Linux is a kernel. It is open-source and free. So, you may download the source, make changes, build the source and put it on your computer. Linux is so powerful that most of the servers are running on Linux.

Basic Linux Interview Questions

What is Linux?

How is Linux different from other Operating Systems?

Name some of the popular flavors of Linux?

Which flavor of Linux have you used previously?

Where are the environment variables stored?

Linux Basic Commands

How do you create an alias for a command?

What is the grep command?

Write a regular expression with grep command to search files containing the text “HelloWorld”.

Linux File System Interview Questions

What is the command to get the absolute file path?

Open a terminal and run the command readlink -f fileName.ext. The absolute file path will be echoed in the terminal.

What is the command used to change file permissions?

chmod command can be used to change file/folder permissions. chmod is Change the file mode bits of each given file according to mode.

What are the different ways to determine the memory used by Linux?

What are the different file permissions allowed in Linux?

How do you block a user from modifying a file?

How do you restrict execution of a file from a user?

How do you edit a file?

How do you rename a file?

Linux User Management Interview Questions

How do you add a user?

How do you change the password for the user account?

How do you change the group of a user?

How do you remove a user?

Linux Input-Output Devices: Interview Questions

How are external devices connected to the system considered?

Which command can be used to list available devices?

How do you programmatically disable an input/output device?