SAP Table - T488C

SAP TableT488C
DescriptionTexts for Table T488B
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryProduction Planning and Control
Sub CategoryBasic Data

SAP Basic Data Tables

TC20"Formula Parameters"PP-BD
TCAM2CAPP menus, level 2: header linesPP-BD
CRCIFOBJObject IDs of changed capacitiesPP-BD
CRVS_BRelationship of PRT external number to PRT internal numberPP-BD
PLKOTask list - headerPP-BD
TC21Standard value keyPP-BD
TCF05Language-dependent text table for PRT statusPP-BD
T435Standard texts for routing/ref. op set itemsPP-BD
TCEVCControl table for CAPP-based calculation of std. valuesPP-BD
TCA12Lang-depend. texts for TCA11: Obj. selection for obj. overv.PP-BD

Full List of SAP Basic Data Tables