Java Tutorial

Welcome to Java Tutorial by TutorialKart!

In this Java Tutorial, we shall start with learning the basic and core concepts of Java. We shall also learn how to program and build applications using Java.


Java is a widely used programming language in developing software. This Java Tutorial is aimed to help beginners to get started with Java Programming language.

Java Programming Language is one of the most popular languages among developers. Most of the production servers, regular desktops, workstations, smartphones etc., are powered by Java.

Java Tutorials Index

The following is a complete list of tutorials that we cover in this series of Java Tutorials.

Get Started

These Java tutorials help you understand what Java is, how to install Java on your personal computer, and how to start programming in Java using an Integrated Development Environment.


Following tutorials deal with the basic building blocks of Java programs, like how to write looping statements, decision-making statements; how to declare variables and how to understand their scope; what type of data can be stored in a variable.


Operators are used to perform operations on one or more operands and return the result of the respective operation.

Decision Making Statements

Decision making statements are used to implement the execution of a block of code based on the result of a boolean expression.

Loop Statements

Loop statements are used to implement the execution of a block of code repeatedly in a loop based on the result of a boolean expression, or for each item in a given collection.

Type Conversions

Type conversions are used to convert value of one datatype to a value of another datatype.

  • Java Type Conversion Tutorials

Console Operations

Console operations are used to cover the use cases like reading data from console, printing data to console, command line arguments when running a Java program, etc.

Object Oriented Concepts

Loop statements are used to implement the execution of a block of code repeatedly in a loop based on the result of a boolean expression, or for each item in a given collection.


Strings and different operations on the Strings is usually the most used by Java programmers for developing software.

File Operations

Java provides an inbuilt library to handle file operations like reading a file; writing to a file; appending data to an existing file; or deleting a file. Following example help you with the execution of file operations programmatically using Java.


Java has many inbuilt classes to support different type of collections and use cases. The following tutorials cover detailed explanation of the classes and their methods.

ArrayList Operations

ArrayList is a Class in Java that is used as a Collection. Following tutorials help you deal some of the operations that can be performed on ArrayLists.

Design Patterns

Other Example Programs

Useful Resources


We have gone through the basics of Java Programming, Object Oriented Programming concepts with Java, and some of the useful classes and their methods in Java.