SAP Billing Tables
Table | Description | Module |
VBREVAC | Revenue Recognition: Compression of FI Revenue Postings | SD-BIL |
PRSC_METMAP | Engagement mgmt: Metrics Mapping | SD-BIL |
TVFST | Billing : Blocking Reason Texts | SD-BIL |
VBRL | Sales Document: Invoice List | SD-BIL |
VCNUM | Credit card master | SD-BIL |
CMP_REASON_TXT | Complaints Reasons: Texts | SD-BIL |
T077DF | Customer Group: FI-CA Integration (Distributed Systems) | SD-BIL |
TVCTD | Payment Cards: Determine Categories | SD-BIL |
CMP_MAPKSCHL_TXT | Texts for Mapping Condition ID <-> Condition Type | SD-BIL |
PRSD_VBAK_EXT | Engagement mgmt: Extended DMR Head Information | SD-BIL |
Full List of SAP Billing Tables