SAP Table - T5D0GT

DescriptionFictitious Run Texts
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassE
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

T5D2RETStmt: Additional Data with Required TagPY-DE
PDBKANConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: ANMEL Data RecordsPY-DE
P01T_ADMINETSmt: Administration of Employment Tax StatementPY-DE
P01T_A_EXTETNotif.: External DataPY-DE
PA0231HR Master Record: Infotype 0231 / View 0001 (PSG)PY-DE
T7PBSCA2GEntities Table of Domains for Table T7PBSCA2HPY-DE
PDPBSZVANM_RSPI Confirmation: Registration (Record Type 30)PY-DE
PDEPBSVASEN_SIPBSimulated Employment Periods with Their Selection ClassPY-DE
T5D8BUse of OrganizationsPY-DE
PC01B2A_SVEMSTATSI-Specific Storage E-Mails for Procedure for Returning DataPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables