SAP Table - T5D0D

SAP TableT5D0D
DescriptionPart Time Work During ParentalLeave
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

P01EA_DBFEData Module Error for Reimbursement ProcessPY-DE
T5D3S_EHVSAdditional Data Report Company for Earnings Structure SurveyPY-DE
T5D8IAssignment of Exception Indicator to PositionPY-DE
T5DDEConstr. Ind. Company Number Assignment SFP - From FYC2002/03PY-DE
PA0271HR Master Record: Infotype 0271 (Public Sector Statistics)PY-DE
T7PBSNO1ANotification Definition TablePY-DE
T5DPBS1BTText for Decision Value for Higher DutyPY-DE
PDPBSDNEUG_UEB_TCarried Over to DNeuG: Personnel Pay Scale InformationPY-DE
T5D92TModels for Events at Start of Premium Calculation PeriodPY-DE
T5D7WException Indicator Texts in Statistics -PSG-PY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables