ArrayStoreException in Java

In this tutorial, we will learn how to fix java.lang.ArrayStoreException that occurs when an object of a different type is made to be stored in an array of a type.

java.lang.ArrayStoreException occurs when we try to store an object of a type in an array of objects of different type. Usually, one would come across “java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer” which occurs when an attempt is made to store an integer in an array of different type like array of String or array of float, etc.

Lets see a sample program that could produce this exception.


 * @author
public class ArrayStoreExceptionExample {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Object[] names = new Float[2];
		names[1] = new Integer(2);

And when this program is run, following would be the result.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer

Let us see the first line of stack trace, “java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer in detail.

  • java.lang.ArrayStoreException: Exception thrown by java language when we try to store an object of java.lang.Integer in an array of java.lang.Float.
  • java.lang.Integer: Integer is the type of object that has been tried to store in array of different type (here its Float)

How to Handle ArrayStoreException

Lets handle the ArrayStoreException using try-catch.

  • Surround the statements that could throw ArrayStoreException with try-catch block.
  • Catch ArrayStoreException.
  • Take necessary action for the further course of your program, as you are handling the exception and the execution doesn’t abort.


 * @author
public class ArrayStoreExceptionExample {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Object[] names = new Float[2];
		try {
			names[1] = new Integer(2);
		} catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
			System.out.println("The stack trace has been printed just for logging.");
			System.out.println("ArrayStoreException is handled.");
		System.out.println("Continuing with the statements after try-catch block.");

And when you run this java program, result would be as shown in the following.


java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer
The stack trace has been printed just for logging.
ArrayStoreException is handled.
Continuing with the statements after try-catch block.

When an exception occurs, the execution falls on to the catch block from the point of occurrence of exception. It executes the statement in catch block and continues with the statement present after the try-catch block. So, care has to be taken while handling the exceptions and deciding on the further course of action in your program.


In this Java Tutorial, we have learnt to fix java.lang.ArrayStoreException that occurs when an object of a different type is made to be stored in an array of a type.