Table | Description | Module |
A144 | Sales Deal Basic Data | SD-BIL |
TVKT | Customers: Account Assignment Groups | SD-BIL |
KNVL | Customer Master Licenses | SD-BIL |
TVFS | Billing: Reasons for Blocking | SD-BIL |
TVFK | Billing: Document Types | SD-BIL |
TCCL | Payment cards: Point of receipt for the transaction | SD-BIL |
S071 | Condition Update | SD-BIL |
TCCM | Payment cards: Merchant ID | SD-BIL |
TSTL | Taxes: Valid Tax Categories for Each Country | SD-BIL |
TSTE | Invalid will not be used anymore | SD-BIL |
TINC | Customers: Incoterms | SD-BIL |
TLIC | Tax Exemption License | SD-BIL |
VBRK | Billing Document: Header Data | SD-BIL |
VBRL | Sales Document: Invoice List | SD-BIL |
A145 | Sales Deal - Customer/Material | SD-BIL |
A146 | Customer Hierarchy | SD-BIL |
A147 | Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal) | SD-BIL |
A148 | Product Hierarchy | SD-BIL |
A149 | Customer-dependent data determination | SD-BIL |
A399 | Withholding tax code - country-specific | SD-BIL |
KNVI | Customer Master Tax Indicator | SD-BIL |
S473 | Pendulum List - Requisitioner | SD-BIL |
VBRP | Billing Document: Item Data | SD-BIL |
S474 | Pendulum List - Confirmation | SD-BIL |
T665E | SD Self-Billing Procedure: Tolerance Limits, Percentage | SD-BIL |
S474E | S474 - Structure Information | SD-BIL |
T665B | SD Self-Billing Procedure: General Processing Parameters | SD-BIL |
TCCMT | Payment cards: Merchant ID (text) | SD-BIL |
T665C | SD Self-Billing Procedure: EDI Partner Inbound Parameters | SD-BIL |
S473E | S473 - Structure Information | SD-BIL |
TCCLT | Payment cards: Points of receipt for the transaction (text) | SD-BIL |
T665G | Self-Billing: Customer Tolerance Groups | SD-BIL |
T665D | SD Self-Billing Procedure: Contractor Processing Parameters | SD-BIL |
T665F | SD Self-Billing Procedures: Tolerance Limits, AbsoluteAmount | SD-BIL |
TINCT | Customers: Incoterms: Texts | SD-BIL |
TRNSM | Data Transfer | SD-BIL |
VRKPA | Sales Index: Bills by Partner Functions | SD-BIL |
VCNUM | Credit card master | SD-BIL |
VCKUN | Assign customer-credit card | SD-BIL |
TVKTT | Customers: Account Determination Groups: Texts | SD-BIL |
TVFST | Billing : Blocking Reason Texts | SD-BIL |
TVFSP | Billing: Blocking Reasons | SD-BIL |
TVFKT | Billing: Document Types: Texts | SD-BIL |
TVFKD | Billing Document: Billing Date by Number Range | SD-BIL |
TVCTY | Payment card category | SD-BIL |
TVCTD | Payment Cards: Determine Categories | SD-BIL |
TVCPF | Billing: Copying Control | SD-BIL |
TVCLK | Block reason (payment card) | SD-BIL |
TVCIN | Payment cards: Type | SD-BIL |
TVARR | Archiving Control for Billing | SD-BIL |
VRPMA | SD Index: Billing Items per Material | SD-BIL |
TVCAA | Payment Cards: Checking Groups - Sales Document | SD-BIL |
FPLTC | Payment cards: Transaction data - SD | SD-BIL |
VSBREF | References: Self-Billing Procedure with Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBCON | Conditions (Surcharges/Discounts) of an IDoc Item | SD-BIL |
VSBTRM | Transmission: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VBREVR | Revenue Recognition: Reference Document Lines | SD-BIL |
VBREVK | Revenue Recognition: Control Lines | SD-BIL |
T665GT | Self-Billing: Name of Customer Tolerance Groups | SD-BIL |
VBREVE | Revenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines | SD-BIL |
VBREVC | Revenue Recognition: Worklist of Changed Sales Documents | SD-BIL |
TVRRUR | Revenue Recognition: Account Det.'Unbilled Receiv./Costs' | SD-BIL |
TVCLKT | Description of blocking reason (payment card) | SD-BIL |
TVCTYT | Category description for payment card | SD-BIL |
TVCINT | Description of payment card type | SD-BIL |
VSBDAT | Self-Billing Procedure Data w. Automatic Postings | SD-BIL |
T077DF | Customer Group: FI-CA Integration (Distributed Systems) | SD-BIL |
VSBDIT | Self-Billing Procedure Delivery Item w. Automatic Posting | SD-BIL |
VSBPST | Processing Status: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBPLM | Processing Log Messages | SD-BIL |
VSBPLG | Processing Log: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBPER | Prestep-Errors in Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBPBD | Self-Billing: Processed Billing Documents | SD-BIL |
TVCAAT | Payment Cards: Checking Groups - Sales Document (Text) | SD-BIL |
VSBOII | Self-Billing: Index of Generated Open Items | SD-BIL |
VSBMER | Mainstep-Errors in Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBEER | Error Types and Editable Fields | SD-BIL |
VSBITM | IDoc-Item Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings | SD-BIL |
VSBGRI | IDoc Item Regrouping Information | SD-BIL |
VSBGRH | IDoc Header Regrouping Information | SD-BIL |
VSBHDR | IDoc Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings | SD-BIL |
CCARDEC | Encrypted Payment Card Numbers | SD-BIL |
TVVIEWP | SD: Function Activation Log | SD-BIL |
TVNFACT | SD: Function Activation on BUKRS Level | SD-BIL |
VBREVAC | Revenue Recognition: Compression of FI Revenue Postings | SD-BIL |
CMP_PROF | Billing Type for Creating a Pro Forma Billing Document | SD-BIL |
TVNFACTC | SD: Function Activation on CLIENT Level | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CAT | Engagement mgmt: Categories | SD-BIL |
SDINVUPD | VPRS Update: Worklist for VPRS Update | SD-BIL |
PRSD_GRP | Grouping, Sorting values for DLI | SD-BIL |
J_1AOFNR3 | Exception table for deal type determ.(export/domestic) | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CHAR | Engagement mgmt: Characteristics | SD-BIL |
CMP_KSCHL | Condition Type for Complaints Processing | SD-BIL |
J_1ATXREL | Tax relevant classification | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CTRL | Engagement mgmt: Process Control | SD-BIL |
J_1ASNRDT1 | Branch Determination for Deliveries | SD-BIL |
J_1ASNRDT2 | Branch determination for material movements | SD-BIL |
J_1ADOCCL2 | Texts for official document class in Argentina | SD-BIL |
J_1ATXRELT | Texts for tax relevant classification | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CAT_T | Engagement mgmt: Categories Text table | SD-BIL |
CMP_REASON | Customizing for Complaints Reasons | SD-BIL |
PRSC_USAGE | Engagement mgmt: Usage | SD-BIL |
CMP_POSTYP | Item Category Customizing Complaints Proc. Credit Memo Item | SD-BIL |
J_1ADOCCLS | Official document class for Argentina | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CATUOM | Engagement mgmt: Unit of Measures for Categories | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METMAP | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Mapping | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METROW | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Row | SD-BIL |
PRSC_SCRVAL | Engagement mgmt: Sceen Values | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METCOL | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Columns | SD-BIL |
PRSC_USAGE_T | Engagement mgmt: Usage Text | SD-BIL |
BON_ENH_CDOC | Settings for Indirect Billing Documents | SD-BIL |
BON_ENH_CSEQ | Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure | SD-BIL |
CCARDEC_CUST | Encryption of Payment Card Type | SD-BIL |
CMP_VBFS_EXT | Status Messages from Mass Complaints Processing | SD-BIL |
BON_ENH_CGEN | Settings for the Update of Indirect Sales | SD-BIL |
PRSD_DMRP_EXT | Extended DMR Line Information | SD-BIL |
PRSD_VBAK_EXT | Engagement mgmt: Extended DMR Head Information | SD-BIL |
SDFM_SF_INDEX | Index Table for Update of Statistics | SD-BIL |
PRSC_SCRVAL_T | Engagement mgmt: Sceen Values Texts | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METROW_T | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Row Texts | SD-BIL |
CMP_KSCHL_TXT | Condition Types: Texts | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METCOL_T | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Column Texts | SD-BIL |
BON_ENH_CSEQ_S | Extended Rebate: VAKEY Structure, Shadow Table | SD-BIL |
PRSC_MATDETCAT | Engagement mgmt: Determine Categories for Materials | SD-BIL |
CMP_REASON_TXT | Complaints Reasons: Texts | SD-BIL |
PRSC_CATDETMAT | Engagement mgmt: Determine Materials for Categories | SD-BIL |
J_1A_WS_BRANCH | AR:WS Branch determination(Shipping Point) | SD-BIL |
PRSD_DLIEF_EXT | DLI Document Flow Extension | SD-BIL |
CRMC_FM_CO_EXP | customizing table cost element to expense type for marketing | SD-BIL |
BON_ENH_LEDGER | Reconciliation Accounts for Rebate Credit Memos | SD-BIL |
PRSD_CO_MAPPING | EM: Mapping original DMR lines to Carry Over lines | SD-BIL |
PRSD_DMRP_ACC_CH | Engagement Mgmt: Accrual Characteristics for DMR Lines | SD-BIL |
SDFM_SF_AG_INDEX | MANDT MANDTIndex Table for Update of Statistics (Agreements) | SD-BIL |
CMP_MAPMASSKSCHL | Mapping Condition ID <-> Condition Type | SD-BIL |
CMP_MAPKSCHL_TXT | Texts for Mapping Condition ID <-> Condition Type | SD-BIL |