SAP Table - P01T_KIFB

DescriptionETStmt: Tax Exemptions for Children
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

T7PBSNO1BTDefinition for Grouping of Notifications - TextPY-DE
PA0782HR Master Record Infotype 0782PY-DE
PDBKAUConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: AUMEL Data RecordsPY-DE
PA0051HR Master Record Infotype 0051 (VBL/SPI Data)PY-DE
P01EL_DBSEData Module Taxable One-Off Payment of ELENA NotificationsPY-DE
PDBKBESUMConstr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL Records (Total)PY-DE
T5DPBS0DFilter-Dependent Models of Special/Non-Recurring PaymentsPY-DE
PA0191HR Master Record Infotype 0191 (BuildingTradeReimbursExpens)PY-DE
PA0845HR Master Record Infotype 0845 (Work Relationships)PY-DE
T7DEPBSNV0DAssignment of Absence Types to Suspension TypesPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables