SAP Table - PA0699

SAP TablePA0699
DescriptionPersonnel Master Record Infotype 0699
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

P01O_TVOED_SZ_RREarlier December Data for RA Trigger: ASP TVoeD/TVAoeDPY-DE
T7PBS00TRF_DATESPayscale Group-Dependent DataPY-DE
P01DS_DBVRModule DBVR of DEUEV Immediate NotificationsPY-DE
P2RD_GUTHAPayroll Result: Garnishment D - Cluster Key DPPY-DE
P01EA_MELDData Record and Data Modules for the Reimbursement ProcessPY-DE
PA0322HR Master Record: Infotype 0322 (Pensions and Rel. Ben.)PY-DE
T7PBSCA2CResults of Calculation Points CustomerPY-DE
PA0784HR Master Record Infotype 0784PY-DE
T5D8MPosition Table for College StatisticsPY-DE
T5D76Official Housing Rule - ModifiersPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables