SAP Table - T5D4Q

SAP TableT5D4Q
DescriptionTexts for Person Group Key
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassS
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

P01PF_TILGGarnishment of Principle of Origin: Repayment AmountsPY-DE
T5DPBS0ESpec. and Non-Rec. Payments: Pay Scale-Dependent PercentagesPY-DE
PA0119HR Master Record: Infotype 0119 (Annual Income CA D)PY-DE
T5DPBSZVAGTEmployer-Specific Settings: TextPY-DE
PDPBSDNEUG_UEBCarried Over to DNeuG: General HR Master RecordPY-DE
P01T_TRANSETStmt: Administration/Processing Data TicketsPY-DE
T5D19Assignment of Individual SI Contribution FundsPY-DE
T5D76Official Housing Rule - ModifiersPY-DE
PDPBSZV_PA0051ZVMP Employer to Be Overridden in IT0051 (Before ZVMP)PY-DE
PAPBSDENV_PAYLOGRetroactive Pension Insurance Payment Runs PerformedPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables