SAP Table - TCNG

DescriptionNetwork/hierarchy graphics: graphics profile
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryBasis Components
Sub CategoryFrontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184)

SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables

IACTU_CHTML Templates (Language-Independent) for Version ManagementBC-FES
BDSLOIOT14BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information ObjectsBC-FES
W3JSCRTWAB: Texts for JavaScript FilesBC-FES
TGSUFSAP Structural Graphics: Check Table for FormsBC-FES
TLSU7SAP Structural Graphics: Line TypesBC-FES
TBCCColor types in bar chartBC-FES
TCNNNetwork/hierarchy graphics: profiles for nodesBC-FES
TOLETWorkflow Object Types: Texts OLE ApplicationsBC-FES
CNTLSTREAMAdministration of components, BLOBS (Binary Large OBjectS)BC-FES
BDSLOPR14BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information ObjectsBC-FES

Full List of SAP Frontend Services - Use subcomponents (see SAP Note 1322184) Tables