These are the Salesforce Interview Questions asked by Top Companies in India. All these Interview questions and answers are provided by experts from who train Salesforce tutorials for Salesforce Administrator and Salesforce Developers. These Salesforce Interview Questions are very helpful to get Salesforce Job in various top companies like Cognizant, Capgemini, Accenture, Deloitte, TCS, HP, CTS, Citrix, iGate, L&T, Infosys, KPIT, American Express, FIS, CEB, NCR Crop etc.

Salesforce Interview questions
You will be searching for the most common Salesforce Interview Questions asked by various top MNC companies? Candidates must be able to give comprehensive, well researched and well thought-out answers. There is no excuse for poor preparation in the Interview. Almost all Salesforce job interviews are highly standardised and vary little from company to company, so you can work out what type of salesforce interview questions will be coming up, and consequently perform to a consistently high standard.
Capgemini Salesforce Interview Questions.
- Briefly explain about yourself?
- What is salesforce architecture?
- What all the services provided in cloud computing?
- what all the services that salesforce supports?
- what is the difference between profiles and roles?
- what are web services? why we need to go for them?
- What is WSDL?
- What is SOAP?
- Here you attended capgemini written test. If you got selected here you will be sent to technical round..if you got selected in technical round then you will be sent to HP for client interview, because HP is client to capgemini. If you got selected finally.Then you will be put into work. This is the scenario. which process do you apply here either “WORKFLOWS” or “APPROVALS”.(I said approvals,i don’t know whether it’s correct or not).
- How can you say that it’s “APPROVAL”? (i said first we need to be approved in first round then only we will be sent to the next).
- How you will make a class available to others for extension? (Inheritance concept) 10) In the process of creating a new record, how you will check, whether user has entered email or not in the email field of Account object?
- How you will write a javascript function that display an alert on the screen?
- Whatis the value of “renderas” attribute to display o/p in the form of Excel Sheet?
- How you will get the javascript function into Visualforce page?
- Can we create a dashboard using Visual-force page? and what all the components we use here?
- What are web tabs?
- How you will add an attachment from VF page? tell me the component names to achieve this functionality?
- Security(OWD, Sharing Rules,Manual Sharing).
- Rate yourself in salesforce?
- what is your current package?
- How much you are expecting?
- You will be given pen and paper, they will ask you to write some simple code.
Accenture Salesforce Interview Questions
- What is Dynamic Approval process?
- Flow of execution in validations, triggers & workflows?
- Assignment process & validations.
- Difference between & Trigger.old?
- Trigger events? & context variables?
- Batch Apex?
- Will one workflow effects another workflow?
- Syntax for upsert & undelete trigger & Purpose undelete?
- Case management?
- If we want to upload data through DataLoader, what the changes to be done?
- Deloitte Salesforce Interview Question
- We have 3 objects Account, Contact, Opportunity. In a VF page, we need to display the names of contact & Opportunity which are related to Account.
- One object (s1) & 3 tasks (t1, t2, t3) are there. Each task performing discount related stuff. Write a trigger that should calculate the sum of 3 tasks. And if any task is modified than trigger should fire automatically & perform the same.
- Ans: List<Task> listof tasks = [select id, name from Task where];
- How can you convert a lead?
- What is your Role in your project?
- Explain 2 VF pages developed by you?
- How will you deploy? Have you ever involved in deployment? 7. How will you test your code through Sandbox?
- What is the custom settings ?
- Difference between SOSL and SOQL in Salesforce ?
- Custom settings?
- What is Sales cloud & Service cloud?
- can a Checkbox as controlling field?
- Sharing Rules?
- SOQL & SOSL? Diff between SOQL & SOSL?
- Difference b/w External ID & Unique ID?
- What is System.RunAs ()?
- Explain Test.setPage ()?
- Why Governor Limits are introduced in
TCS Salesforce interview Questions.
- About project?
- What are standard objects used in your project?
- Call outs?
- Governor Limits?
- Relationships
- Different types of field types?
- Data Migration?
- Roll-up summary?
- What is the difference between sales cloud & service cloud?
American Express Salesforce Interview Questions
- Trigger should perform based on user requirement?
It should Trigger when user want to trigger & shouldn’t when trigger don’t want? - What are default methods for Batch Apex?
Ans: start(), execute() and finish() - Analytical snapshot?
- Types of Triggers?
- Other than Data Loader any other way to import Bulk Data?
- Explain any scenario occurred you to work beyond Governor Limits?7) How do Mass Insert through trigger?
- If I want to Insert, Update any record into ‘Account’. What trigger I have to use?