SAP Invoice Verification Tables
Table | Description | Module |
RBDRSEG | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items | MM-IV |
T169K | Default Values, Account Maintenance | MM-IV |
T169P | Parameters, Invoice Verification | MM-IV |
T169COMPLAINT_T | Texts for Complaints Reasons | MM-IV |
RBSELDELI | Incoming Invoice: Delivery Selection | MM-IV |
T169TAXRET | Determination of Cash Discount Base for Security Retention | MM-IV |
IVEXT | Enhancement Fields for Incoming Invoice | MM-IV |
RBMA | Document Item: Incoming Invoice for Material | MM-IV |
RBEX | Persistent Key Figures Header and Item | MM-IV |
TMRM007A | Tax Codes: Invoice Verification/Invoice Entry (FI) | MM-IV |
Full List of SAP Invoice Verification Tables