Table | Description | Module |
TDBL | Form line items (credit stnd.check, doc.values, csh budget) | FS-CML |
TD20 | Allocation of key for wording / Order | FS-CML |
TD19 | Organizational Unit (Contract Management) | FS-CML |
TDP0 | Selection, Modification- and Reference Fields | FS-CML |
TD18 | Business regions | FS-CML |
TD17 | Branch office | FS-CML |
TDO8 | Property Conditions for Collateral Objects | FS-CML |
TD16 | Borrower's note security value table | FS-CML |
TD15 | Residential development financing types | FS-CML |
TDO7 | Administration cost types | FS-CML |
TD14 | Value table for tax preferential treatment ID | FS-CML |
TZFO | Release object for release procedure | FS-CML |
TD13 | Type of offer or contract acceptance | FS-CML |
TD12 | Storage location indicator for file original documents | FS-CML |
TDO5 | Valuation rating base | FS-CML |
TDP1 | File register definition | FS-CML |
TD22 | Special arrangement indicators | FS-CML |
TZFS | Release status definition for the release procedure | FS-CML |
TDP6 | File categories | FS-CML |
TDO2 | Part of building name | FS-CML |
TDP4 | Alloc. of activity type and flow category to condition type | FS-CML |
TDP3 | File register/function allocation | FS-CML |
TDA5 | Non-Accept.Reason | FS-CML |
TDP2 | File functions | FS-CML |
VDLV | Contracts/Credit (life ins., build.savings etc) basic data | FS-CML |
VDZV | Payment Details for the Loan | FS-CML |
TD30 | Distribution Channel | FS-CML |
TZ35 | Value table credit class regulatory reporting | FS-CML |
TZIC | Product Type Investor Contract | FS-CML |
TZ34 | Value Table Credit Type Regulatory Reporting | FS-CML |
TD28 | Notice arrangements (lender) | FS-CML |
TD27 | Loan notice types | FS-CML |
TD11 | Home statement | FS-CML |
TD07 | Purpose of loan | FS-CML |
TDO1 | Object construction methods table | FS-CML |
TD04 | Reason for Notice | FS-CML |
TDVK | Accts to be summarized during data transfer from R/3 -> R/2 | FS-CML |
TDST | Texts for possible assignees | FS-CML |
TD03 | Assign Loan Type -> Product Type | FS-CML |
TD09 | Loan Maturity | FS-CML |
TD02 | Table of Loan Classes | FS-CML |
TD01 | Table for collateral keys | FS-CML |
TDL1 | Collat.securities preferential treatment ID table | FS-CML |
TDL3 | Pledge status indicator table | FS-CML |
VDPN | Prima nota number | FS-CML |
TDL2 | Indicator Table Guarantee Type 1 | FS-CML |
TD06 | Document type | FS-CML |
TD29 | Notice Arrangement for Borrower | FS-CML |
TD10 | Indicator for special treatment of loan | FS-CML |
TDO4 | Type of valuation procedure | FS-CML |
TDS1 | Possible assignees | FS-CML |
TDLO | Loan report layout parameters | FS-CML |
TDO3 | Valuation qualification indicator | FS-CML |
TZB31 | Assignment of Processing Categories to Processing Key | FS-CML |
TDPZB | IS-IS Loans installation parameters for company codes | FS-CML |
TDPZ6 | CML Correspondence Role Type | FS-CML |
TZN02 | Number components | FS-CML |
TZB34 | Payment PP: Default Payment Meth. for Refund by Bank Transf. | FS-CML |
TDPZZ | IS-IS Loans: Installation parameters on client level | FS-CML |
TZB33 | Pmnt PP: Default Susp. Acct Cust. for Refund by Bank Transf. | FS-CML |
TZB32 | Name of User Function Keys | FS-CML |
TDR01 | Valuation of loan contract | FS-CML |
TZICT | Product Type Text for Investor Contract | FS-CML |
TZN04 | Standard check digit procedure table | FS-CML |
VDGPO | Loan: Relationship Partner/Role Object | FS-CML |
TZN03 | Number components (Text) | FS-CML |
TZN01 | Product type numbers | FS-CML |
TZKMT | Event-controlled modification of condition flows | FS-CML |
TZBKL | Logic for creating and updating value date reference units | FS-CML |
TZKMK | Event-controlled modification of condition items | FS-CML |
TDRXX | Foreign currency loan with special coverage | FS-CML |
TZFO1 | Definition of release objects | FS-CML |
TDSOD | Special interest indicators text table | FS-CML |
TDSOZ | Special interest indicator for loans | FS-CML |
TZB43 | Account Clearing: Checks at Customer Account Level | FS-CML |
TZFOH | Release procedure: Object hierarchy for release | FS-CML |
TZFOT | Release object text | FS-CML |
TZB42 | Account Clearing: Checks at Contract Level | FS-CML |
TZFST | Release status definition texts | FS-CML |
TZB60 | Payment Type | FS-CML |
TZB41 | Account Clearing: Amount Limits | FS-CML |
TZB40 | Account Clearing: Excluded Flow Types | FS-CML |
TZKM1 | Event-controlled modification of condition items | FS-CML |
TZB50 | Internal Bank Numbers for Returned Direct Debit Charges | FS-CML |
TZB26 | Account group | FS-CML |
TDKK1 | Definition of Correspondence Class | FS-CML |
TDO12 | Indicator: Area Description for Object | FS-CML |
TDO1T | Texts for TD01 Object Construction Methods | FS-CML |
TDO2T | Text table for TD02 part of building name | FS-CML |
TDO3T | Valuation qualification ID// Text for TD03 | FS-CML |
TSZE1 | Sales data for acct statements | FS-CML |
TDO4T | Type of valuation procedure// Texts for TDO4 | FS-CML |
VDCOT | Condition Table | FS-CML |
TDO5T | Rating base valuation// Texts for TDO5 | FS-CML |
TDO11 | Indicator for Collateral Object Fixtures and Fittings | FS-CML |
TDO10 | Indicator for Condition of Object | FS-CML |
VDBED | Selection conditions for loans | FS-CML |
TDKK2 | Predefine Correspondence Class Assignment for Partner | FS-CML |
TDKKT | Correspondence Class Texts | FS-CML |
TDKWG | GBA control table-Output | FS-CML |
TDL1T | Collat.securities special treatment ID text table | FS-CML |
TDL21 | Indicator Table Guarantee Type 2 | FS-CML |
TDL2T | Text Table for Guarantee Type 1 Indicator | FS-CML |
TDL3T | Pledge status indicator text table | FS-CML |
VDBEL | Document relationship between FI and subledger document | FS-CML |
TDO7T | Text table for administration cost elements | FS-CML |
TDO8T | Property Conditions for Collateral Objects (Description) | FS-CML |
TDP2T | File Functions Texts | FS-CML |
TDP6T | File categories | FS-CML |
VDARL | Loans | FS-CML |
TZZTG | Transaction code - Correspondence activity allocation | FS-CML |
TZV51 | Form of address / Letter / ID | FS-CML |
TZV50 | Form of address / Letter / ID | FS-CML |
TZV0E | Type of restraint on drawing: Text table | FS-CML |
TZV05 | Types of restraint on drawing | FS-CML |
TDDG1 | Value table 1 User-specific loans key | FS-CML |
TDDG2 | Value table 2 User-specific loans key | FS-CML |
TDDG3 | Value table 3 User-specific loans key | FS-CML |
TDP0T | Selection, Modification and Reference Field Texts | FS-CML |
VDDAB | Data Transfer - Loans - Flows - Actual Records | FS-CML |
TDP1T | File register definition texts | FS-CML |
TDDGD | User-specific loan key 4 texts | FS-CML |
TDDGC | User-specific loan key 3 text tables | FS-CML |
TDDGB | User-specific loans key 2 text table | FS-CML |
TDDGA | User-specific loans key 1 text table | FS-CML |
TDDG4 | Value table 4 User-specific loans key | FS-CML |
TZPZE | Incoming payment distribution prioritization | FS-CML |
TZB11 | Activity-dependent one-time conditions | FS-CML |
TD29T | Notice arrangements (borrower) | FS-CML |
TDV08 | Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters | FS-CML |
TD28T | Notice arrangements (lender) | FS-CML |
TD27T | Notice Type for the Loan | FS-CML |
TD22T | Texts for special arrangement indicators | FS-CML |
TD20T | Texts for TD20 | FS-CML |
TD19T | Organizational Unit (Contract Management) | FS-CML |
TD18T | Business region text table | FS-CML |
TD17T | Branch office text table | FS-CML |
TD16T | Texts for borrower's note loan securities | FS-CML |
TD30T | Distribution Channel | FS-CML |
TD47D | Form selection legal dunning procedure in loans | FS-CML |
TD47E | Form selection for dunning notices | FS-CML |
TZB12 | Entry activities REHER | FS-CML |
TZB13 | Texts entry activities REHER | FS-CML |
TZB21 | Processing group | FS-CML |
VDZSB | Relationship Agent/Activity Type/Object | FS-CML |
VVBAG | Table for Writing Off Trivial Amounts | FS-CML |
TDA5T | Reason for non-acceptance (texts for TDA5) | FS-CML |
TDA14 | Field Control Loan Master Data Loans for Business Operations | FS-CML |
TDA12 | Loans master data field control | FS-CML |
TDA11 | Allocation of OK-codes to the | FS-CML |
TDA10 | Alloc. of to ok-codes and screen overview | FS-CML |
TD15T | Residential development financing types (text table) | FS-CML |
TD14T | Text table for TD14 (Tax preferential treatment ID) | FS-CML |
TD13T | Text table for TD13 (Contact/offer acceptance type) | FS-CML |
TD03T | Texts for Table TD03 security types | FS-CML |
TD03A | Define Loan Type | FS-CML |
TD01T | Text elements for TD01 Collat.sec.type | FS-CML |
MZDAT | Dunning and interest data for batch input | FS-CML |
VZFGD | Release data (Informative data for the release procedure) | FS-CML |
TZB22 | Processing Type | FS-CML |
TZB23 | Assign clerk | FS-CML |
DIV01 | Loans: External usage types of a rental unit | FS-CML |
VZFZE | Central entry table for release procedure | FS-CML |
TZB24 | Flow Type Group | FS-CML |
TD04T | Text table for TD04 (notice types) | FS-CML |
TD061 | Value table for type of file | FS-CML |
TD06A | Text table for TD061 Type of File | FS-CML |
TD12T | Filing indicator name for file original documents | FS-CML |
TD11T | Home statement (texts) | FS-CML |
TD10T | Indicator for special treatment of loan (texts) | FS-CML |
TD09T | Term of loan (texts) | FS-CML |
TD07T | Purpose of loan (Texts for table TD07) | FS-CML |
TD06U | Document groups dependent on statuses of transaction types | FS-CML |
TD06T | Text table for TD06 document types | FS-CML |
TD06G | Document group | FS-CML |
TD06F | Texts for document groups | FS-CML |
TD02T | Text Table for TD02 Loan Classes | FS-CML |
TZB25 | Assign Flow Type to Flow Type Group | FS-CML |
TZ35T | Text table for credit class regulatory reporting | FS-CML |
TVDTX | Predefinitions | FS-CML |
VDPNS | Assign prima notas to super prima nota | FS-CML |
TVZ01 | Control of incoming payments | FS-CML |
TVZ02 | Definition of criteria/memo rec. grouping/inc.pmnt distrib. | FS-CML |
TVZ03 | Flow control of advance payments and overpayments | FS-CML |
TVZ04 | Incoming payment distribution basic configuration | FS-CML |
TVZ06 | Incoming payment distribution criteria value table | FS-CML |
TVZ0A | Text table TVZ01 / Incoming payment distribution | FS-CML |
TVZ0B | Text table for incoming payments distribution criteria | FS-CML |
TVDST | Posting applications control table | FS-CML |
TTXMM | Tab. for document values temporarily stored for background | FS-CML |
TDV07 | Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters | FS-CML |
TDVZL | Dunnable payment methods for incoming payments in loans | FS-CML |
TZB30 | Processing Key | FS-CML |
TZFSP | Release status parameters | FS-CML |
TPNNR | Customizing prima nota | FS-CML |
TZB29 | Processing category | FS-CML |
TPNNT | Prima nota customizing texts | FS-CML |
TZB28 | Selection Key | FS-CML |
TZB27 | Assignment of G/L account to account group | FS-CML |
TZ34T | Text Table Credit Type Regulatory Reporting | FS-CML |
TZB04 | Flow Type Groups Definition for Cash Flow Display | FS-CML |
TZB0L | Texts: External flow types for evaluations | FS-CML |
TZB0W | Assign Activity Category - Reversal Transaction Grouping | FS-CML |
TZB0O | Separation, sort documents for posting interface | FS-CML |
TZB0P | Assign flow to a unit category | FS-CML |
TZB0S | Reversal logic of individual posting activities | FS-CML |
TZB0R | Allocation: Flow type groups and print columns in reports | FS-CML |
TZB0U | Assign Contract Type - Activity Category | FS-CML |
VDZKP | Assign Partner / Correspondence Class not Required | FS-CML |
TDB08 | Flow Types per Posting Application Additional Data | FS-CML |
TZB0N | Assign Contract Type - Relationship Cat. - Activity Cat. | FS-CML |
TDBLT | Text table for TDBL (debit and income types) | FS-CML |
TZB05 | Trans. type - Trans. type groups allocation for cash flow | FS-CML |
TZB08 | Flow types per posting application | FS-CML |
TDB23 | Activity Type - Control of Requirements | FS-CML |
TZB0D | Texts for transaction type groups | FS-CML |
TZB0J | Relationship: Flow type - External flow type | FS-CML |
TZB0K | External flow types for evaluations | FS-CML |
TDSTOP | Stops | FS-CML |
TDO11T | Indicator for Collateral Object Features (Description) | FS-CML |
VDBLPO | Debit types-Items | FS-CML |
TZB28T | Name of Selection Key | FS-CML |
VDAKTE | File with documents for loan allocation | FS-CML |
TDL21T | Text Table Indicator Guarantee Type 2 | FS-CML |
VDBLEW | Revenue value collateral value | FS-CML |
TZB22T | Name of Processing Type | FS-CML |
TZB24T | Name of Flow Type Group | FS-CML |
TZB21T | Name of Clerk (Processing Group) | FS-CML |
VDBLKO | Debit types-Header data | FS-CML |
TDO10T | Indicator for Condition of Object (Description) | FS-CML |
TZB29T | Name of Processing Category | FS-CML |
TZVORG | Transaction allocation - Date / Transaction / Number | FS-CML |
TZB30T | Name of processing key | FS-CML |
TVDSTX | Posting applications control table | FS-CML |
TDO12T | Object Area Description Indicator (Description) | FS-CML |
TZB26T | Name of Account Group | FS-CML |
TZB60T | Payment Cat.Description | FS-CML |
TDPZ6T | Description of the Correspondence Role Type | FS-CML |
VDAUSZ | Drawings on Disbursement | FS-CML |
VDAVIS | Payment advice note table | FS-CML |
TZKMTT | Event-controlled modification of condition items | FS-CML |
VDBEKI | Flow Data: Document Header for Actual Record | FS-CML |
VDBEPI | Posted line items for document header | FS-CML |
VDBEPP | Flow Data - Planned Item | FS-CML |
TZKMKT | Event-controlled modification of condition items | FS-CML |
VDSDV4 | Loan collateral in acc. with BAV/PRF4 | FS-CML |
VDCNCL | Rescission of Business Operation | FS-CML |
VDHOBJ | Collateral Objects | FS-CML |
VDDISB | Disbursement Specific Header Data | FS-CML |
VDPOKO | File header | FS-CML |
VDSDV5 | Collateral in securities in acc. with BAV/PRF5 | FS-CML |
VDHINT | Loans Interested Parties | FS-CML |
VDDUNN | Dunning run data per loan and dunning run | FS-CML |
VDCOTT | Texts for Condition Table | FS-CML |
VDPOPO | File item | FS-CML |
VDDAST | TR-EDT: Transfer Loans | FS-CML |
VDSTAT | Status table for loan CATT procedures | FS-CML |
VDUNTR | File documents for loan allocation | FS-CML |
VDVORK | Table for preemption conditions | FS-CML |
VDPNNR | Customizing prima nota number | FS-CML |
VDHOKO | Main file header | FS-CML |
VDBLSS | Collateral Val. Real Value Other | FS-CML |
VDDARL | Table for entering loan numbers and customers | FS-CML |
VDMEKO | Condition Table: Header | FS-CML |
VDMEPOV | Condition Table: Variant Item | FS-CML |
VDBLBAW | Collateral Value Building Value | FS-CML |
VDORDER | Borrower's note loan order data | FS-CML |
VDLVABL | Maturity data for collateral (Life insurances) | FS-CML |
TDPR_VA | Version Attribute | FS-CML |
TDMAZNB | Customizing: Automatic Incoming Payment Postprocessing | FS-CML |
VDMEPOM | Condition Table: Modification Item | FS-CML |
VDBLBOW | Land value collateral value | FS-CML |
VDBLREW | Collateral Value Gross Revenue Value per Building Part | FS-CML |
TDPAYMS | Assignment Dunning Level Payment Status Stop Codes | FS-CML |
VDKOREF | Worklist File for Bal. Sheet Transfer / Acct Assignment Ref. | FS-CML |
TDBUDAT | Default Posting Date | FS-CML |
VDBLSWT | Collateral Value Real Value Resid. Prop./Part-Owners. | FS-CML |
VDVORTR | Loan carry-forward totals | FS-CML |
TDREMIT | Remittance Code | FS-CML |
VDHGRPF | Encumbrances on real estate table | FS-CML |
VDBOINS | Business Operation Insurance Data | FS-CML |
VDCAPTR | CAPTR: Master Data of Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
VDSONSI | Special Arrangements for Collateral | FS-CML |
TDREMITT | Remittance Code Description | FS-CML |
TDOPAPPL | Application Descriptions CML | FS-CML |
VDARL_EU | Loans: Currency Data Before EURO Conversion | FS-CML |
VDHOBJGT | Object building parts | FS-CML |
VDARLSIC | Collateral for loan (relationship table) | FS-CML |
VDARLDVS | Print and dispatch control data for VDARL | FS-CML |
VDHOBJBL | Determination of collateral value/Expert report of object | FS-CML |
TDORIGIN | Loan Origin | FS-CML |
VDARL_RP | adContract - Repayment Plan Data | FS-CML |
VDBOHEAD | Business Operation: Header | FS-CML |
TZANGVOR | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator | FS-CML |
TDIOA_BO | Interest on Arrears Active in BO Interest on Arrears Calc. | FS-CML |
VDBLBEWI | Administration costs | FS-CML |
VDBOBEPP | Business Operation: Entered and Activated Flow Data | FS-CML |
TRDC_REC | Summarization of Loan Document Items: Carryforward Records | FS-CML |
TRDC_ADM | Loan Document Data Summarization: Administration Table | FS-CML |
VDCHGPTR | Change Pointers Loan | FS-CML |
TDCHARAC | Processing Characteristics | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_T | Text Elements for TDSTOP Stops | FS-CML |
VDARLOBJ | Loan objects relationship table | FS-CML |
TDPROFILE | Field Catalog - Profile | FS-CML |
TZANGVORT | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator | FS-CML |
TDSUBROLE | BP: Business Partner - Role Type | FS-CML |
LOANREF_O | Records of Loan Reference Unit for Open Items | FS-CML |
VDAD_HIST | Auto Debits, Historical Data | FS-CML |
LOANREF_V | Reference Recs of Loan Ref. Unit for Val-Dated Cumulation | FS-CML |
TDDEFPROD | Control Dunning Using Product Type | FS-CML |
TDBAFINGP | Customizing Table for Roles Relevant for BaFin | FS-CML |
TDALE_EXP | ALE Export Relevance per Company Code | FS-CML |
TDPMTTYPE | Payment Cat. | FS-CML |
TDCHGCATG | Change Category | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_PM | CML specific Customizing for Payment Method (SEPA) | FS-CML |
TDCHARAC2 | Processing Characteristics | FS-CML |
TDCOMPVAR | Field Catalog - Components Variants | FS-CML |
VDKOPO_EU | Condition Item Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans) | FS-CML |
VDKOKO_EU | Condition Header Data Before EURO Conversion (Loans) | FS-CML |
TDCBR_PAR | Define Parameters for Credit Bureau | FS-CML |
TDCORRESP | Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable | FS-CML |
TTKWGDATA | Work Table for GBA 24c | FS-CML |
VDREF_INT | Customizing table for Reference Interest Rate | FS-CML |
VDEXTSKIP | Master Data Extension and Skip | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_DD | Sepa DD - Lead Time Determination | FS-CML |
TDBUDAT_T | Texts: Default Posting Date | FS-CML |
TDREFBASE | References to Basis Amounts (Calculation Bases, Cap Amnts) | FS-CML |
VDESCROW0 | TEMPORARY USE: Escrow-Specific Master Data | FS-CML |
LOANREF_A | Reference Records of Loan Reference Unit for Disbursement | FS-CML |
TDHIERSET | Hierarchy Settings | FS-CML |
VDBEPI_EU | Flow Data / Actual Position Before EURO Conversion | FS-CML |
VDCOT_VER | Versions of Condition Tables | FS-CML |
VDCAPITAL | Data for Capitalization of Overdue Items | FS-CML |
TDLOANFKO | Condition Types per Application Partial Function Loans | FS-CML |
TDDUNNLVL | Dunning Levels by Number of Overdue Installments | FS-CML |
TDORGUNIT | Field Catalog - Organizational Unit | FS-CML |
VDBEPP_EU | Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover | FS-CML |
VDCHK_IOA | Results of Interest on Arrears Check | FS-CML |
VDAUSZ_EU | Disbursement Drawings Before EURO Conversion | FS-CML |
TDIPDPLAN | Payment Plan Hierarchy | FS-CML |
VDARL_RLS | Direct Debits Per Contract | FS-CML |
TDESRT049E | CML Corr.: Assignment Posting Area - ISR Participant Number | FS-CML |
TDOPAPPL_T | Application Indicators Text Table | FS-CML |
VDDISBTEMP | Disbursements That Were Not Released | FS-CML |
TDSUBROLET | BP: Business Partner - Name of Role Type | FS-CML |
TZKV_ADDON | Correspondence Activities | FS-CML |
TDPR_PRODV | Version of a Prodcut, Master Data | FS-CML |
VDORDER_EU | Order Data for Borrower's Note Loans Before EURO Conversion | FS-CML |
TDTZPA_EXT | Activate Country-Specific Functions | FS-CML |
TDCAP_COND | Condition amount for capitalization | FS-CML |
TDCAP_CUST | Settings/Preassignments for Capitalization of Overdue Items | FS-CML |
TDHIERPLAN | Hierarchy Plan | FS-CML |
TRISKCLASS | Value Characteristics of Risk Classes | FS-CML |
TDCHARAC_T | Processing Characteristics | FS-CML |
TDCBRSTSMA | Assignment of Status Profile to Credit Bureau Field | FS-CML |
TDESRTZB0A | CML Corr.: Sequence When Printing Items | FS-CML |
TDREFBASET | Text Table for References to Basis Amounts | FS-CML |
TDSETBUDAT | Set Additional Posting Information per Appliation | FS-CML |
TDFLOW_EXT | Permitted Flow Types Per Region | FS-CML |
TDDEF_CUST | Settings/Preassignments for Deferral | FS-CML |
VDWORKLIST | Loan Worklist for Postprocessing | FS-CML |
LOANREF_OS | Saved Ref. Records Open Items per Business Operation No. | FS-CML |
TDPREPKRIT | Prepayment Criteria | FS-CML |
TDPMTTYPET | Payment Cat.Description | FS-CML |
VDZNB_HEAD | Pmnt Postproc.: Header for a Payment Postprocessing Activity | FS-CML |
TDLOS_SAVE | Loan Origination: SAVE modules for saving loans | FS-CML |
VDZNB_SEPA | Pmnt Postproc.: Storage of SEPA Return Data | FS-CML |
TDHIERKRIT | Evaluation Criteria | FS-CML |
TDIPDRULES | Customizing Table, Definition of Processing Rules | FS-CML |
TDIPDPLANT | Texts for Payment Plan Hierarchy | FS-CML |
TDCOMPVART | Field Catalog - Components Varients Text Table | FS-CML |
VDDEFERRAL | Deferral Data | FS-CML |
TDDEFCMETH | Determination of Counter Method Using Dunning Procedure | FS-CML |
VDCBR_HIST | History of Data Supplied to Credit Bureau | FS-CML |
TDLOANFUNC | Flow Types per Application Subfunction for Loans | FS-CML |
TDBO_CONDN | Standard Conditions | FS-CML |
TDDEF_COND | Condition amount for deferral | FS-CML |
TDORIGIN_T | Loan Origin: Text Table | FS-CML |
TDPROFILET | Field Catalog - Profiles Text Table | FS-CML |
TDBILL_PAR | Settings for Billing | FS-CML |
TDPRODPLAN | Assignment of Product Type to IP Distribution Plan | FS-CML |
TDCLI_OCCUP | Table of Occupational Keys for Credit Life Insurance | FS-CML |
TDSEPA_CUST | SEPA Activation per Company Code | FS-CML |
TDCLI_INS_1 | Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates | FS-CML |
VDBOBEPP_EU | Flow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_APPL | Stop Applications | FS-CML |
TDHIERKRITT | Incoming Payments: Assignment Criteria Texts | FS-CML |
TDCHARAC2_T | Processing Characteristics Text Table | FS-CML |
VDZNB_USAGE | Payment Postprocessing: Usage of a Payment Postpr. Activity | FS-CML |
TDIPDRULEST | Text Table for Rule Key | FS-CML |
VDBOHEAD_EU | Business Operation: Header | FS-CML |
VDRISKCLASS | Risk Classification for Individual Value Adjustment | FS-CML |
VDREPAYMENT | Payoff Master Data | FS-CML |
VDREMIT_BUS | Assignment of Partner to Remittance Code | FS-CML |
VDBILL_HIST | Billing History | FS-CML |
TDAPPLBUDAT | Check Table: Permitted Defaults Posting Date per Application | FS-CML |
VDCHK_AWKEY | Storage of unique links between FI and CML doc | FS-CML |
VDCHARACDOC | Processing Characteristics: Change Documents | FS-CML |
TDMAHNS_MAN | Loans: Manual Dunning Level | FS-CML |
TDIOA_TEMPL | Template for Interest On Arrears Calculation | FS-CML |
TDPREPKRITT | Texts for Prepayment Criteria | FS-CML |
TDCUSTCHECK | Control Table Customizing Checks | FS-CML |
TDDEF_LIMIT | Limit table for deferral interest | FS-CML |
TDCOND_PROP | Currency-Dependent Default Setting of Conditions | FS-CML |
VDCORR_ALOI | Loans: Search Index for Correspondence (Document Finder) | FS-CML |
VDAD_RESULT | Result Table for Auto Debit Collection | FS-CML |
TDCOTYP_ACT | Assignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type | FS-CML |
TDPR_VA_FLD | Version Attribute Category Field | FS-CML |
TDPAYM_PLAN | PPM: Condition Types for Payment Plans | FS-CML |
TDCHGCATG_T | Change Category Text Table | FS-CML |
TDREMIT_ZIP | Assignment of Remittance Code to Postal Code | FS-CML |
TZPAB_ADDON | Addon for Financial Assets Management product types | FS-CML |
VDDUNN_DISP | Dunning run data per loan and dunning run | FS-CML |
VDDD_HEADER | Loans: Header Data - Lines Layout | FS-CML |
VDDEBTTRANS | Borrower Change Without Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
VDCHK_PARAM | Table for Global Parameters | FS-CML |
VDARLINSURE | Do Not Use: Insurance Policies for Loan (Relationship Table) | FS-CML |
TDLOC_ACTIVE | Activate Localization | FS-CML |
TDCAP_POSTPR | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capitalization | FS-CML |
VDBILL_ITEMS | Billing Items | FS-CML |
VDAPPOFF_RES | Residence Time for Model Calculation Archiving | FS-CML |
TDPR_PRODUCT | Product, Master Data | FS-CML |
VDAD_CONTROL | Table with Dates for Auto Debit Run | FS-CML |
TDIOA_BO_MGL | Interest on Arrears Active in BO for Mortgage/General Loans | FS-CML |
VDCBR_RES_HT | Header and Totals Records for Data Reported to Credit Bur. | FS-CML |
TDBO_BALANCE | Flow Grouping for Calculation of Interest on Arrears | FS-CML |
VZFZE_VDBEPP | Central Entry Table for Release Procedure | FS-CML |
VZFZE_VDBEKI | Central Entry Table for Release Procedure | FS-CML |
VZFZE_VDAUSZ | Central Entry Table for Release Procedure | FS-CML |
TDDEF_POSTPR | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing | FS-CML |
TDDEF_GSTEER | General Control Data | FS-CML |
TDPAYMLIMITS | Limits for Prepayment | FS-CML |
TDDISB_TEMPL | Disbursement: Template | FS-CML |
TDIOA_GSTEER | General Control Data for Interest on Arrears Calculation | FS-CML |
TDPLANNRSUSP | U.S. Incoming Payment: Reasons for Qualified Overpayments | FS-CML |
TDPREPKRITFT | Flow Type for Prepayment Criteria | FS-CML |
TDBILL_CATEG | Invoice categories | FS-CML |
VZFZE_VDNBZE | Central Entry Table for Release Procedure | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_FV | Condition Verification: Define Permitted Field Values | FS-CML |
TDDEF_REASON | Reason for Deferral | FS-CML |
TDPR_VA_FLDM | Version Attribute Category Field: Multiple Value Fields | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_FC | Condition Verification: Define Field Properties | FS-CML |
TDCHGCATGSUB | Change Sub-Category | FS-CML |
TDSUSPREASON | System Table - Reasons for Suspense | FS-CML |
VDCHK_DOC_IP | Payments for Subsequent Posting | FS-CML |
TDESC_REASON | Reason Categories | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_FP | Condition Verfier: Field Item Customizing | FS-CML |
TDESRVDINVIH | CML Corr.: Invoice Header | FS-CML |
TDFIELDGROUP | Field Catalog - Field Groups | FS-CML |
TDESRVDINVIP | CML Corr.: Invoice Positions | FS-CML |
VDCORR_CNTRL | Control Table for Creation of Correspondence | FS-CML |
TDMAHNS_MANT | Loans: Text for Manual Dunning Level | FS-CML |
TDWAIVE_BEWA | Flow Types Excluded From Waiver Display | FS-CML |
TDCBRSTATFLD | Assignment of Status Field No. to Credit Bureau Field Name | FS-CML |
TDCAP_REASON | Reason for Capitalizn | FS-CML |
TRISKCLASS_T | Description of Risk Classes TRISKCLASS | FS-CML |
TDCOMPONENTS | Field Catalog - Components | FS-CML |
VDESCROWGUID | Escrow Reference Table for VDARL | FS-CML |
TDLOS_INS_BP | Loan Origination: Business Partner Data for CLI Calculation | FS-CML |
VDMAP_LABELS | Loans: Mapping Table Data Fields for Descriptions | FS-CML |
VDLOANCHARAC | Processing Characteristics per Loan | FS-CML |
VDLINK_DD2SF | Drawdowns for sub-facility | FS-CML |
TDCAP_GSTEER | General Control Data | FS-CML |
VDCHK_IOA_OI | Check Interest on Arrears - Open Items | FS-CML |
VDZNB_PAYMENT | Payment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity | FS-CML |
VDCO_PRO_ASS2 | Assignment: Product ---> Condition Table | FS-CML |
VDIOA_CALC_CF | Original Documents Without Model Account Int. on Arrears | FS-CML |
VDDEF_COUNTER | Number of Times in Arrears per Days Past Due Category | FS-CML |
VDZNB_PAYINFO | Payment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity | FS-CML |
VDCO_PRO_ASS1 | Assignment: Product + Parameters ---> Condition Table | FS-CML |
VDARC_DOC_REC | Carryforward Records for Reorganization of Loan Doc. Items | FS-CML |
TDBILL_CATEGT | Description of Billing Categories | FS-CML |
VDBEPI_SHADOW | Shadow Table for VDBEPI (Restrictions) | FS-CML |
VDCFWAREHOUSE | Cash Flow Management | FS-CML |
VDESCROWKOKO0 | TEMPORARY USE: Escrow Condition Headers | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_DD_ACC | Settings for Access Sequence (SEPA Direct Debit) | FS-CML |
VDESCROWKOPO0 | TEMPORARY USE: Escrow Condition Items | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_RETRSN | SEPA Return Reasons | FS-CML |
VDARC_BP_RETN | Start of retention time for BP with respect to Loans | FS-CML |
VDBEKI_SHADOW | Shadow Table for VDBEKI (Restrictions) | FS-CML |
VDSUBFACILITY | Sub-facility data | FS-CML |
VDARC_DOC_ADM | Admin. Table for Reorganization of Loan Document Data | FS-CML |
VDARC_DOC_IND | Index Table for the Loan Document Data Archiving | FS-CML |
VDCBR_CONTROL | Data Selection for Credit Bureau | FS-CML |
VDCOT_VER_CON | Conditions in the Condition Table | FS-CML |
TDPR_PRODTYPE | Product Category | FS-CML |
TDIA_ORD_CRIT | Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria | FS-CML |
TDIA_OPAY_ORD | Outgoing Payment Sequence of Evaluation Criteria | FS-CML |
TDFLDCATALOGT | Field Catalog - Field Catalog Text Table | FS-CML |
TDFIELDGROUPT | Field Catalog - Field Groups Text Table | FS-CML |
TDESC_TYPEMAP | Assign a New Key to Escrow Flow Category for FIMA | FS-CML |
TDESC_REASONT | Reason Descriptions | FS-CML |
TDDISB_REASON | Reasons for Manual Postprocessing | FS-CML |
TDDISB_GSTEER | General control data | FS-CML |
TDINSURE_CAT0 | Do Not Use: Insurance Categories | FS-CML |
TDIOA_SCHEMET | Text Table for Profile Definition IOA Calculation | FS-CML |
TDLOANSUBFUNC | Application subfunction for loans | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTRTYPE | Attribute Type | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTRTREE | Attribute Hierarchy | FS-CML |
TDPAYM_METHOD | Payment Method for Credit Life Insurance Included in Loan | FS-CML |
TDORGPROFILES | Field Catalog - Organization Profiles | FS-CML |
TDNONDUEITEMS | "Billed but Not Due" Charges | FS-CML |
TDLOS_PURPOSE | Loan Origination: Assignment of Loan Purpose | FS-CML |
TDLOS_CONTROL | Loan Origination: Control Parameters | FS-CML |
TDLOAN_CPPART | Default Sttng of Permitted Roles and Roles for Partner Copy | FS-CML |
TDDEF_REASONT | Texts for Reason for Deferral | FS-CML |
TDDEF_POSTPRT | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Texts | FS-CML |
TDCHARACVALUE | Values for Processing Characteristics | FS-CML |
TDCAP_REASONT | Reason for Capitalization: Texts | FS-CML |
TDCAP_POSTPRT | Customizing Table: Reason for Postprocessing Capital. Texts | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_TEMPL | Templates for Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_REPCH | Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
TDBO_CFEXC_IN | Exception Table for Inflow Behavior | FS-CML |
TDBO_BALANCET | Text Table for Flow Grouping to Calculate Int. on Arrears | FS-CML |
TDBILL_FORMAT | Bill Format (Paper Bill / Paperless Bill) | FS-CML |
ATRESERVATION | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator | FS-CML |
TDCOMPONENTST | Field Catalog - Componenets Text Table | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_ACP | Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation | FS-CML |
TDDEBTTR_PAYM | Payment info. for reactivated items after borrower change | FS-CML |
TDDDPRODGROUP | Drawdown product group | FS-CML |
TDDC_TABSTRIP | Tabstrips Control | FS-CML |
TDCUSTFIELDST | Field Catalog - Customizing Field Status | FS-CML |
TDCO_OPT_TEXT | Correspondence Tool: Optional Text Modules | FS-CML |
TDCOT_FLDCTRL | Field Control for Condition Item | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_MSG | Condition Verification: Update Checks and Define Msge Type | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_CPV | Condition Verification: Permitted Condition Constellation | FS-CML |
TDACCOUNTDETS | Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_ACTION | Stop Actions | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_TEMPL | Table for Payoff and Notice Templates | FS-CML |
TDUSEREXIT14T | Pushbutton Text for Loans Master Data Tabstrip(User Exit 14) | FS-CML |
TDTZB0A_CHECK | Internal Checks for Flow Types in Customizing | FS-CML |
TDPRODPROFILE | Field Catalog - Assignment of Profiles to Products | FS-CML |
TDWAIVE_RULET | Texts for Waiver Rules | FS-CML |
TDWAIVE_RULES | Waiver Rules | FS-CML |
TDLOANREPLACE | General Data for Discharging Loan | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_APPL_T | Text Elements for TDSSTOP_APPL Stop Applications | FS-CML |
TDSPECPAYMENT | Assignment and Prioritizing of Flow Types to Payment Cat. | FS-CML |
TDPR_PRODUCTT | Product Description | FS-CML |
TDRP_FLOW_TYPE | Repayment schedule: relevant flow types | FS-CML |
TDRP_COND_TYPE | Repayment schedule: relevant condition types | FS-CML |
TDDC_TABSTRIPT | Tabstrip Text Control | FS-CML |
TRLET_BUSTRANS | OBSOLETE: Previous Solution: BOs Transferred from Loans Area | FS-CML |
TDCOT_LOANFUNC | List of Application Functions Supported (Condition Table) | FS-CML |
TDCO_USER_TEXT | Definition of Custom Text for Correspondence Tool | FS-CML |
TDDISB_REASONT | Texts for Reasons for Manual Postprocessing | FS-CML |
VDCOT_V_CON_PO | Condition Items in the Condition Table | FS-CML |
TDIA_ORD_CRITT | Outgoing Payment Evaluation Criteria Texts | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_PRCOND | Condition Type Determination for the Payoff | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_REASON | Payoff Reasons | FS-CML |
TDHIERKRITSORT | Incoming Payment: Assignment Table | FS-CML |
TDHIERKRITPRIO | Incoming Payment: Order of Evaluation Criteria | FS-CML |
TDFIELDCATALOG | Field Catalog - Field Catalog | FS-CML |
VDCLI_CNCL_DIS | Business Operation: CLI Rescission/Notice | FS-CML |
TDFACILITYPROD | Facility products | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_REJECT | Rejection Reasons | FS-CML |
TDDUNN_CORRESP | Fields for Correspondence, e.g. Action if Undeliverable | FS-CML |
TDDRAWDOWNPROD | Drawdown Products | FS-CML |
VDCOT_VER_CONT | Texts for Conditions | FS-CML |
VDCBR_RES_PART | Partner Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Pro Loan) | FS-CML |
VDINSURE_ITEM0 | Do Not Use: Insurance - Fields with Changeable Content | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_GSTEER | General Control Data of Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_MND_USG | Overview of mandates used in Loans Management | FS-CML |
TDBO_CFHEAD_IN | Header Entry for Control of Inflow Behavior | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_RETRSNT | SEPA Return Reasons (Text) | FS-CML |
TDBO_CFEXC_OUT | Exception Table for Outflow Behavior | FS-CML |
VDSTOP_VDARL_A | Assign Stop to Loan | FS-CML |
TDBILL_FORMATT | Description of Bill Format (with Print / without Print) | FS-CML |
TDAPPLICATIONS | Field Catalog - Applications | FS-CML |
TDALE_EXP_LOAN | ALE Export Relevance Per Loan | FS-CML |
LTMC_DISP_TEMP | Generic store for extracts | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_POSTPR | Indicator Manual Postprocessing | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_AUTODEB | Records for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit) | FS-CML |
VDIOA_CALC_DET | Progress (Interest) of Model Account IOA Calculation | FS-CML |
TDCONDCATEGORY | Condition Category | FS-CML |
TDCL_EXCEPTION | Consumer Loans: Correspondence Without Correspondence Tool | FS-CML |
TDCHGCATGSUB_T | Change Sub-Category Text Table | FS-CML |
VDMSG_FOR_COND | Message type for different condition types | FS-CML |
TDCHARACVALUE2 | Values for Processing Characteristics | FS-CML |
TDWAIVE_REASON | Reasons for Automatic Waiver of Charges | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_TRANSB | Transfer Behavior Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
VDPOST_CONTROL | Data Selection for Debit Position | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_REPCHT | Texts for Repayment Change Indicator Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_REASON | Capital Transfer Reasons | FS-CML |
ATRESERVATIONT | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator | FS-CML |
TDOPTOOL_ZAHLS | Payment Lock in Lock Management per Application | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_GSTEER | General Control Data for Payoff and Notice | FS-CML |
TDPR_TA_PRTYPE | Assignment of Transaction Code to Product Category | FS-CML |
TDNOTEP_REFTYP | Assign Note to Payee in PMW | FS-CML |
TDIOA_SCHM_TPL | Default Calculation Profile for New Loan | FS-CML |
TDIOA_TEMPLTXT | Template Texts for Interest on Arrears Calculation | FS-CML |
TDIOA_TRIV_AMT | Trivial Amount per Currency and Profile IOA Calculation | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_CLRPRF | Clearing Profile | FS-CML |
TDLOS_FEE_CODE | Loan Origination: Permitted Charges/Insurance Policies | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTRFIELD | Attribute: Field Description | FS-CML |
TDPROFILEFIELD | Field Catalog - Field Status for Profiles | FS-CML |
VDBILL_CONTROL | Bill Control | FS-CML |
TDPREPKRITPRIO | Priority of Prepayment Criteria | FS-CML |
TDLOS_MAP_PAYF | Loan Origination: Assignment of Payment Methods | FS-CML |
TDORGPROFILEST | Field Catalog - Organization Profiles Text Table | FS-CML |
VDCBR_RES_DATA | Table of Data Reported to Credit Bureau (Per Loan) | FS-CML |
TDPR_PRODTYPET | Description Product Category | FS-CML |
TDPR_KEYPREFIX | Prefix for Attributes and Profiles | FS-CML |
TDINSURE_TYPE0 | Do Not Use: Insurance Categories | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTR_TRSP | Log Imported Transports for Attributes | FS-CML |
TDLOANSUBFUNCT | Name of Application Subfunction in Loans | FS-CML |
TDIOA_BAL_COND | Assignment Condition Type to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calc. | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTR_CUST | Structure/Table Names for Unrestricted Attribute Usage | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTRTYPET | Description of Attribute Type | FS-CML |
TDLOS_MAP_COND | Loan Origination: Assignment of Conditions | FS-CML |
TDOPTOOL_EXCEPT | Exception Table for the OP Lock Tool | FS-CML |
VDARL_PAYM_PLAN | References from Premium Plans to Relevant Objects | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_TRANSBT | Texts for Transfer Behavior | FS-CML |
VDMODELCALC_RES | Residence Time for Model Calculation Archiving | FS-CML |
TDCHARACVALUE_T | Processing Characteristic Value Text Table | FS-CML |
TDCLI_INSURANCE | Table of Credit Life Insurance Rates | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_CLRPRFT | Clearing Profile Description | FS-CML |
TDLOS_MAP_TARIF | Loan Origination: Assignment of Insurance Rates | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_ACTION_T | Text Elements for TDSTOP_ACTION Stop Actions | FS-CML |
VDIOA_CALC_HEAD | Calculation Details for Interest on Arrears Calculation | FS-CML |
TDNOTEPAY_ACT_C | Define Country for Extension Note to Payee | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_REASONT | Texts Capital Transfer Reasons | FS-CML |
TDACC_PRINCIPLE | Accounting Principles for Parallel Valuation | FS-CML |
TDALE_EXP_GROUP | ALE Processing Groups | FS-CML |
TDAPPLICATIONST | Field Catalog - Applications Text Table | FS-CML |
VDWAIVE_PR_HEAD | Waiver Profile Header | FS-CML |
VDWAIVE_PR_DESC | Texts for Waiver Profile | FS-CML |
VDWAIVE_PROFILE | Rule Set for Waiver Profile | FS-CML |
TRLET_LOAN_FLOW | OBSOLETE: Previous Solution: Loans Flows Transferred | FS-CML |
TDBOCLICALC_REL | Processing Options for CLI Differ. for Each Bus. Op. Subcat. | FS-CML |
TDDEBTTR_STATUS | Status Transfer Matrix | FS-CML |
TDPR_ATTRIBUTET | Description Attribute | FS-CML |
TDACCOUNT_DET_S | Account Determination Open Item Transfer Posting | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_RETCODET | SEPA Return Codes (Text) | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_REASONT | Texts for Payoff Reasons | FS-CML |
TDBO_CFHEAD_OUT | Header Entry for Control of Outflow Behavior | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_AMT_LMT | Amount Limits for Notice | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_POSTPRT | Texts for Manual Postprocessing Capital Transfer | FS-CML |
TDCHARGE_GSTEER | General Control Data | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_CUMSG | Condiotion Verification: List of Customizable Checks | FS-CML |
TDFFB_CFHHEAD_O | Header Entry for Controlling Outflow Behavior | FS-CML |
VDBILL_RES_HEAD | Bill Results Header | FS-CML |
TDLOC_FEAS_FU_T | Text Table for Country-Specific Functions | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_MMETHOD | Distribution Methods for Fields in Receivables List | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_REJECTT | Texts for Rejection Reasons | FS-CML |
VDDUNNPARAMETER | Parameters of Dunning Run for Treasury Loans | FS-CML |
TDLOC_FEAS_FUNC | Define Country-Specific Functions | FS-CML |
TDASSIGN_DD2FAC | Assign Drawdown products to Facility products | FS-CML |
TDDEBTTR_GSTEER | General Control Data | FS-CML |
TDDEBTTR_REASON | Reason for the Borrower Change | FS-CML |
TDDISB_TEMPLTXT | Disbursement: Sample Text | FS-CML |
TDNOTICE_INTACC | Receivables Interim Account for Business Operation Notice | FS-CML |
VDDD_HEADER_VER | Loans: Header Data - Version Layout | FS-CML |
VDDD_HEADER_COL | Loans: Header Data - Columns Layout | FS-CML |
TDCREDIT_CUSTOM | Customer-Specific Solution for Borrowing | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_RLFLOWS | Flow Type Groups for Receivables List for Payoff | FS-CML |
TDIA_ORD_ASSIGN | Outgoing Payment Assignment Table | FS-CML |
TDLOS_FEE_CODET | Loan Origination: Permitted Charges | FS-CML |
TDSTOP_ACTION_A | Assign Stop Actions to Stops | FS-CML |
VDCHK_GROSS_NET | Storage of data for report RFVD_GROSS_TO_NET | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_RECLIST | Customizing for Receivables List | FS-CML |
CML_ARC_DOC_ADMH | Admin. Table for Reorganization of Loan Document Data | FS-CML |
TDIOA_SCHEME_DEF | Profile Definition for Interest on Arrears Calculation | FS-CML |
CML_ARC_DEADLINE | Residence Time for Loans - Archiving | FS-CML |
BCKTRLET_LOAN_FL | Treasury: Loans Transferred | FS-CML |
VDCNTL_CASH_FLOW | Display Interval for Cash Flow | FS-CML |
TDROUND_ACT_WAER | Active Currencies for Rounding | FS-CML |
TDIOA_SCHEME_BAL | Assignment of Product Type to Profile and Flow Type Grouping | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_RECLISTT | Name of Items in Receivables List | FS-CML |
TDINSURE_TYPE_T0 | Temporary Use: Insurance Categories - Texts | FS-CML |
TDINTER_FIELDCAT | Field Catalog for Converting Modification Groups | FS-CML |
TDFFB_CFHEXEPT_O | Exception Table for Controlling Outflow Behavior | FS-CML |
TDIMPLEMENTRULES | Processing Rules for Contracts with Stop Codes | FS-CML |
TDALE_EXP_GROUPT | ALE Processing Groups Text Table | FS-CML |
TDASSIGN_DD2DDPG | Assign drawdown products to drawdown product groups | FS-CML |
TDIOA_FT_BALANCE | Assignment of Flows to Flow Type Grouping - IOA Calculation | FS-CML |
TDIOA_NOPOSTCALC | Flow Types Without Recalculation | FS-CML |
TDCHARACVALUE2_T | Processing Characteristic Value Text Table | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_SBZITI | Condition Verfication: Permitted Calculation Categories | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_SBFIMA | Condition Verification: Permitted Flow Categories | FS-CML |
TDTRLE_PARAMETER | CML: Link Parallel Position Management per Company Code | FS-CML |
TDMODEL_FIELDTXT | Field Texts for Consumer Loans | FS-CML |
TDCLI_INSURANCET | Text Tables for CLI - Rates | FS-CML |
TDMODEL_FIELDFLT | Hidden Fields for Loans | FS-CML |
TDCONDVER_CUMSGT | Condition Verification: Texts for Customizable Checks | FS-CML |
TDLOS_ORIGINATOR | Loan Origination: Loan Originator | FS-CML |
VDINSURE_HEADER0 | Do Not Use: Insurance - Header Data | FS-CML |
TDLOS_DISCHANNEL | Loan Origination: Assignment of Sales Channels | FS-CML |
TDNOTEP_REFTYPFP | Assign Note to Payee in PMW | FS-CML |
TDPRODTYPHIERARC | Assignment of Product Category to Payment Hierarchy | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_COMSTATU | Communication Status Payoff | FS-CML |
TDDEBTTR_REASONT | Text Table for Borrower Change Reason | FS-CML |
VDARC_DOC_REC_EU | Carry-Forward Recs of Loan Doc. Item Reorg. bef. EURO Convsn | FS-CML |
VDSEPA_AUTODEB_O | Records for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit) (up to 604) | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_TEMPLTXT | Texts for Payoff Templates | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_CFHANDLE | Cash Flow Behavior in the Payoff | FS-CML |
TDWAIVE_REASON_T | Language Table for Automatic Waiver of Charges | FS-CML |
TDNOTICE_INTACCT | Texts for Receivables Interim Account | FS-CML |
TDCAPTR_TEMPLTXT | Texts for Capital Transfer Templates | FS-CML |
TDREPAY_COMSTATT | Texts for Communication Status | FS-CML |
VDINSURE_PARTNE0 | Do Not Use: Link Partner <-> Insurance | FS-CML |