Table | Description | Module |
BSIM | Secondary Index, Documents for Material | MM-IV |
RBTX | Taxes: Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RBVD | Invoice Document - Aggregation Data | MM-IV |
T169 | SAP Transaction Control, Invoice Verification/Valuation | MM-IV |
RBMA | Document Item: Incoming Invoice for Material | MM-IV |
RBVS | Invoice Verification: Split Invoice Amount | MM-IV |
RBWS | Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RBKP | Document Header: Invoice Receipt | MM-IV |
RBEX | Persistent Key Figures Header and Item | MM-IV |
RBWT | Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RKWA | Consignment Withdrawals | MM-IV |
T066 | Screen Selection, Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
K003 | Sales Tax, Germany | MM-IV |
RBCO | Document Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment | MM-IV |
RSEG | Document Item: Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
T149E | Global Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations | MM-IV |
T149T | Global Valuation Category Descriptions | MM-IV |
T149D | Global Valuation Types | MM-IV |
T169A | Posting String for Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169B | Notifiable PO Supplement Types | MM-IV |
T169D | Invoice Verification: Amount Check | MM-IV |
T169E | Tolerance Limit Keys | MM-IV |
T169F | Transaction-Dependent Defaults: Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169Y | Default Setting of Aggregation for Screen Variant | MM-IV |
T169X | Transaction Texts: Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169W | Posting Strings (Values) for SAPMM08R | MM-IV |
T169V | Default Values, Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169T | Text Table for Tolerance Limits | MM-IV |
T169S | Tolerance Limit Keys | MM-IV |
T169R | MR Document Reorganization - Document Validity Period | MM-IV |
T169Q | Differential Invoicing Process | MM-IV |
T169P | Parameters, Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169O | Account Assignment Block: Fields To Be Excluded from IV | MM-IV |
T169L | Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169K | Default Values, Account Maintenance | MM-IV |
T169H | Entry Profile | MM-IV |
T169G | Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T149C | Global Valuation Categories | MM-IV |
T066K | Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation | MM-IV |
T003S | Document Types for Storing Documents (Log. IV) | MM-IV |
T003R | Number Ranges RE_BELEG (Logistics Invoice Verification) | MM-IV |
IVEXT | Enhancement Fields for Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RBDPC | Invoice Verification: Down Payment Clearing | MM-IV |
RBKPB | Invoice Document Header (Batch Invoice Verification) | MM-IV |
T169DC | Automatic Settlement of Planned Delivery Costs | MM-IV |
T169HT | Entry Profile Description, Logistics Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
TCULIV | Customizing: Direct Posting in Log. Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169BP | Partner Allowed as Payment Recipient | MM-IV |
T169TC | Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants | MM-IV |
RBDRSEG | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items | MM-IV |
RBSELTM | TM Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
RBVDMAT | Invoice Verification - Aggregation Data, Material | MM-IV |
RSEG_TM | TM Document Items Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RBDIFFME | Batch Invoice Verification - Quantity Differences | MM-IV |
T169WF01 | IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking | MM-IV |
BSIM_BAK | Secondary Index, Documents for Material | MM-IV |
TMCW3_06 | Hold Table Counter Readings BW Recompil. for IV (Appl. '06') | MM-IV |
TMRM007A | Tax Codes: Invoice Verification/Invoice Entry (FI) | MM-IV |
RBDIFFKO | Invoice Verification - Conditions | MM-IV |
RBSELBEST | Invoice Receipt, Purchasing Documents Selection | MM-IV |
RBSELWERK | Invoice Receipt, Plants Selection | MM-IV |
T169HKONT | Direct Posting to G/L Account of Invoicing Party | MM-IV |
RBSELLIFS | Invoice Receipt, Delivery Notes Selection | MM-IV |
RBSELLBLN | Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection | MM-IV |
RBSELFRBR | Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection | MM-IV |
RBSELERFB | Invoice Receipt, Service Entry Sheet Selection | MM-IV |
RBSELDELI | Incoming Invoice: Delivery Selection | MM-IV |
T169TAXRET | Determination of Cash Discount Base for Security Retention | MM-IV |
T169TCDATA | Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants | MM-IV |
T169TCTEXT | To be deleted! | MM-IV |
T169RETTIME | Warranty Period for Security Retention | MM-IV |
RBKP_BLOCKED | Logistics Invoice Verification: Blocked Invoices | MM-IV |
T169COMPLAINT | Complaints Reasons in an Invoice | MM-IV |
RBSELCONTRACT | Invoice Receipt Contract Selection | MM-IV |
T169RETENTION | Tax Code for Retention Amounts | MM-IV |
RBSELTRANSPMNG | Invoice Receipt Selection for Transportation Management | MM-IV |
T169COMPLAINT_T | Texts for Complaints Reasons | MM-IV |
T169VARIANCETYP | Possible Variance Types in Invoices | MM-IV |
T169VARIANCETYPT | Texts for Variance Types in Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
TASSIGN_IV_T169B | Auxiliary Table for Status Information IV Maintenance View | MM-IV |
MRMRBBW_ERR_EXTR | Message Log for Extraction to BW | MM-IV |