SAP Table - T5D75

SAP TableT5D75
DescriptionEmployee Accommodation - Price per Square Meter
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryGermany

SAP Germany Tables

T5DB_KTARTATTTTexts for Attributes for Absence Quota Types for IT 2006PY-DE
P01EE_DBVOData Module DBVO Periods for Preexisting ConditionPY-DE
PD3FLAGHR-DDU: Notifications IndicatorPY-DE
T7PBSMD1CTText table for FieldgroupPY-DE
P01EE_DBMUData Module DBMU Remuneration Statement Maternity AllowancePY-DE
P2RD_DOC0Payroll Results; Additional Data C0 (PSG)PY-DE
P01BM_DBFEData Modules - Errors from PPO DEUEV ConfirmationsPY-DE
P01ZFA_STATUSZfA: Status Management for NotificationsPY-DE
T5D82Pay Scale Information for Calculation of Minimum PensionPY-DE

Full List of SAP Germany Tables