SAP Table - PA0363

SAP TablePA0363
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

PA0788HR Master Record Infotype 0788PY-DE
T5DBMConstruction Pay Expenses Tax EvaluationPY-DE
PDEPBSVASEN_SIPASimulated Employment PeriodsPY-DE
T5D0CAbsence DistributionPY-DE
T5DPBS3DTVoeD: Structural AdjustmentPY-DE
P01ZS_AZVUManagement Record No. of Employer (Paying Office Procedure)PY-DE
P01BV_KEANManagement of Employee IDPY-DE
T5DRVAVmG: Texts for Processing RulesPY-DE
PDPBSZVLOGLog Table for ZVE-PBS Notification ProcedurePY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables