SAP Table - T5BP3

SAP TableT5BP3
DescriptionResponses personnel calendar
Table TypePOOL
Delivery ClassC
Main CategoryPayroll
Sub CategoryBelgium

SAP Belgium Tables

T5BVULogic of the social security reductionsPY-BE
T5BV3Total SI per employer/employee categoryPY-BE
T5BSB0HR-BE: Social Balance Historical and External DataPY-BE
T5BCI13TComplementary Indemnity: Justification for Incomplete monthPY-BE
T5BVFReduction for minimum wages (CA 50)PY-BE
T5BCI15Complementary Indemnity: Allowance Subgroup Code ListPY-BE
T5BP3Responses personnel calendarPY-BE
T5BX6Assign Description texts to BELCOTAX forms, BOWPY-BE
T5BC0Rail Tariff for Commuting Expenses (B)PY-BE
T5BCI12TComplementary Indemnity: Payment adjustment type code list tPY-BE

Full List of SAP Belgium Tables