Table | Description | Module |
MSRD | Project Stock with Vendor | IS-AD |
MSID | Vendor Stock with Vendor | IS-AD |
MSIS | Vendor Stock with Vendor - Total | IS-AD |
MSRS | Project Stock with Vendor - Total | IS-AD |
TBLP | Transfer/Loan data log table | IS-AD |
MSFS | Sales Order Stock with Vendor - Total | IS-AD |
MCSS | Total Customer Stock | IS-AD |
MCSD | Customer Stock | IS-AD |
MSCS | Customer stock with vendor - Total | IS-AD |
MSCD | Customer stock with vendor | IS-AD |
MSFD | Sales Order Stock with Vendor | IS-AD |
S464 | BCO: Movement reference S031 | IS-AD |
MSRDH | Project Stock with Vendor - History | IS-AD |
MSIDH | Vendor Stock with Vendor - History | IS-AD |
MSFDH | Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History | IS-AD |
MCSDH | Customer Stock: History | IS-AD |
MPDCD | MPD: OBSOLETE - Counter Data for Maintenance Document Items | IS-AD |
T138Z | Common Fields in MPN Groups | IS-AD |
S464E | S464 - Structural information | IS-AD |
MCSSH | Kundenbeistellbestand - Historie - Summe | IS-AD |
TMEXT | PIC: Interchability Codes' Text | IS-AD |
MSCDH | Customer stock with vendor - History | IS-AD |
MPDDM | MPD: Characteristics MP Data Mapping | IS-AD |
MSUBST | One-Way and Restricted Interchangeabilities | IS-AD |
WPSORR | Conversion rules for work centers | IS-AD |
ROTKPI | Table is used to store the various KPI values of rotables | IS-AD |
MPNSET | MPN-MRP Set: Group of Interchangeable MPNs in MRP | IS-AD |
ORFECT | ORF: Essentiality-Code Table | IS-AD |
MPNPGR | Linking an MPN-MRP Set with a Product Group | IS-AD |
MPNCNV | Customizing: Conversion Exit | IS-AD |
MPDPSD | MPD: MPD and MP header data | IS-AD |
ADLZSN | Leading Zeroes in Serial Numbers | IS-AD |
TBLP_P | Payback data log table | IS-AD |
EVVSGP | Group Progress Version | IS-AD |
CSPCMOI | Type Identification | IS-AD |
PEG_STO | Pegging: Record of goods movements w.r.t STO's | IS-AD |
DIT434K | DI-IS Stock determination PM/CS: Header table | IS-AD |
CSPCTAX | Condition Types for SPC2K Tax Types: TXS, TXC, TXL | IS-AD |
SPCDTEL | SPEC 2000 Data Elements | IS-AD |
CSPCS1S | RFQ/Quotation Type for Part Availability Information | IS-AD |
SPCFILE | SPEC 2000 messages & fields | IS-AD |
CSPCPRI | Conversion: SPEC Priority -> Delivery Priority | IS-AD |
CSPCICC | ICC for 'Fully Interchangeable' in ATA/AECMA SPEC2000 | IS-AD |
DIT434L | Texts for stock determination - header table | IS-AD |
DIT434P | Stock determination: FS item table | IS-AD |
DITCOKO | Enhanced Constants for PPS Orders | IS-AD |
EVVSGPT | Group Progress Version Text | IS-AD |
AD04NMC | Number Category | IS-AD |
AD03PHV | WBS version type | IS-AD |
ORFAIRC | Master Data Aircraft for ORF | IS-AD |
AD03PHP | Plan data handling profile | IS-AD |
ORFCALC | Data Record ORF Calculation, ATTENTION: MOVE-CORR! | IS-AD |
DITCO12 | Assignment of Stock Determination Rules for PM/CS Orders | IS-AD |
MPDITEM | Maintenance Plan Items | IS-AD |
SPCINMAP | Rules for linking src field and trg field | IS-AD |
SPCIPCLS | Class for aircraft parts | IS-AD |
SPCERROR | Error type table for SPEC 2000 messages | IS-AD |
PEG_TSTK | Pegging: Stock table | IS-AD |
MPDCYCLE | MPD: Cycle Data for Maintenance Document Items | IS-AD |
ORF2CUST | Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF1,2,4 | IS-AD |
EQUIPKPI | Used to store the Delta values and counters for MTBE calc | IS-AD |
PEG_TXPT | Pegging: Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfers | IS-AD |
PEG_TGTG | Pegging: Record of group to group transfers | IS-AD |
PEG_TASS | Pegging: Assignment Replenishment Element to WBS Elements | IS-AD |
ORF5CUST | Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF5,6 | IS-AD |
DIS_WLST | Distribution: Worklist of Changed Objects | IS-AD |
AD00PMCL | Class Table | IS-AD |
SPCIPEFF | Effectivity Range | IS-AD |
AD03PHVT | version type text | IS-AD |
SPCMCOMP | SPEC 2000 AEC Data sets | IS-AD |
SPCMAP1N | Mapping a structure to IDoc data tabl | IS-AD |
SPCIPOSC | SPEC2000: Stores optional suppliers for the subject SPL | IS-AD |
AD04NMCT | Text element for number category | IS-AD |
T457TBLP | Description MRP Elements for TBLP | IS-AD |
SPCIPTEI | SPEC2000: TEI to Explanation Code | IS-AD |
ADPMSTAT | A&D CMC: Definition of Status Groups | IS-AD |
SPCIPPDR | Spare parts / End items | IS-AD |
SPCIPPDS | SPEC2000: Procurement Data Segment | IS-AD |
SPCIPPQA | Price Break - Quantity & Amount | IS-AD |
SPCIPOCH | Other Charges - Code & Amount | IS-AD |
SPCIPMFR | Classification table of manufacturers | IS-AD |
SPCIPMAP | SPEC2000: MetaData Information on IP Files | IS-AD |
SPCIPCSN | Locations | IS-AD |
AD00PMEV | Class event table | IS-AD |
CSPCPRIT | Order Priority Text | IS-AD |
CSPCMOIT | Model ID Code Text | IS-AD |
SPCMFILE | SPEC 2000 AEC messages & fields | IS-AD |
AD04KSUA | Assessment preprocessor: assign CostElem to StKeyFigures | IS-AD |
AD01T000 | Settings for A&D billing | IS-AD |
SPCIPUOA | Used On Assemblies | IS-AD |
SPCIPHDR | Stores header information for IP data | IS-AD |
AD03PHPT | Plan data handling profile text | IS-AD |
SPCMDTEL | SPEC 2000M Data Elements | IS-AD |
SPCMGLOH4 | H4-Codes SPEC2000M | IS-AD |
DIS_PGPRF | Distribution: Assignemnt Distribution Profile - Group WBSEl. | IS-AD |
TBLP_CUST | Customizing Transfer / Borrow / Loan / Payback | IS-AD |
SPCMINMAP | Rules for linking src field and trg field (AECMA) | IS-AD |
TBLP_MODG | Name of Groups in Field Selection Bar | IS-AD |
AD00PMEVT | Text Table for Events | IS-AD |
AD03OBJTV | Plan data handling WBS objects, type and version | IS-AD |
AD04KALSM | Additional properties of costing sheet | IS-AD |
TBLP_MODF | Groups in Field Selection Bar | IS-AD |
MPDEFFECT | MPD effectivity data | IS-AD |
TBLP_SORT | TBLP Sort criteris configuration table | IS-AD |
TBLP_MODU | Cross Reference Field Name - MODIF1 | IS-AD |
TBLP_MODP | Name of Items in Field Selection Definitions | IS-AD |
TBLP_MODO | Items in Field Selection Definitions | IS-AD |
AD00PMCLT | Text Table for Class | IS-AD |
DICS_T150 | Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types | IS-AD |
DIS_TOBJS | Distribution: cost objects posted to per group | IS-AD |
PEG_TCTRL | Pegging: Customizing on Plant Level | IS-AD |
DIS_ADMIN | Distribution - Administration Table | IS-AD |
PEG_TMTNS | Pegging: Movement Types Explicitly Not Supported | IS-AD |
DICS_TMCA | Evaluating movement types for LIS update | IS-AD |
SPCIPHDRT | Texts for SPCIPHDR - for every SQNBR | IS-AD |
SPCCOCODE | Position code for SPEC 2000 Command Code | IS-AD |
SPCIPCSNT | Texts for CSN | IS-AD |
SPCGLOBAL | Global constants for SPEC 2000 | IS-AD |
SPCIPOSDS | Optional Suppliers and Distributors | IS-AD |
PEG_ADMIN | Pegging - Administration Table | IS-AD |
SPCIPRPDE | Replacing Parts / Replaced Parts | IS-AD |
ORF2CUSTT | Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text | IS-AD |
SPCIPSTAT | SPEC2000 : User Status Profiles for an Object Type | IS-AD |
ORF5CUSTT | Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text | IS-AD |
DICS_T156 | Backup Table: Movement Type - SAP internal only | IS-AD |
SPCMGLOBAL | Global constants for SPEC 2000M | IS-AD |
SPCMGLOSAC | Status/Advice Codes SPEC2000M | IS-AD |
SPCPORTFUN | SPEC 2000 message with FMs for further processing | IS-AD |
SPCIPPARTS | Other parts that can be used | IS-AD |
SPCIPCLSIF | Interface IP Data - Master Data | IS-AD |
ADPMORDTXT | Customizing : Priority order code description | IS-AD |
PEG_TCHKMT | Pegging: Allowed Movement Types | IS-AD |
SPCIPOSC_D | SPEC2000: Stores deleted entries for SPCIPOSC | IS-AD |
PEG_CLIENT | Pegging: General settings for customizing | IS-AD |
DIWPS_OPER | Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center | IS-AD |
DIWPS_HEAD | Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center | IS-AD |
DIWPS_CUST | Reallocation: Customizing | IS-AD |
AD01DLISFR | Resource-related billing: DLI flow totals revenue by rev el | IS-AD |
DIWPS_COMP | Reallocation: Conversion Storage Location | IS-AD |
AD04RELCON | Relation between conditions | IS-AD |
DICS_T156T | Movement Type Text | IS-AD |
DICS_T156Q | Movement Type: Material-Independent Control | IS-AD |
DICS_T156M | Back Up Table Posting String Quantity - Internal Only | IS-AD |
DICS_T150F | Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory | IS-AD |
DICS_T156C | Stock Types and Their Values | IS-AD |
DICS_T157B | Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display) | IS-AD |
DIWPS_WORK | Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center | IS-AD |
ADPMPRIOHD | Customizing : Priority for rotable orders (Header) | IS-AD |
DICS_T156B | Back Up Table Movement Type Screen Sel. - Internal only | IS-AD |
ADFDR_CUST | Customizing Flight Data Entry: Characteristic Assignment | IS-AD |
DICS_T156F | Back UP Table Fields in Quantity String - Internal Only | IS-AD |
ADPMSTATHD | CMC User Status Profile | IS-AD |
DICS_T157H | Help Texts for Movement Types | IS-AD |
DICS_T156V | Availability Table | IS-AD |
ADFDR_FLDAT | Flight Data Table | IS-AD |
ROTKPI_CUST | Table to store the customization for MTBE Extractor | IS-AD |
DICS_T156SC | Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A | IS-AD |
SPCIPSPLMNT | SPEC2000: Stores Additional/Long/MultipleOccurance fields | IS-AD |
ADFDR_CUSTT | Customizing Flight Data Entry: Texts | IS-AD |
DICS_T156SY | Back Up - Movement Type Quantity/Value Posting: Sys | IS-AD |
SPCIPGLOBAL | Technical Settings for IP | IS-AD |
ADPMPRIOPRF | Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile | IS-AD |
ADPMPRIOSUB | Customizing Priority ( Priority Level ) | IS-AD |
SPCIPSWITCH | IP Browser Switch | IS-AD |
ADPIC_T449U | MPN-specific additions to table t449u | IS-AD |
ADPMSTATHDT | Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table | IS-AD |
ADPMSTATPRF | CMC User Status Profile | IS-AD |
ADPMWHGRPHD | Definiton of Inventory Groups ( Master Data ) | IS-AD |
SPCMPORTFUN | SPEC 2000 message with FMs for further processing | IS-AD |
ADPMPRIOFFF | CMC Parameters on FFF Class Level | IS-AD |
SPCMVERSION | Versions for SPEC messages | IS-AD |
SPCPRTNRINF | Partner Information for SPEC 2000 message | IS-AD |
SUBCONORDER | Goods Movement - Reverse Posting per Order Type | IS-AD |
DIPCS_POOL1 | Administration of Serial Numbers in Sales Documents | IS-AD |
PEG_TACTASS | Pegging: Current Assignments Based on Goods Movements | IS-AD |
PEG_RUNPROF | Pegging: Run Profile | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_DCO | Table for storing text descriptions for the data collector | IS-AD |
PEG_TBRKDEF | Breakpoint Definition | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_RPT | Table for storing text descriptions for the reporting modes | IS-AD |
TIWWSACTION | Actions in the Modification List with Follow-Up Function | IS-AD |
DIS_RUNPROF | Distribution: Run Profile | IS-AD |
SPCPORTFUNII | Rules table linking src field and trg fields | IS-AD |
PEG_TGTG_EXC | A&D GPD: Group to group initial peg | IS-AD |
SPCINMAPCTRL | Mapping required for the control record | IS-AD |
PEG_LOCKWLST | Pegging: Lock Table | IS-AD |
PEG_TCTRLDET | Pegging: Distribution of Surplus, Scrap, Stock Diff. | IS-AD |
ADPMSTATPRFT | CMC Profile Text Table | IS-AD |
ADTCF_DETAIL | ADTCF - User Profile Detail | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_RPTT | Text table for text descriptions for the reporting modes | IS-AD |
SPCMPRTNRINF | Partner Information for SPEC 2000 message | IS-AD |
ADTCF_MASTER | ADTCF - User Profile Master | IS-AD |
PEG_RUNPROFT | Pegging: Run profile text | IS-AD |
DIS_RUNPROFT | Distribution: Run profile text | IS-AD |
ADPMIVROTSUB | AD: Define inventory structure for rotable parts (subitem) | IS-AD |
PEG_XP_WERKS | Pegging: Plants relevant for pegging (cross plant DIMP 471) | IS-AD |
PEG_TASS_TMP | Grp-to-Grp Transf. Pegging: Assign. of Replen to WBS Elems. | IS-AD |
SPCCNVDOCNUM | Conversion between S2K doc. no. and Appl. Doc. No. | IS-AD |
ADPMPRIOPRFT | Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_DCOT | Text table for text descriptions for the data collector | IS-AD |
SPCIPSTAT_LOC | SPEC2000: User Status Profiles for the Object - Locations | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_LAYOUT | Layout mapping to Profile and Document Type | IS-AD |
ADFDR_COUNTRY | Country Table | IS-AD |
SPCIPPROFILES | Profiles for creating master data from IP | IS-AD |
SPCIPPROFKEYS | Key fields and values of IP profiles | IS-AD |
ADPIC_SETTING | Material Exchange Settings | IS-AD |
GPD_TARCH_WBS | GPD Archiving WBS table | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_SWITCH | Application switch | IS-AD |
SPCIPSTAT_END | SPEC 2000: End Item | IS-AD |
SPCMCNVDOCNUM | Conversion between S2KM doc. no. and Appl. Doc. No. | IS-AD |
PEG_CUST_WERK | Pegging Customizing: Plants relevant for pegging (DIMP4.71) | IS-AD |
AD23_LAYTYPED | BPP: alternative layout type definition | IS-AD |
ADFDR_AIRPORT | Airport Table | IS-AD |
PEG_EXC_WERKS | Pegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost - Plant based | IS-AD |
PEG_EXC_GRPNR | Pegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost - group based | IS-AD |
PEG_DIS_ADMIN | Pegging and Distribution - administration table | IS-AD |
DIPCS_SDRULES | Specific Stock determination rules for customer | IS-AD |
ADFDR_CARRIER | Airline Carrier Table | IS-AD |
PEG_TASS_WLST | Temp. assignments for sub-components of grp to grp transfers | IS-AD |
PEG_TXPT_HIST | Pegging: intransit stock history | IS-AD |
AD23_LAYTYPET | BPP: alternative layout type texts | IS-AD |
ADMPN_RBA_CGRP | Check Groups for APO ATP | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_VIEWMAP | View mapping to Profile | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_STATMAP | Claim status mapping | IS-AD |
ADPIC_MIGO_USR | Customizing Settings for MIGO | IS-AD |
ADPIC_MIGO_SET | Customizing Settings for MIGO | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_PROFILE | User Profile for Service Integration-Warranty Workbench | IS-AD |
SPCM_DISP_MENU | Action table for A&D Displaytool (menu) | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_MAPPING | Map Claim Control indicators to Order Type | IS-AD |
ADPIC_HOLD_MPN | Store MPN subitems for MIGO hold / restore functionality | IS-AD |
TBLP_COST_ITEM | TBLP temporary store of costs for accurate payback | IS-AD |
GPD_TARCH_CUST | GPD Archiving Customising | IS-AD |
PEGEXC_WRK_GRP | Pegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost, plant & group | IS-AD |
DIS_TOBJS_FMSU | Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash) | IS-AD |
DIS_RUNPROFMSG | Distribution: Distribution run profile messages | IS-AD |
PEG_RUNPROFMSG | Pegging: Pegging run profile messages | IS-AD |
DIS_TOBJS_COSS | Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost) | IS-AD |
DIS_TOBJS_COSP | Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost) | IS-AD |
PEG_TSTK_TRANS | Pegging: Stock transfered without costs (Excess) | IS-AD |
SPCIPFIELDLIST | Display-fields for creating material master from IP | IS-AD |
ADS2KIPBRO_CMD | SPEC 2000 IP: Key fields for master data creation | IS-AD |
SPCIPPROFILEST | Descriptions of profiles for creating master data from IP | IS-AD |
ADS2KIPUPL_CLS | Spec2000 Upload: Parallel Processing Resumption | IS-AD |
SPCIPSTAT_SUPP | SPEC 2000: User Status Profiles for the Object - Suppliers | IS-AD |
SPCIPINTERFACE | Interface IP Data - Master Data | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_DOCTYPES | Document types for Service integration with warranty | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_FUNC_MAP | Function code with Function module mapping for WTYSC | IS-AD |
SPCIPPROFVALUES | Profile values of fields in master data | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_PROFILET | User Profile for Service Integration-Warranty Workbench | IS-AD |
PEG_GROUPTWERKS | Pegging: Assignment Group WBS elements to plant | IS-AD |
AD23_LAYTYPE_CT | BPP: alternative layout type for output type | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_CLM_CONT | Instance when the Claim can be created from the Order | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_EFFT_TO | Cust. table to store effectivity data from technical objects | IS-AD |
ADPIC_HOLD_MIGO | Store BADI goitem for MIGO hold / restore functionality | IS-AD |
ADS2KUPL_CURMAP | SPEC2000 IP Upload: Currency Code Mapping | IS-AD |
ADS2KIPUPL_GSET | Spec2000 Upload: Upload Customizing Settings | IS-AD |
ADSPC_CUSTRNMGR | Transactions for Customizing for SPEC 2000 | IS-AD |
SPCDISPMESSAGES | List of TEIs the values of which are to be shown | IS-AD |
PEG_CNSMPTN2WBS | Pegging: Consumption Posting to WBS element details | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_VIEWTYPE | View types | IS-AD |
DIMSP_REVI_TYPE | MSP Revision Types | IS-AD |
ADS2KIPUPL_DTEL | SPEC2000 IP Upload: Data Elements | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_UPDT_CONT | Update control points for claim update from service order | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_USER_PROF | Mapping Profile with User id | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_DATA_FLG | Customising table to store the data container flag | IS-AD |
MPDCUST_EFFT_DOC | Customising table to store effectivity data for documents | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_UPDT_CNTT | Text table for Claim update control | IS-AD |
GPD_TARCH_REPOBJ | GPD Archiving Replenishment Object table | IS-AD |
GPD_TARCH_CUST_M | GPD Archiving Customizing - Messages | IS-AD |
DIMSP_NOTIF_TYPE | MSP Notification Types | IS-AD |
PEG_TBRKDEF_PLAN | Breakpoint Definition - Enhanced Network Costing | IS-AD |
SPCIPPROFILEKEYS | Profile Keys for IP | IS-AD |
ADS2KIPUPL_GSETT | Spec2000 Upload: Upload Customizing Settings | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_CLAIM_MAP | Claim and sales order mapping | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_CLM_CONTT | Text table for Claim control | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_DOCTYPEST | Text table for document types | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_FUNC_MAPT | Function code with Function module mapping for WTYSC | IS-AD |
WTYSCC_VIEWTYPET | Text table for view Type | IS-AD |