SAP Table - T811F

SAP TableT811F
DescriptionAllocations: Element Table
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryControlling
Sub CategoryOverhead Cost Controlling

SAP Overhead Cost Controlling Tables

COTPLACTTCO-OM-ABC: Texts for Entries in Activation ColumnCO-OM
COINCTRLCO Interface: Control ParametersCO-OM
COTPLTABLETCO-ABC: Valid Tables in Template Environment (lang-dependnt)CO-OM
TKB4AOriginal Settlement StructureCO-OM
TKB10SLAStrategy Sequences for Automatic Generation of SETC - HeaderCO-OM
CBPRCO-ABC: Activity Master TableCO-OM
T811MESSAllocations: Message ControlCO-OM
T003OOrder TypesCO-OM
T823DRevaluation document numbersCO-OM
TKSR2HSummarization log - versionsCO-OM

Full List of SAP Overhead Cost Controlling Tables