SAP Table - PA0790

SAP TablePA0790
DescriptionHR Master Record Infotype 0790
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

P01D3_DBEUDEUEV Confirmation: Europ. Insurance Number Data ModulePY-DE
P01EL_DBENData Modules ELENA Basic Data for Employer and EmployeePY-DE
P01PF_RT_EPGarnishment Pr. of Origin: Results of Garnishment Calc.PY-DE
P01BV_MELDData Record for PPO Collection of ContributionsPY-DE
T5DBUConstruction Industry: Statement Wage Types ExpensesPY-DE
T5D92Models for Start of New Premium Calculation PeriodPY-DE
P01ZFA_STATUSZfA: Status Management for NotificationsPY-DE
T7DEPBSVAVG04Average RemunerationPY-DE
P01E2_ANMELDUNGELStAM Procedure: Table of Registration DataPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables