY |
T5H4V | SI name to NYENYI | PY |
T5H5E | Help table to infotype p0441 | PY |
T7UAR | Customizing for forms HR | PY |
T5H6B | Garnishment type name | PY |
T5H4W | NYENYI text table for T5H4V | PY |
T5H6A | Garnishment type | PY |
T5H7O | Monthly statistical reports | PY |
T5H4Y | Company data to contribution computation | PY |
T5H4Z | Data of SI paying offices | PY |
T5H5F | Help table to infotype p0441 | PY |
T5H4T | Auxiliary table to fill in the health insurance stat. report | PY |
T5H5A | Percentages of compensation for absence - overtime brackets | PY |
T5H5G | Help table to infotype p0441 | PY |
T5H6F | Garnishment subtype name | PY |
T5H4Q | Auxiliary table to health insurance statistical report | PY |
T5H4P | Generate new wage types on the basis of ones with SI split | PY |
T5H6C | Garnishment priority | PY |
T5H6E | Garnishment subtype | PY |
T7BGQ1 | Quota algorithm | PY |
T7BGC7 | Normative costs - obsolete (from 8/2011) | PY |
T7BGQ3 | Vacation debt | PY |
T7BGND | Exceptions of normative days | PY |
T7BGC9 | Numbering subobjects for Orders | PY |
T7BGC8 | Numbering subobjects | PY |
T7RO0C | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T7BGE1 | Configuration of external deductions | PY |
T7BGE3 | Base for required amount | PY |
T7BGF1 | Meals Allowance | PY |
T7ROE3 | Base for required amount | PY |
T7BGMS | Warning and error messages from operation BGMSG | PY |
T7RO15 | Insurance Work Condition | PY |
T7BGQ2 | Quota range | PY |
T7PL11 | Configuration of data sources for ZUS reporting | PY |
T7RO03 | Employee group/subgrou Groupings Romania | PY |
T7RO04 | Classification of absences for legal purposes | PY |
T7RO10 | Insurance institutions | PY |
T7RO11 | Insurance Contract Type 1 | PY |
T7RO13 | Insurance Contract Type 3 | PY |
T7RO14 | Insurance Reduction / Deduction | PY |
T7BGE2 | Limits for External deductions | PY |
T7ROE2 | Limits for External deductions | PY |
T7RO4B | Forms - field properties | PY |
T7RO4A | Forms - field content | PY |
T7RO32 | COR Codes | PY |
T7RO31 | SIRUTA Codes | PY |
T7RO30 | ZIP Codes | PY |
T7RO2A | Tax calculation | PY |
T7RO27 | Type of income for Fiscal statement | PY |
T7RO26 | EE Tax payment office | PY |
T7RO20 | Tax institutions | PY |
T7RO1P | Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIR | PY |
T7RO1I | Personal area/subarea grouping time dependent | PY |
T7RO1C | ER Contributions - Cost Centers for posting | PY |
T7RO1B | RO Insurances - Reasons for Court Order | PY |
T7RO1A | Insurance calculation | PY |
T7RO17 | Legal base for special conditions | PY |
T7RO4D | Reporting engine - Parameters | PY |
T7RO4E | Reporting engine - Parameter texts | PY |
T7RO4G | Reporting engine - optional field names | PY |
T7RO12 | Insurance Contract Type 2 | PY |
T7ROE1 | Configuration of external deductions | PY |
T7ROCF | Configuration Table for RO Payroll | PY |
T7ROBS | Seniority bonus calculation | PY |
T7ROBM | Military st. (IT0002) | PY |
T7ROBE | Education levels (IT0002) | PY |
T7RO4F | Reporting engine - Customer exits | PY |
T7ROA7 | Master data events for HR-RO reporting | PY |
T7ROA5 | Changes of external transfers (IT11) | PY |
T7ROA4 | Sick leaves - Person 1:1 with RGDIR | PY |
T7ROA3 | Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIR | PY |
T7ROA2 | Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIR | PY |
T7ROA1 | Bank transfer - interface table | PY |
T7RO4S | Salary range for statistical report S3 | PY |
T7RO4R | Wage type information for external subjects | PY |
T7RO16 | Health house | PY |
T7SK1K | Health insurance institutions | PY |
T7SK50 | Job codes - ext.survey | PY |
T7SK51 | ZIP codes SK | PY |
T7SK52 | Postal checks fees | PY |
T7SK60 | Warning and error messages form operation SKMSG | PY |
T7SKA1 | External transfers | PY |
T7SKA3 | Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALC | PY |
T7SKL5 | Quota reduction for leave in IT2006 | PY |
T7SKL6 | Quota reduction for leave in IT2006 | PY |
T7SK4F | Reports - user-exits | PY |
T7SK4E | Text of report parameters | PY |
T7SK4D | Configuration of parameters of reports | PY |
T7SK1L | Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance) | PY |
T7SK2G | Configuration of tax calculation SK | PY |
T7SK2H | Configuration of tax calculation SK | PY |
T7SK3A | Configuration of insurance calculation SK | PY |
T7SK3B | Changes of evaluated insurance bases | PY |
T7SK3C | Routines for calculation of HI&SI payment | PY |
T7SK4A | Items of payroll form | PY |
T7SK4B | Texts of summary groups of payroll form | PY |
T7SKRL | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T7SKST | Tax table and table of rounding SK | PY |
T7UAN5 | Wage types | PY |
T7UAN6 | Grouping of wage codes | PY |
T7UAN8 | Assignment wage's groups & codes to Application | PY |
T7UAQ0 | Quarter Reports | PY |
T7UAQ1 | Quarterly Reports Cumulations | PY |
T7UAR0 | Reports Grouping | PY |
T7UAR1 | Details About Reasons for Actions | PY |
T7UAT5 | Sick-list payments | PY |
T7UAN2 | Assigment wage type to wage code | PY |
T7UAN1 | Reference table of wage codes | PY |
T7UAN0 | Legal Forms | PY |
T7UAAV | UAAVE additional customizing | PY |
T7UAD2 | Wage Types of deductions for limiting | PY |
T7UAD3 | Limit Rules | PY |
T7UAE0 | Event Grouping | PY |
T7UAE1 | Asign Personnel Action Type and Reason for Action to Groups | PY |
T7UAG0 | HR-UA: Garnishment orders addition table | PY |
T7UAH0 | Time codes | PY |
T7UAHT | Text table for time codes | PY |
T7UAT9 | Tax scale according to feature 36TXU | PY |
T7SK13 | Jobs x KZAM | PY |
T7ROE4 | Postal fees | PY |
T7SI0C | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T7SI1L | Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance) | PY |
T7SI1Q | Time funds for M4 | PY |
T7SI2G | Configuration of tax calculation SI | PY |
T7SI2H | Configuration of tax calculation SI | PY |
T7SI4D | Configuration of parameters of reports | PY |
T7SI4E | Text of report parameters | PY |
T7SI4F | Reports - user-exits | PY |
T7ROMS | Warning and error messages from operation SIMSG | PY |
T7ROG8 | EE register - Bonus History | PY |
T7ROG7 | EE register - Contract History | PY |
T7ROE5 | Limits for External deductions - Total Limit | PY |
T7ROER | HR Cluster 2 - ER Insurances | PY |
T7ROG1 | EE register - ER history | PY |
T7ROG2 | EE register - EE history | PY |
T7ROG3 | EE register - EE history | PY |
T7ROG4 | EE register - Run ID | PY |
T7ROG5 | EE register - ER history | PY |
T7ROG6 | EE register - EE history | PY |
T7SI51 | ZIP codes SK | PY |
T7SI60 | Warning and error messages from operation SIMSG | PY |
T7SIDV | Distribution of SI and Tax results according to Wage Types | PY |
T7SIDW | Distribution of SI and Tax results according to WTGroups | PY |
T7SIST | Tax table and table of rounding SI | PY |
T7SIV1 | Voluntary healt insurance contributions | PY |
T7SIV2 | Voluntary healt insurance contributions | PY |
T7SK03 | Personal groups/subgroups - extension | PY |
T7SK04 | Grouping of absences for reports | PY |
T7SK0C | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T7SIBT | Virman configuration (WT->Accounts) | PY |
T7SIBK | Benefical category for working age | PY |
T7SIAP | Tranfer code for APP | PY |
T7SIA0 | Annual tax - Paydays x Days of payments | PY |
T7SIA1 | Annual tax - Master data | PY |
T7SIA3 | M4 - Temporary data | PY |
T7SIA4 | DPZ temporary data | PY |
T7SIA5 | History of repayments | PY |
T7SIA6 | Bank transfer - interface table | PY |
T7SIA7 | Master data events for HR-SI reporting | PY |
T7SIA8 | Data for VIRVDC | PY |
T7SK10 | Tarif groups - ext.survey | PY |
T7BGC6 | Certificate type | PY |
PA3265 | HR master record, infotype 3265 | PY |
PA0936 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0936 | PY |
PA0935 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0935 | PY |
T5TREG | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
PA0519 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0519 | PY |
PA0518 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0518 | PY |
T5TSPO | Table for convert bank accounts (Ceska Sporitelna) | PY |
T7BG03 | EE Group/subgroup Groupings for Bulgaria | PY |
T7BG04 | Classification of absences for legal purposes | PY |
T7BG0C | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T7BG10 | Insurance Bank transfer | PY |
T7BG11 | Insurance Type of payment | PY |
T7BG1A | Insurance calculation | PY |
T7BG1B | Definition of Insurance Calc/NoCalc for InsTyp & Contr.Types | PY |
T7BG1C | Insurance Calculation - Professions and Groups | PY |
T7BG1E | Insurance calculation - rates | PY |
PA0937 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0937 | PY |
PA0938 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0938 | PY |
PA0939 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0939 | PY |
PA3264 | HR master record, infotype 3264 | PY |
PB0935 | Applicant data infotype 0935 (model) | PY |
PA3263 | HR master record, infotype 3263 | PY |
PB0936 | Applicant data infotype 0936 (model) | PY |
PA3262 | Payments for persons with commission H | PY |
PB0937 | Applicant data infotype 0937 (model) | PY |
PA3260 | HR master data, infotype 3260 (leave quota H) | PY |
PB0938 | Applicant data infotype 0938 (model) | PY |
PA3234 | HR master record, infotype 3234 | PY |
T5T47N | Labour law relationship types | PY |
PB0939 | Applicant data infotype 0939 (model) | PY |
PA0940 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0940 | PY |
T7ROA6 | Contr. H - received/deducted amount from the authorities | PY |
PA3261 | Commission contracts H | PY |
T5H81K | Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts | PY |
T7BG20 | Tax Bank transfer | PY |
T7BG4A | Forms - field content | PY |
T7BG4D | Recap - Subgroups | PY |
T7BGA1 | Bank transfer - interface table | PY |
T7BGC3 | Activity type | PY |
T5H81T | Registered employment relationships (multiple employer) | PY |
T7BGA2 | Changes of external transfers (IT11) | PY |
T7BGC2 | Contract types NAP | PY |
T7BGB1 | Municipalities | PY |
T5H82K | Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts | PY |
PA3266 | HR master record, infotype 3266 | PY |
T7BGB2 | ZIP codes | PY |
T7BGC1 | Contract types | PY |
PB0940 | Applicant data infotype 0940 (model) | PY |
T7BGB4 | Numbering subobjects for civil contract report | PY |
T5H82T | Registered employment relationships (multiple employer) | PY |
T5H82M | Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts | PY |
T7BGB3 | Income code for civil contract | PY |
T7BG4E | Recap - Field content | PY |
T7BGC4 | Insurred person | PY |
T7BG4B | Forms - field properties | PY |
T7BG5A | Seniority bonus | PY |
T7BGC5 | Education level | PY |
T7BG1D | Insurance Calculation - Minimum Base per Act. Type and Group | PY |
T5H81M | Registered employment relationships -- for comm. contracts | PY |
T7UAD0 | Group of deductions | PY |
T7BG4C | Recap - Groups | PY |
T7SKDNP | HR Cluster with simulated bases for DNP calc. in 1/2010 | PY |
T7SI18E | Education/Training Categories/E&T | PY |
T7UACL1 | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T5T77S0 | HRCZ system parameter table | PY |
T7UACPI | Customer Price Index | PY |
T7UAEXP | Selection criteria for Expats Income Tax evaluation | PY |
T7UAE0T | Event Grouping Text | PY |
T7TRK03 | Wage and pay increase for higher duty | PY |
T7SKRZD | Cluster table for Annual Tax Clearing | PY |
T7UAAG0 | Attendance or Absence Groups | PY |
T7UAAG1 | Asign Attendance and Absence Types to Groups | PY |
T7SIBKI | Reduced service retirement benefit category | PY |
T7SK22A | Area of education | PY |
T7SK22B | Code list of districts | PY |
T7TRI07 | Occupation dictionary | PY |
T7TRI08 | Occupation Dictionary | PY |
T7SK22C | School code | PY |
T7SK22D | Texts for area of education | PY |
T7TRK01 | Compensation factors - notice periods | PY |
T7TRK02 | Wage types for higher duty allowance | PY |
T7TRK05 | Severance report parameter maintenance | PY |
T7TRK06 | Retirement account table | PY |
T7TRI06 | Occupation dictionary | PY |
T7UA9GP | Assignment of parameters to the group | PY |
T7UA1DF | Additional data for Form 1DF | PY |
T7SKVDP | Aux table for HSKLVDP0 | PY |
T7TRT11 | Minimum living wage rates | PY |
T7TRS12 | SGK Uygulamalarý Ýstihtam Tesvik Oranlarý | PY |
T7TRS11 | SGK Uygulamalarý Ýçin Oranlar | PY |
T7TRK07 | IFRS-TFRS severance provision | PY |
T7TRG01 | General information about company. | PY |
T7TRK04 | Account definitions for severance load entegration | PY |
T7BGC5T | Education level - texts | PY |
T7RO16T | Health house - text | PY |
T7RO17T | Legal base for special conditions - text | PY |
T7BGC6T | Certificate type - texts | PY |
T7RO27T | Texts for type of income for Fiscal statement | PY |
T7RO31T | SIRUTA Code - Text | PY |
T7RO47V | Contract Types - Addition information | PY |
T7BG01P | Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings for Bulgaria | PY |
T7UATAR | Tax Administration Properties | PY |
T7UAT3C | Connected taxes (same privileges) | PY |
T7RO4RT | Text table Wage type information for external subjects | PY |
T7RO530 | RO Legal Reasons for Actions for ER Register | PY |
T7RO15T | Insurance Work Condition - text | PY |
T7RO14T | Insurance Reduction / Deduction - text | PY |
T7RO13T | Insurance Contract Type 3 - text | PY |
T7BGC7N | Normative costs | PY |
T7BGC4T | Insured person - Texts | PY |
T7BGC3T | Activity type - texts | PY |
T7BGC2T | Contract types NAP -texts | PY |
T7BGC1T | Contract types - text | PY |
T7RO005 | RO Nationality Names for EE Register | PY |
T7RO01P | Personnel Area/Subarea Groupings for Romania | PY |
T7BGB2T | ZIP codes - city | PY |
T7RO11T | Insurance Contract Type 1 - text | PY |
T7RO12T | Insurance Contract Type 2 - text | PY |
T7BGB3T | Income code for civil contract - Texts | PY |
T7UAR0T | Text for Reports Grouping | PY |
T5T1M_N | Health insurers - data for XML | PY |
T7UAIND | Wage types that should be indexed | PY |
T7UAN1T | Reference table of wage codes | PY |
T7UAN5T | Wage types | PY |
T7BGB1T | Municipalities - text | PY |
T5TDRCI | Working activity types | PY |
T7UAOC1 | Content of Employee Selection Process | PY |
T7UAOC2 | Process of Employee Selection | PY |
T5TELDP | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T7SI18B | Vocation Descriptions | PY |
T7UAQ0T | Quarter Reports | PY |
T7SI18A | Vocation Check Table | PY |
T7UALBC | Labour conditions for IT1640 | PY |
T7RO26T | Tax office text - obsolete | PY |
T7UAIDX | Customer Price Index | PY |
T5TPS1L | Bank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance) | PY |
T7UAF231 | Form 23 rows | PY |
T7SKRZZP | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T7UAF232 | Form 23 rows | PY |
T7UAF230 | Form 23 rows | PY |
T7UAF23P | Form 23 parts | PY |
T7TRI06T | Texts of occupation dictionary | PY |
T7UALBCT | Labour conditions for IT1640 | PY |
T7UA1656 | Infotype 1656 Fields: Legal properties (Ukraine) | PY |
T7UA508A | Normative Work Schedule Rules for Personal Work Schedule | PY |
T7UA9GRP | Definition of the groups | PY |
T7UAAG0T | AA Group Texts | PY |
T7UAOC2T | Texts of Process of Employee Selection | PY |
HRSM_PMP | Payroll Message Pool: Message Table for Payroll | PY |
T7TRI08T | Occupation Dictionary Texts | PY |
T7UA0811 | Customizing for 0811 IT | PY |
T7UAN0_T | Legal Forms | PY |
T7UA9PAR | Definition of the parameters | PY |
T5HPBS91 | Expatriations for infotype Field service (3265) | PY |
T5HPBS82 | Administrative exam exemption reasons | PY |
T5HPBS98 | FX multipliers for long-term studies abroad | PY |
T5HPBS83 | Preferential multipliers for calculating years in service | PY |
T5HPBS97 | Basic foreign exchange dues monthly rate (for IT3265) | PY |
T5HPBS90 | Financial growth examination result name (IT3264) | PY |
T5HPBS95 | Climate conditions (for IT3265) | PY |
T5HPBS94 | Security conditions (for IT3265) | PY |
T7RO536A | Company information | PY |
T5HPBS85 | Reason for closing a rank | PY |
T5HPBS86 | Reading PD data | PY |
T5HPBS93 | Field service basic dues (for IT3265) | PY |
T5TSELDP | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T5TREGSI | HRCZ - insured register | PY |
T5HPBS92 | Field service workplaces table (for IT3265) | PY |
T5HPBS87 | Property declaration title | PY |
T5HPBS88 | Property declaration event (IT3264) | PY |
T5HPBS89 | Financial growth examination title (IT3264) | PY |
T5HPBS81 | Years in service settings for public sector | PY |
T5HPBS99 | FX multipliers for job key numbers | PY |
T5TSREGP | HR Cluster 2 | PY |
T7SKELDZ | Period for pension provision reg.cert. (ELDZ) | PY |
T5TDRCIT | Texts for working activity types | PY |
T5HPBS04 | Key numbers | PY |
T5HPBS08 | Manager grades | PY |
T5HPBS59 | Anniversary bonus settings | PY |
T5HPBS09 | Conferrable titles | PY |
T5HPBS79 | Grouping of employee subgroups | PY |
T5HPBS12 | School leaving certificate level code | PY |
T5HPBS84 | Form of entering into a rank | PY |
T5HPBS80 | Rank settings | PY |
T5HPBS63 | Generating leave quotas | PY |
T5HPBS64 | Controlling leave quotas | PY |
T5HPBS96 | Foreign exchange multipliers (for IT3265) | PY |
T5HPBS67 | Long texts for leave quota category | PY |
T5HPBS66 | Rules for leave quota conflicts | PY |
T5HPBS65 | Rules for leave quota reduction | PY |
T7UAF23PT | Form 23 parts texts | PY |
T5HPBS92T | Expatriation country - workplace table | PY |
T5TPS77S0 | System Table | PY |
T5TPENSAV | Data for pension savings | PY |
T5TPVSPAR | Paramets for communication with PVS | PY |
T7UAF230T | Form 23 rows texts | PY |
T7UA0811T | Customizing for 0811 IT Text Table | PY |
T5HPBS80R | Ranks | PY |
T5HPBS09T | Texts of conferrable titles to public servants | PY |
T5HPBS80T | Rank names | PY |
T5HPBS08T | Texts of manager grades for public servants | PY |
T7SKKLBEW | Partitioning of absences | PY |
T7UA_99FF | Ukranian addition to DAQ Field definition | PY |
T7UA_99F0 | Forms - Ukranian Attributes | PY |
T7UA_521B | Payee Keys (Ukranian extension for table T521B) | PY |
T7UA_512T | Wage Type Long Texts | PY |
T7UATC37A | Downtime definition | PY |
T5HPBS86F | Reading PD data - field assignments | PY |
T5HPBS86O | Reading PD data - object sequence | PY |
T5HPBS83T | Preferential multipliers for calc. years in service (text) | PY |
T5HPBS100 | Amount of international per diem for business trip | PY |
T7UAN1_WTR | Define fields to display at Wage Type Reporter(HUACFP49) | PY |
T7UA_VERSN | Version Number | PY |
T5TPS77S0T | System Tables | PY |
T7RO558_AB | Transfer absences (supplement to T558D) | PY |
T7RO558_V0 | Transfer family members (supplement to T558D) | PY |
T7UAT1_ADD | Obsolete | PY |
T7UA_99FFC | Ukranian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's) | PY |
T5HPBSOKM9 | Cumulative wage types for forms (RPCLAPH0) | PY |
T5HPBSOKM3 | Smartform for document | PY |
T5HPBSOKM0 | Document groups (RPCLAPH0) | PY |
T5HPBSOKM1 | Documents for document group | PY |
T5HPBSOKM2 | Documents (RPCLAPH0) | PY |
T5TPSDPRES | HR Cluster 1 | PY |
T7UA9PAR_T | Text for Parameters of group of parameters | PY |
T7UA9GRP_T | Text of Group of parameters | PY |
T7UA51AV_R | Relevance Rule for Calculating Averages | PY |
T7UA51AV_C | Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values | PY |
T7UA51AV_B | Cumulation Rules for Averages -Ukrainian fields | PY |
T7UA51AV_A | Calculation Rules for Averages - Ukrainian fields | PY |
T7SK558_AB | Transfer absences (supplement to T558D) - SK | PY |
T5HPBSOKM2T | Document names (RPCLAPH0) | PY |
T5HPBSOKM0T | Document group texts (RPCLAPH0) | PY |
T5TREGTRANS | HRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAP | PY |
T7UAT1_PRIO | Priority of Wage Type processing in Tax Class | PY |
T7UA1656_GRP | sAssignment groups to IT1656: Legal properties (Ukraine) | PY |
T7UARPTCST00 | HR-UA Report's customizing data | PY |
T7UA9PAR_VAL | Value of the parameter | PY |
T7UARPTCST01 | Paramters for T7UARPTCST00 | PY |
T7UA_VERSN_T | Version Number | PY |
T5HPBS_T588M | ScreenControl Mapping | PY |
T5TDRCI_CONV | Working activity types - conversion | PY |
T7UA_STAT_VAR | Variant Name of Statistical Report | PY |
T7UAFORMCONST | Initial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine) | PY |
T5HPBS_KIFDAT | Comm. - payment default date | PY |
T7UA_GPRSN_VER | Assignment Version to Grouping Reason and Value | PY |
T5TPVSTEMPLATE | Masters for communication with PVS | PY |
T7UACONTACT_CE | Contact person | PY |
T7UA_STAT_VFLD | View Variant Fields | PY |
T7UADATAFORMAT | Data Output Format for Reports | PY |
T5HPBS_NAPI_CL | Comm. - daily breakdown cluster table | PY |
T7UA_STAT_VAR_T | Name of Variant of Statistical Report | PY |
T5HPBS_HAVIBONT | Comm. - payments monthly breakdown by persons | PY |
T7UACONTACTT_CE | Contact person - Text | PY |
T7UADATAFORMATC | Data Output Format for Reports | PY |
T7UAFORMCONST_T | Initial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine) | PY |
T5HPBS_LGART_PAR | Comm. - parameter table for specifying techn. wage type | PY |
T5HPBS_T538C_DAY | Comm. - number of days for IT3261 time units | PY |
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIP | Comm. - contract type | PY |
T5HPBS_TRANS_RUN | Comm. - running transfer | PY |
T5TELDP2004TRANS | Records ELDP for transfer from external system to SAP | PY |
T7UA_STAT_VFLD_T | Names of View Variant Fields | PY |
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIT | Comm. - contract type text table | PY |