SAP Payroll (PY) Tables

T5H7UCertificate for tax allowancePY
T5HNRHU_NREN payroll table data of the "current month"PY
T5TSTTax table CZPY
T5TS0Central storage of XML documentsPY
T5TPFConfiguration table for medium of pension fundsPY
T5TL3Days for vacation in IT2006PY
T5TL2Quotas leaves in IT2006 for algorithmesPY
T5TL1Algorithmes for leaves in IT2006PY
T5TCOCompensation for work accidents and work illnessesPY
T5TCLTable fields for delete (protect of personal datas)PY
T5TA3Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALCPY
T5TA2Medium for health insurancePY
T5TA1External transfersPY
T5T62HR master record Infotype 0620PY
T5T60Warning and error messages from operation CZMSGPY
T5HAACumulation interrelationsPY
T5H9KSalary compensation at budgetary institutionsPY
T5H7VK100 dataPY
T5H81Registered employment relationshipsPY
T5H82Registered employment relationships - sent statusesPY
T5H83Data of other legal relationshipsPY
T5H84Payroll logPY
T5H8NCodes of nationalityPY
T5H8UTable of transfer feesPY
T5H8XChanges reported to MEPPY
T5H8YTransfer download formates of banksPY
T5H8ZBank transfer download logPY
T5H98Solidarity taxPY
T5H9CControl table of payroll cost center diversionPY
T5H9DPayroll accounting data tablePY
T5H9EControl table 2 to T5H9DPY
T5T59Configuration for field sending into Insured RegisterPY
T5T58Codebook of states for ELDPPY
T5T57ZIP codes CZPY
T5T0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T5T10Tarif groups - ext.surveyPY
T5T13Jobs x KZAMPY
T5T1JHealth insurance institutionsPY
T5T1KHealth insurance institutionsPY
T5T1LBank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)PY
T5T1XLast foreign Health insurance - namePY
T5T2GConfiguration of tax calculation CZPY
T5T2HConfiguration of tax calculation CZPY
T5T2ITax calculation configuration - non-residentsPY
T5T2ZNumber and numbers like wordsPY
T5T3ASI insurance calculationPY
T5T3BForms for changes of eval.base of SIPY
T5T3CCalculation of SIPY
T5T05Personal events for reportsPY
T5T04Absences for reportsPY
T5T56Configuration for HRCZ infotypesPY
T5T55Configuration table for IT0620, ...PY
T5T54Codebook of cities in ÈRPY
T5T52Postal checks feesPY
T5T51ZIP codes CZPY
T5T50KZAM - ext.surveysPY
T5T4GParameter configuration personal reportts for output by ALVPY
T5T4FReports - user-exitsPY
T5T4EText of report parametersPY
T5T4DConfiguration of parameters of reportsPY
T5T4B of lines of forms"PY
T5T4ALines of formsPY
T5HV0HR Cluster 2PY
T5T03Personal groups/subgroups - extensionPY
T5T47Contract types - extension of T547VPY
T5H7RSettlement codesPY
T5H2HText table for T5H2GPY
T5H1MPrivate pension fund title codesPY
T5H4HText table of process code/variant of SI servicesPY
T5H1KT5H1J textsPY
T5H4LText table of first two characters of 5-char. absence codePY
T5H1JSI cumulation report control table from 1997PY
T5H1HSI paying officesPY
T5H41Irregular incomes - in terms of accident sick payPY
T5H4GNYENYI SI names of absencesPY
T5H4NIrregular incomesPY
T5H4OReported "closed incapacities to work"PY
T5H44Regular absence fee wage typesPY
T5H1NTitle text table to private pension fundsPY
T5H2IInstitutions data for infotype 307PY
T5H2FWage types of schooling benefits and vacation checksPY
T5H2ZDisplay wage types and their validity in infotypesPY
T5H3APayroll journal parameter tablePY
T5H3BText table of payroll journal parameter tablePY
T5H2EFamily allowancePY
T5H2BYear-end (tax) certificates elementsPY
T5H2ATax table (tax brackets and percentages)PY
T5H1OControl table to private pension fund monthly reportPY
T5H2DWage types to be transf.: secondary pers. number-> main p.n.PY
T5H5BPercentages of compensation for absence - overtime bracketsPY
T5H5EHelp table to infotype p0441PY
T7UARCustomizing for forms HRPY
T5H6BGarnishment type namePY
T5H4WNYENYI text table for T5H4VPY
T5H6AGarnishment typePY
T5H7OMonthly statistical reportsPY
T5H4YCompany data to contribution computationPY
T5H4ZData of SI paying officesPY
T5H5FHelp table to infotype p0441PY
T5H4TAuxiliary table to fill in the health insurance stat. reportPY
T5H5APercentages of compensation for absence - overtime bracketsPY
T5H5GHelp table to infotype p0441PY
T5H6FGarnishment subtype namePY
T5H4QAuxiliary table to health insurance statistical reportPY
T5H4PGenerate new wage types on the basis of ones with SI splitPY
T5H6CGarnishment priorityPY
T5H6EGarnishment subtypePY
T7BGQ1Quota algorithmPY
T7BGC7Normative costs - obsolete (from 8/2011)PY
T7BGQ3Vacation debtPY
T7BGNDExceptions of normative daysPY
T7BGC9Numbering subobjects for OrdersPY
T7BGC8Numbering subobjectsPY
T7RO0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7BGE1Configuration of external deductionsPY
T7BGE3Base for required amountPY
T7BGF1Meals AllowancePY
T7ROE3Base for required amountPY
T7BGMSWarning and error messages from operation BGMSGPY
T7RO15Insurance Work ConditionPY
T7BGQ2Quota rangePY
T7PL11Configuration of data sources for ZUS reportingPY
T7RO03Employee group/subgrou Groupings RomaniaPY
T7RO04Classification of absences for legal purposesPY
T7RO10Insurance institutionsPY
T7RO11Insurance Contract Type 1PY
T7RO13Insurance Contract Type 3PY
T7RO14Insurance Reduction / DeductionPY
T7BGE2Limits for External deductionsPY
T7ROE2Limits for External deductionsPY
T7RO4BForms - field propertiesPY
T7RO4AForms - field contentPY
T7RO2ATax calculationPY
T7RO27Type of income for Fiscal statementPY
T7RO26EE Tax payment officePY
T7RO20Tax institutionsPY
T7RO1PInsurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPY
T7RO1IPersonal area/subarea grouping time dependentPY
T7RO1CER Contributions - Cost Centers for postingPY
T7RO1BRO Insurances - Reasons for Court OrderPY
T7RO1AInsurance calculationPY
T7RO17Legal base for special conditionsPY
T7RO4DReporting engine - ParametersPY
T7RO4EReporting engine - Parameter textsPY
T7RO4GReporting engine - optional field namesPY
T7RO12Insurance Contract Type 2PY
T7ROE1Configuration of external deductionsPY
T7ROCFConfiguration Table for RO PayrollPY
T7ROBSSeniority bonus calculationPY
T7ROBMMilitary st. (IT0002)PY
T7ROBEEducation levels (IT0002)PY
T7RO4FReporting engine - Customer exitsPY
T7ROA7Master data events for HR-RO reportingPY
T7ROA5Changes of external transfers (IT11)PY
T7ROA4Sick leaves - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPY
T7ROA3Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPY
T7ROA2Insurance result table - Person 1:1 with RGDIRPY
T7ROA1Bank transfer - interface tablePY
T7RO4SSalary range for statistical report S3PY
T7RO4RWage type information for external subjectsPY
T7RO16Health housePY
T7SK1KHealth insurance institutionsPY
T7SK50Job codes - ext.surveyPY
T7SK51ZIP codes SKPY
T7SK52Postal checks feesPY
T7SK60Warning and error messages form operation SKMSGPY
T7SKA1External transfersPY
T7SKA3Results of annual tax calculation for RPCALCPY
T7SKL5Quota reduction for leave in IT2006PY
T7SKL6Quota reduction for leave in IT2006PY
T7SK4FReports - user-exitsPY
T7SK4EText of report parametersPY
T7SK4DConfiguration of parameters of reportsPY
T7SK1LBank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)PY
T7SK2GConfiguration of tax calculation SKPY
T7SK2HConfiguration of tax calculation SKPY
T7SK3AConfiguration of insurance calculation SKPY
T7SK3BChanges of evaluated insurance basesPY
T7SK3CRoutines for calculation of HI&SI paymentPY
T7SK4AItems of payroll formPY
T7SK4BTexts of summary groups of payroll formPY
T7SKRLHR Cluster 2PY
T7SKSTTax table and table of rounding SKPY
T7UAN5Wage typesPY
T7UAN6Grouping of wage codesPY
T7UAN8Assignment wage's groups & codes to ApplicationPY
T7UAQ0Quarter ReportsPY
T7UAQ1Quarterly Reports CumulationsPY
T7UAR0Reports GroupingPY
T7UAR1Details About Reasons for ActionsPY
T7UAT5Sick-list paymentsPY
T7UAN2Assigment wage type to wage codePY
T7UAN1Reference table of wage codesPY
T7UAN0Legal FormsPY
T7UAAVUAAVE additional customizingPY
T7UAD2Wage Types of deductions for limitingPY
T7UAD3Limit RulesPY
T7UAE0Event GroupingPY
T7UAE1Asign Personnel Action Type and Reason for Action to GroupsPY
T7UAG0HR-UA: Garnishment orders addition tablePY
T7UAH0Time codesPY
T7UAHTText table for time codesPY
T7UAT9Tax scale according to feature 36TXUPY
T7ROE4Postal feesPY
T7SI0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7SI1LBank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)PY
T7SI1QTime funds for M4PY
T7SI2GConfiguration of tax calculation SIPY
T7SI2HConfiguration of tax calculation SIPY
T7SI4DConfiguration of parameters of reportsPY
T7SI4EText of report parametersPY
T7SI4FReports - user-exitsPY
T7ROMSWarning and error messages from operation SIMSGPY
T7ROG8EE register - Bonus HistoryPY
T7ROG7EE register - Contract HistoryPY
T7ROE5Limits for External deductions - Total LimitPY
T7ROERHR Cluster 2 - ER InsurancesPY
T7ROG1EE register - ER historyPY
T7ROG2EE register - EE historyPY
T7ROG3EE register - EE historyPY
T7ROG4EE register - Run IDPY
T7ROG5EE register - ER historyPY
T7ROG6EE register - EE historyPY
T7SI51ZIP codes SKPY
T7SI60Warning and error messages from operation SIMSGPY
T7SIDVDistribution of SI and Tax results according to Wage TypesPY
T7SIDWDistribution of SI and Tax results according to WTGroupsPY
T7SISTTax table and table of rounding SIPY
T7SIV1Voluntary healt insurance contributionsPY
T7SIV2Voluntary healt insurance contributionsPY
T7SK03Personal groups/subgroups - extensionPY
T7SK04Grouping of absences for reportsPY
T7SK0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7SIBTVirman configuration (WT->Accounts)PY
T7SIBKBenefical category for working agePY
T7SIAPTranfer code for APPPY
T7SIA0Annual tax - Paydays x Days of paymentsPY
T7SIA1Annual tax - Master dataPY
T7SIA3M4 - Temporary dataPY
T7SIA4DPZ temporary dataPY
T7SIA5History of repaymentsPY
T7SIA6Bank transfer - interface tablePY
T7SIA7Master data events for HR-SI reportingPY
T7SK10Tarif groups - ext.surveyPY
T7BGC6Certificate typePY
PA3265HR master record, infotype 3265PY
PA0936HR Master Record: Infotype 0936PY
PA0935HR Master Record: Infotype 0935PY
T5TREGHR Cluster 2PY
PA0519HR Master Record: Infotype 0519PY
PA0518HR Master Record: Infotype 0518PY
T5TSPOTable for convert bank accounts (Ceska Sporitelna)PY
T7BG03EE Group/subgroup Groupings for BulgariaPY
T7BG04Classification of absences for legal purposesPY
T7BG0CPartitioning of absencesPY
T7BG10Insurance Bank transferPY
T7BG11Insurance Type of paymentPY
T7BG1AInsurance calculationPY
T7BG1BDefinition of Insurance Calc/NoCalc for InsTyp & Contr.TypesPY
T7BG1CInsurance Calculation - Professions and GroupsPY
T7BG1EInsurance calculation - ratesPY
PA0937HR Master Record: Infotype 0937PY
PA0938HR Master Record: Infotype 0938PY
PA0939HR Master Record: Infotype 0939PY
PA3264HR master record, infotype 3264PY
PB0935Applicant data infotype 0935 (model)PY
PA3263HR master record, infotype 3263PY
PB0936Applicant data infotype 0936 (model)PY
PA3262Payments for persons with commission HPY
PB0937Applicant data infotype 0937 (model)PY
PA3260HR master data, infotype 3260 (leave quota H)PY
PB0938Applicant data infotype 0938 (model)PY
PA3234HR master record, infotype 3234PY
T5T47NLabour law relationship typesPY
PB0939Applicant data infotype 0939 (model)PY
PA0940HR Master Record: Infotype 0940PY
T7ROA6Contr. H - received/deducted amount from the authoritiesPY
PA3261Commission contracts HPY
T5H81KRegistered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPY
T7BG20Tax Bank transferPY
T7BG4AForms - field contentPY
T7BG4DRecap - SubgroupsPY
T7BGA1Bank transfer - interface tablePY
T7BGC3Activity typePY
T5H81TRegistered employment relationships (multiple employer)PY
T7BGA2Changes of external transfers (IT11)PY
T7BGC2Contract types NAPPY
T5H82KRegistered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPY
PA3266HR master record, infotype 3266PY
T7BGC1Contract typesPY
PB0940Applicant data infotype 0940 (model)PY
T7BGB4Numbering subobjects for civil contract reportPY
T5H82TRegistered employment relationships (multiple employer)PY
T5H82MRegistered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPY
T7BGB3Income code for civil contractPY
T7BG4ERecap - Field contentPY
T7BGC4Insurred personPY
T7BG4BForms - field propertiesPY
T7BG5ASeniority bonusPY
T7BGC5Education levelPY
T7BG1DInsurance Calculation - Minimum Base per Act. Type and GroupPY
T5H81MRegistered employment relationships -- for comm. contractsPY
T7UAD0Group of deductionsPY
T7BG4CRecap - GroupsPY
T7SKDNPHR Cluster with simulated bases for DNP calc. in 1/2010PY
T7SI18EEducation/Training Categories/E&TPY
T7UACL1HR Cluster 2PY
T5T77S0HRCZ system parameter tablePY
T7UACPICustomer Price IndexPY
T7UAEXPSelection criteria for Expats Income Tax evaluationPY
T7UAE0TEvent Grouping TextPY
T7TRK03Wage and pay increase for higher dutyPY
T7SKRZDCluster table for Annual Tax ClearingPY
T7UAAG0Attendance or Absence GroupsPY
T7UAAG1Asign Attendance and Absence Types to GroupsPY
T7SIBKIReduced service retirement benefit categoryPY
T7SK22AArea of educationPY
T7SK22BCode list of districtsPY
T7TRI07Occupation dictionaryPY
T7TRI08Occupation DictionaryPY
T7SK22CSchool codePY
T7SK22DTexts for area of educationPY
T7TRK01Compensation factors - notice periodsPY
T7TRK02Wage types for higher duty allowancePY
T7TRK05Severance report parameter maintenancePY
T7TRK06Retirement account tablePY
T7TRI06Occupation dictionaryPY
T7UA9GPAssignment of parameters to the groupPY
T7UA1DFAdditional data for Form 1DFPY
T7TRT11Minimum living wage ratesPY
T7TRS12SGK Uygulamalarý Ýstihtam Tesvik OranlarýPY
T7TRS11SGK Uygulamalarý Ýçin OranlarPY
T7TRK07IFRS-TFRS severance provisionPY
T7TRG01General information about company.PY
T7TRK04Account definitions for severance load entegrationPY
T7BGC5TEducation level - textsPY
T7RO16THealth house - textPY
T7RO17TLegal base for special conditions - textPY
T7BGC6TCertificate type - textsPY
T7RO27TTexts for type of income for Fiscal statementPY
T7RO47VContract Types - Addition informationPY
T7BG01PPersonnel Area/Subarea Groupings for BulgariaPY
T7UATARTax Administration PropertiesPY
T7UAT3CConnected taxes (same privileges)PY
T7RO4RTText table Wage type information for external subjectsPY
T7RO530RO Legal Reasons for Actions for ER RegisterPY
T7RO15TInsurance Work Condition - textPY
T7RO14TInsurance Reduction / Deduction - textPY
T7RO13TInsurance Contract Type 3 - textPY
T7BGC7NNormative costsPY
T7BGC4TInsured person - TextsPY
T7BGC3TActivity type - textsPY
T7BGC2TContract types NAP -textsPY
T7BGC1TContract types - textPY
T7RO005RO Nationality Names for EE RegisterPY
T7RO01PPersonnel Area/Subarea Groupings for RomaniaPY
T7BGB2TZIP codes - cityPY
T7RO11TInsurance Contract Type 1 - textPY
T7RO12TInsurance Contract Type 2 - textPY
T7BGB3TIncome code for civil contract - TextsPY
T7UAR0TText for Reports GroupingPY
T5T1M_NHealth insurers - data for XMLPY
T7UAINDWage types that should be indexedPY
T7UAN1TReference table of wage codesPY
T7UAN5TWage typesPY
T7BGB1TMunicipalities - textPY
T5TDRCIWorking activity typesPY
T7UAOC1Content of Employee Selection ProcessPY
T7UAOC2Process of Employee SelectionPY
T7SI18BVocation DescriptionsPY
T7UAQ0TQuarter ReportsPY
T7SI18AVocation Check TablePY
T7UALBCLabour conditions for IT1640PY
T7RO26TTax office text - obsoletePY
T7UAIDXCustomer Price IndexPY
T5TPS1LBank accounts of authorities (tax,insurance)PY
T7UAF231Form 23 rowsPY
T7UAF232Form 23 rowsPY
T7UAF230Form 23 rowsPY
T7UAF23PForm 23 partsPY
T7TRI06TTexts of occupation dictionaryPY
T7UALBCTLabour conditions for IT1640PY
T7UA1656Infotype 1656 Fields: Legal properties (Ukraine)PY
T7UA508ANormative Work Schedule Rules for Personal Work SchedulePY
T7UA9GRPDefinition of the groupsPY
T7UAAG0TAA Group TextsPY
T7UAOC2TTexts of Process of Employee SelectionPY
HRSM_PMPPayroll Message Pool: Message Table for PayrollPY
T7TRI08TOccupation Dictionary TextsPY
T7UA0811Customizing for 0811 ITPY
T7UAN0_TLegal FormsPY
T7UA9PARDefinition of the parametersPY
T5HPBS91Expatriations for infotype Field service (3265)PY
T5HPBS82Administrative exam exemption reasonsPY
T5HPBS98FX multipliers for long-term studies abroadPY
T5HPBS83Preferential multipliers for calculating years in servicePY
T5HPBS97Basic foreign exchange dues monthly rate (for IT3265)PY
T5HPBS90Financial growth examination result name (IT3264)PY
T5HPBS95Climate conditions (for IT3265)PY
T5HPBS94Security conditions (for IT3265)PY
T7RO536ACompany informationPY
T5HPBS85Reason for closing a rankPY
T5HPBS86Reading PD dataPY
T5HPBS93Field service basic dues (for IT3265)PY
T5TREGSIHRCZ - insured registerPY
T5HPBS92Field service workplaces table (for IT3265)PY
T5HPBS87Property declaration titlePY
T5HPBS88Property declaration event (IT3264)PY
T5HPBS89Financial growth examination title (IT3264)PY
T5HPBS81Years in service settings for public sectorPY
T5HPBS99FX multipliers for job key numbersPY
T7SKELDZPeriod for pension provision reg.cert. (ELDZ)PY
T5TDRCITTexts for working activity typesPY
T5HPBS04Key numbersPY
T5HPBS08Manager gradesPY
T5HPBS59Anniversary bonus settingsPY
T5HPBS09Conferrable titlesPY
T5HPBS79Grouping of employee subgroupsPY
T5HPBS12School leaving certificate level codePY
T5HPBS84Form of entering into a rankPY
T5HPBS80Rank settingsPY
T5HPBS63Generating leave quotasPY
T5HPBS64Controlling leave quotasPY
T5HPBS96Foreign exchange multipliers (for IT3265)PY
T5HPBS67Long texts for leave quota categoryPY
T5HPBS66Rules for leave quota conflictsPY
T5HPBS65Rules for leave quota reductionPY
T7UAF23PTForm 23 parts textsPY
T5HPBS92TExpatriation country - workplace tablePY
T5TPS77S0System TablePY
T5TPENSAVData for pension savingsPY
T5TPVSPARParamets for communication with PVSPY
T7UAF230TForm 23 rows textsPY
T7UA0811TCustomizing for 0811 IT Text TablePY
T5HPBS09TTexts of conferrable titles to public servantsPY
T5HPBS80TRank namesPY
T5HPBS08TTexts of manager grades for public servantsPY
T7SKKLBEWPartitioning of absencesPY
T7UA_99FFUkranian addition to DAQ Field definitionPY
T7UA_99F0Forms - Ukranian AttributesPY
T7UA_521BPayee Keys (Ukranian extension for table T521B)PY
T7UA_512TWage Type Long TextsPY
T7UATC37ADowntime definitionPY
T5HPBS86FReading PD data - field assignmentsPY
T5HPBS86OReading PD data - object sequencePY
T5HPBS83TPreferential multipliers for calc. years in service (text)PY
T5HPBS100Amount of international per diem for business tripPY
T7UAN1_WTRDefine fields to display at Wage Type Reporter(HUACFP49)PY
T7UA_VERSNVersion NumberPY
T5TPS77S0TSystem TablesPY
T7RO558_ABTransfer absences (supplement to T558D)PY
T7RO558_V0Transfer family members (supplement to T558D)PY
T7UA_99FFCUkranian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)PY
T5HPBSOKM9Cumulative wage types for forms (RPCLAPH0)PY
T5HPBSOKM3Smartform for documentPY
T5HPBSOKM0Document groups (RPCLAPH0)PY
T5HPBSOKM1Documents for document groupPY
T7UA9PAR_TText for Parameters of group of parametersPY
T7UA9GRP_TText of Group of parametersPY
T7UA51AV_RRelevance Rule for Calculating AveragesPY
T7UA51AV_CAdjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average ValuesPY
T7UA51AV_BCumulation Rules for Averages -Ukrainian fieldsPY
T7UA51AV_ACalculation Rules for Averages - Ukrainian fieldsPY
T7SK558_ABTransfer absences (supplement to T558D) - SKPY
T5HPBSOKM2TDocument names (RPCLAPH0)PY
T5HPBSOKM0TDocument group texts (RPCLAPH0)PY
T5TREGTRANSHRCZ - table for transfer items of Insured Register to SAPPY
T7UAT1_PRIOPriority of Wage Type processing in Tax ClassPY
T7UA1656_GRPsAssignment groups to IT1656: Legal properties (Ukraine)PY
T7UARPTCST00HR-UA Report's customizing dataPY
T7UA9PAR_VALValue of the parameterPY
T7UA_VERSN_TVersion NumberPY
T5HPBS_T588MScreenControl MappingPY
T5TDRCI_CONVWorking activity types - conversionPY
T7UA_STAT_VARVariant Name of Statistical ReportPY
T7UAFORMCONSTInitial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine)PY
T5HPBS_KIFDATComm. - payment default datePY
T7UA_GPRSN_VERAssignment Version to Grouping Reason and ValuePY
T5TPVSTEMPLATEMasters for communication with PVSPY
T7UACONTACT_CEContact personPY
T7UA_STAT_VFLDView Variant FieldsPY
T7UADATAFORMATData Output Format for ReportsPY
T5HPBS_NAPI_CLComm. - daily breakdown cluster tablePY
T7UA_STAT_VAR_TName of Variant of Statistical ReportPY
T5HPBS_HAVIBONTComm. - payments monthly breakdown by personsPY
T7UACONTACTT_CEContact person - TextPY
T7UADATAFORMATCData Output Format for ReportsPY
T7UAFORMCONST_TInitial Values for Form Fields (Ukraine)PY
T5HPBS_LGART_PARComm. - parameter table for specifying techn. wage typePY
T5HPBS_T538C_DAYComm. - number of days for IT3261 time unitsPY
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TIPComm. - contract typePY
T5HPBS_TRANS_RUNComm. - running transferPY
T5TELDP2004TRANSRecords ELDP for transfer from external system to SAPPY
T7UA_STAT_VFLD_TNames of View Variant FieldsPY
T5HPBS_SZERZ_TITComm. - contract type text tablePY
Show More SAP PY Tables

SAP Russia Tables

PA0290HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CISPY-RU
PA0291HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CISPY-RU
PA0292HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social InsurancePY-RU
PA0293HR Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)PY-RU
PA0295HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)PY-RU
PA0296HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)PY-RU
PA0298HR Master Record: Infotype 0298PY-RU
PA0299HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 - Tax privilegesPY-RU
T7RU1BPayee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard)PY-RU
T7RUD1Group of deductionsPY-RU

Full List of SAP Russia Tables

SAP United Arab Emirates Tables

PA3356HR Master Record: Infotype 3356PY-AE
PA3358HR Master Record: Infotype 3358PY-AE
HRP5221DB Table for Infotype 5221PY-AE
T7AEPBS01Job TitlesPY-AE
T7AEPBS03General GroupPY-AE
T7AEPBS04Job Class GroupPY-AE
T7AEPBS05Job Categories SeriesPY-AE
T7AEPBS06Job ClassificationPY-AE
T7AEPBS07Rental AllocationPY-AE

Full List of SAP United Arab Emirates Tables

SAP Argentina Tables

T5A1KELDA: Record VersionsPY-AR
T5A1LELDA: Record StructuresPY-AR
T5A1MELDA: Field ConversionPY-AR
T5A1NELDA: Value ConversionPY-AR
T5A1OELDA: Data Records CreatedPY-AR
T5A1PELDA: Data Medium AdministrationPY-AR
T5A1QELDA: Confirmed Data RecordsPY-AR
T5A1RELDA: SAP-Internal FieldsPY-AR
T5A1UCompany Employee Pension FundPY-AR
T5A2AProportionate Calculations of General Deduction AmountPY-AR

Full List of SAP Argentina Tables

SAP Australia Tables

T5QGOGroup Certificate OverridesPY-AU
T5QIAPS Specific Characteristic for absence typePY-AU
T5QIGLeave Quota GroupingPY-AU
T5QITCalculation rule for transfer frequencyPY-AU
T5QLKLeave Liability ConstantsPY-AU
T5QLLAustralian Leave Loading - international leavePY-AU
T5QPRAust. Leave Provision for international leavePY-AU
T5QSCTable for Superannuation SuperChoicesPY-AU
T5QTRTerm. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading AustraliaPY-AU
PA0507HR-AU-PS: Master Data (Superannuation)PY-AU

Full List of SAP Australia Tables

SAP Belgium Tables

T5B0JUsage for SI Category EmployeePY-BE
T5B94HR legal documents variationsPY-BE
T5B95HR legal documentPY-BE
T5B96Form for legal documentPY-BE
T5B9DTexttable legal document variationPY-BE
T5B9ETexttable legal documentPY-BE
T5BALActivation allowances associated with SI deductionsPY-BE
T5BC0Rail Tariff for Commuting Expenses (B)PY-BE
T5BD8DMFA Service CodesPY-BE
T5BD9DMFA Remuneration CodesPY-BE

Full List of SAP Belgium Tables

SAP Brazil Tables

T7BR81Reserve area definitionPY-BR
T7BR82Definition of contribution codesPY-BR
T7BR83Definition of reserve codePY-BR
T7BR84Wage types for reservesPY-BR
T7BR85Relationship between function and contributionPY-BR
T7BR91Percentage of SIB contribution for third-party paymentPY-BR
T7BR92Combination of EntitiesPY-BR
T7BR93Entities belonging to Third-party CodePY-BR
T7BR94Discount percentage on third-party paymentPY-BR
T7BRG0Calculation rule characteristicsPY-BR

Full List of SAP Brazil Tables

SAP Canada Tables

PCEREActivities per Payroll ResultPY-CA
PCERHHistory of Payroll Posting RunsPY-CA
PCERTPayroll Posting RunsPY-CA
PCERVAttributes for Posting RunsPY-CA
T5K0CAbsence BreakdownPY-CA
T5K0SSickness grouping for absence typesPY-CA
T5K6IYear-end amendment wage-type selectionPY-CA
T5K8CTransfer ext. payroll results into Canadian specific tablesPY-CA
T5K8DTax key data for transfer of old payroll resultsPY-CA
T5K8EHR-CA: Transfer additional external payroll resultsPY-CA

Full List of SAP Canada Tables

SAP Switzerland Tables

T5C20Time Quotas for Subapplications CHPY-CH
T5C2CWithholding Tax LiabilityPY-CH
T5C2JWithholding Tax LiabilityPY-CH
T5C2OConversion of Residence Status for VaudPY-CH
T5C2PWHT Geneva: Conversion of Pay Scale IndicatorPY-CH
T5C3CHR-CH: Share of Hourly WagesPY-CH
T5C3FHR-CH: Valuation of AbsencesPY-CH
T5C3GHR-CH: Reduced Working Hours Grace DaysPY-CH
T5C3HHR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage)PY-CH
T5C3IHR-CH: Application Key SwitzerlandPY-CH

Full List of SAP Switzerland Tables

SAP Chile Tables

T7CL31Payment GroupsPY-CL
T7CL32Bonus Payments Group AttributesPY-CL
T7CL33Advanced Bonus PaymentsPY-CL
T7CL34Frequency Dependent Payment Group AttributesPY-CL
T7CL35Inflation index maintenancePY-CL
T7CL36Pension plan beneficiary informationPY-CL
T7CLIMPension Plan Institutions MappingPY-CL
T7CL31TPayment Group DescriptionsPY-CL
T7CLCERTIFNBREmployee Income Certificate number assignmentPY-CL

SAP China Tables

P2CN_BIPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_IIPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_MIPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_PIPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_UIPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_PHFPayroll result: Social Insurances and PHF (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_SUIPayroll result: Supplementary Insurance (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_TAXPayroll result: Income Tax (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_CNSPPayroll result: Special Payment (CN)PY-CN
P2CN_SFEEPayroll result: Service fee for personal file (CN)PY-CN

Full List of SAP China Tables

SAP Germany Tables

P593RApplication Status: SI Reimbursement for RehabilitantsPY-DE
T50BAHR-B2A: Valid Transfer Formats and ClassesPY-DE
T50BBHR-B2A: Standard Transfer FormatPY-DE
T50BCHR-B2A: Transfer Format for CustomerPY-DE
T50BDHR-B2A: Status ManagementPY-DE
T50BEHR-B2A: Assignment Returncode-GroupPY-DE
T50BFHR-B2A: Method TablePY-DE
T50BGHRB2A: Manual Status SwitchPY-DE
T50BKHR-B2A: Constant TablePY-DE
T50BSHR-B2A: Client-independent constants tablePY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables

SAP Denmark Tables

T5M49Date Identifiers for Special PayrollPY-DK
T5M58SAP-PBS Interface: Transfer Payroll Account (DK)PY-DK
T5M5BSAP-PBS Interface: Definition of Wage Type Intervals DKPY-DK
T5M5CSAP-PBS Interface: Wage Type Interval Names DKPY-DK
T5M5DSAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK)PY-DK
T5M5ESAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK)PY-DK
T5M5FSAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK)PY-DK
T5M5GSAP-PBS Interface: Designation of Entry Values (DK)PY-DK
T5M5HSAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)PY-DK
T5M5ISAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK)PY-DK

Full List of SAP Denmark Tables

SAP Spain Tables

T5E21Pension developerPY-ES
T5E22Assignment between payroll and pension key/subkeyPY-ES
T5E23Contract additional clausesPY-ES
T5E24Additional clauses sectionsPY-ES
T5E4AContribution limits per non-industrial risksPY-ES
T5E4IContribution limits according to full remunerationsPY-ES
T5E4JContribution groupsPY-ES
T5E4LConfiguration of special payment wage typesPY-ES
T5E92Deduction groups for garnishmentsPY-ES
T5EB1Retirement plans: attributes for Form 345PY-ES

Full List of SAP Spain Tables

SAP Finland Tables

T7FISSeniority Allowance Attributes (Finland)PY-FI
T7FIA0Record Identifiers (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIA1Tax Codes (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIA2Tax Code Assignments to ATS Data RecordsPY-FI
T7FIA3Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIA4Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIA5ATS CategoriesPY-FI
T7FIA6Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS)PY-FI
T7FIAGFinnish absence classificationPY-FI
T7FIB1Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)PY-FI

Full List of SAP Finland Tables

SAP France Tables

T5F1OContribution attribute modifiersPY-FR
T5F3IApproval no. for statementsPY-FR
T5F4LPCS supplementPY-FR
T5F60Dynamic Mapping for Interface: InfotypesPY-FR
T5F61Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Clusters.PY-FR
T5F62Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Wage Types as Master DataPY-FR
T5F63Dynamic Mapping for Interface: Interfaced Wage TypesPY-FR
T5F64Coding Table InterfacePY-FR
T5F67Interface: Link PAC Payroll AreaPY-FR

Full List of SAP France Tables

SAP United Kingdom Tables

T56E1HR: Exception Reporting - Tolerance limit GroupingPY-GB
T56E2HR: Exception Reporting- RulesPY-GB
T56E3HR: Exception Reporting-Message TextPY-GB
T56E4HR: Exception Reporting-Subrule detailsPY-GB
T56E5HR-XX: Exception Reporting table listPY-GB
T56E6HR-XX: Exception Reporting table field's listPY-GB
T5G18Court Order CMECPY-GB
T5G38Minimum Pension Contribution Percentage - PAEPY-GB
T5G42HR-GB: National Insurance CategoriesPY-GB
T5G57HR-GB: Supplementary fields for P35PY-GB

Full List of SAP United Kingdom Tables

SAP Ireland Tables

T5IE1HR-IE: Personal Public Service Number suffix table.PY-IE
PA3294HR Master Record: Infotype 3294PY-IE
PA3359HR Master Record: Infotype 3359PY-IE
T7IEPS_ALLALL Constants & Texts (as required)PY-IE

SAP India Tables

P2IN_EPFPayroll structure for Provident Fund InfotypePY-IN
P2IN_ESIESI - Payroll Structure IndiaPY-IN
P2IN_EXMPayroll structure for exemptionsPY-IN
P2IN_GEMPayroll India - Global EmploymentPY-IN
P2IN_GRYPayroll structure for GratuityPY-IN
P2IN_HFSPayroll India - Hard Furnishing SchemePY-IN
P2IN_HRAHousing(HRA/CLA/COA) detailsPY-IN
P2IN_IOSIncome from other sourcesPY-IN
P2IN_LWFPayroll India - Labor Welfare FundPY-IN
P2IN_PETPayroll structure for previous employment tax detailsPY-IN

Full List of SAP India Tables

SAP Italy Tables

PA3206HR Master Record: Infotype 3206PY-IT
PA3214HR Master Record: Infotype 3214PY-IT
T5IT30Events and reasonsPY-IT
T5IT31Text table for events and reasonsPY-IT
T5IT32Entity table for event/reason codePY-IT
T5IT33Events and reasonsPY-IT
T5IT34Events and reasonsPY-IT
T5IT35Sender and CoCoCo Sections (Emens Declaration)PY-IT
T5IT36CoCoCo - Activity codesPY-IT
T5ITAICumulation wage types of recalculated differencesPY-IT

Full List of SAP Italy Tables

SAP Japan Tables

T5J19HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPNPY-JP
T5J1AHR-J: Overseas pay payment ratePY-JP
T5J20HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPNPY-JP
T5J35HR Indicator of Taxation JPNPY-JP
T5J36HR Tax Indicator Text JPNPY-JP
T5J37HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPNPY-JP
T5J38HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPNPY-JP
T5J39HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPNPY-JP
T5J40HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPNPY-JP
T5J41HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPNPY-JP

Full List of SAP Japan Tables

SAP South Korea Tables

T7KR32Standardized monthly compensationPY-KR
T7KRF0Family allowancePY-KR
T7KRP0Previous Company / Taxpayer AssociationPY-KR
T7KRP1Previous Company / Taxpayer Association TextPY-KR
T7KRR0Seniority allowancePY-KR
T7KRR1Seniory year calculation methodPY-KR
T7KRS1Weighted value for service periodPY-KR
T7KRS2Separation payment average calculation periodPY-KR
T7KRS3Wage type groupPY-KR
T7KRS4Wage Type Group TextsPY-KR

Full List of SAP South Korea Tables

SAP Mexico Tables

PA0427Debts by garnishmentPY-MX
PA0561Data for taxPY-MX
PA0654Personnel master record infotype 0654 (Termination)PY-MX
T7MX01Additional Company InformatonPY-MX
T7MX02Mexican reasons for personnel actionsPY-MX
T7MX03Assignment tax table to employee group/subgroupPY-MX
T7MX0PPersonnel area/subarea additional informationPY-MX
T7MX11Tax table typesPY-MX
T7MX12Tax tablesPY-MX

Full List of SAP Mexico Tables

SAP Malaysia Tables

T5LBABIK code tablePY-MY
T5LBTBIK (EA form) text table MalaysiaPY-MY
T5LRNTax Reporting Receipt no tablePY-MY
T5LSQSerial no Table for EA form - MalaysiaPY-MY
T5LTCTable for Tax Receipt EntryPY-MY
T5LSW_ALLALL Constants & Texts (as required)PY-MY

SAP The Netherlands Tables

HRPADNLP_LOG0015NL Pens: infortype 0015 log for Payroll ProcessPY-NL
HRPADNLP_LOGIMMENL Pens: Immediate Payments - log for Payroll ProcessPY-NL
HRPADNLP_LOGSTATNL Pens: Person posting status for FICAPY-NL

SAP Norway Tables

T5V0PAttributes of the Norwegian organisational structurePY-NO
T5V2GConnection org. numbers and rep. org. numberPY-NO
T5V2HAssessment limit (bunnfradrag) per legal org. no.PY-NO
T5V2IReporting organisational number for tax and ERC reportingPY-NO
T5V2JNACE codes (Business area codes; Næringskoder)PY-NO
T5V2KEntity table for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer)PY-NO
T5V2LEntity table for BedriftsnummerPY-NO
T5V2NConnection rep. org. no and status for ERC reportingPY-NO
T5V2OOrganisation group for AA register reportingPY-NO
T5V2TText table for NACE codesPY-NO

Full List of SAP Norway Tables

SAP New Zealand Tables

PT0416Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database TablePY-NZ
PT2001HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)PY-NZ
PT2006HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)PY-NZ
T7NZCTEmployee Categories - NZPY-NZ
T7NZGMPayroll Highlight Messages NZPY-NZ
T7NZIRInland Revenue Certificates NZPY-NZ
T7NZLALeave Accrual Id Table - NZPY-NZ
T7NZLBLeave Accrual Id Description - NZPY-NZ
T7NZLCLeave Payment Calculation Table - NZPY-NZ
T7NZLERelated Leave Type - NZPY-NZ

Full List of SAP New Zealand Tables

SAP Philippines Tables

PA0422SSS Philippines infotypePY-PH
PA0423HR Master Record: Infotype 0423PY-PH
PA0596PhilHealth Philippines InfotypePY-PH
PA0634Philippines Previous Employer Information Info-typePY-PH
T7PH0APersonnel area and personnel sub area groupingsPY-PH
T7PH0PCompanyEmployer DetailsPY-PH
T7PHCDBusiness DetailsPY-PH
T7PHCHPag-Ibig GroupingPY-PH
T7PHCPPag-Ibig GroupingPY-PH

Full List of SAP Philippines Tables

SAP Portugal Tables

T5P1JHR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPERPY-PT
T5P1THR-PT: Text table for the relation of tax calc.PY-PT
T5P1UHR-PT: Relation of reference amount WTs for tax calculationPY-PT
T5P1WHR-PT: Relation of wage types in tax calculationPY-PT
T5P2EHR-PT: Social Security ContributorPY-PT
T5P2MHR-PT: Social Security - Wage Types for 13th/14th MonthPY-PT
T5P2PHR-PT: Social Security Regimes - Payroll ProcessingPY-PT
T5P2UHR-PT: Social Security ContributorPY-PT
T5P6CHR-PT: CouncilsPY-PT
T5P6DHR-PT: DistrictsPY-PT

Full List of SAP Portugal Tables

SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables

PA3320HR Master Record: Infotype 3320PY-SA
PA3321HR Master Record: Infotype 3321PY-SA
PA3322HR Master Record: Infotype 3322PY-SA
PA3323HR Master Record: Infotype 3323PY-SA
PA3327HR Master Record: Infotype 3327PY-SA
PA3328HR Master Record: Infotype 3328PY-SA
PA3329HR Master Record: Infotype 3329PY-SA
PA3342HR Master Record: Infotype 3342PY-SA
PA3343HR Master Record: Infotype 3343PY-SA
PB3322HR Master Record: Infotype 3322PY-SA

Full List of SAP Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tables

SAP State of Qatar Tables

PA3335HR Master Record: Infotype 3335PY-QA
PA3336HR Master Record: Infotype 3336PY-QA
PA3337HR Master Record: Infotype 3337PY-QA
PA3338HR Master Record: Infotype 3338PY-QA
PA3339HR Master Record: Infotype 3339PY-QA
T7QAPBS01Pay Scale mapping tablePY-QA
T7QAPBS05Action CategoryPY-QA
T7QAPBS06Assign Action Type and Reason to Action CategoryPY-QA
T7QAPBS07Pay Scale Group SequencePY-QA
T7QAPBS08Job Attribute: Job Family and Function AreaPY-QA

Full List of SAP State of Qatar Tables

SAP Sweden Tables

T5S0RAbsence category (SE)PY-SE
T5SPPHR-SE: Information needed to be reported to AlectaPY-SE
T5SXMXML Node Mapping with Payslip FormPY-SE

SAP Singapore Tables

T5R1MHR-SG: MembershipsPY-SG
T5R2CRate for CPF deduction by festival advance paymentPY-SG
T5R3AHR-SG: AWS Union Subscription RatesPY-SG
T5R8A_CAPCapping for IR8A BIK wagetypesPY-SG

SAP USA Tables

T51G2Off-Cycle Batch TablePY-US
T51R1Remittance evaluation run dataPY-US
T51R2Remittance posting run dataPY-US
T51R3Remittance acknowledgement run dataPY-US
T51R4Remittance origin link data per personnel no.PY-US
T51R5Remittance accumulated posting dataPY-US
T51R6Remittance origin data per symbolic accountPY-US
T51R8Remittance evaluation run per payroll resultPY-US
T51RAHR payee derived from wage typePY-US
T51RDRemittance rule derivation per HR accumulator and amountPY-US

Full List of SAP USA Tables

SAP South Africa Tables

T5W11Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - EquityPY-ZA
T5W13Link job category occupational level Employment equity.PY-ZA
T5W30Termination categoriesPY-ZA
T5W31Termination CategoriesPY-ZA
T5W61SARS Interface : Status Check TablePY-ZA
T5W62SARS Interface : Status DescriptionPY-ZA
T5W63SARS Interface : Run AttributesPY-ZA
T5W64SARS Interface : Employee StatusPY-ZA
T5W65SARS Interface : Certificates IssuedPY-ZA
T5W66SARS Interface : PAYE Reference Number AttributesPY-ZA

Full List of SAP South Africa Tables