SAP Table - VTPA

DescriptionShipping Partner
Table TypeTRANSP
Delivery ClassA
Main CategoryLogistics Execution
Sub CategoryTransportation

SAP Transportation Tables

VXSITSExpress Delivery Company: Service CodesLE-TRA
VTFAShipment Document FlowLE-TRA
TVTRTRoutes: Method of Transportation TextsLE-TRA
V54IV_SELOPTIncoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service ProviderLE-TRA
VXSITDLVSmall Parcel Carrier: Data Fields per Shipping PointLE-TRA
TRXECTracking: Main Transaction TypesLE-TRA
TVFRDRXDefinition of Rounding RulesLE-TRA
TVSAKTSpecial Processing Indicator: TextsLE-TRA
VXSITSTSmall Parcel Carrier: Service Codes DescriptionLE-TRA
VFKKShipment Costs: Header DataLE-TRA

Full List of SAP Transportation Tables