Appium Tutorial
Appium is an open source test automation framework.
It can be used to test:
- Native Applications (Android, IOS, etc.)
- Hybrid Applications (Applications built with the combined features of native and web technology)
- Web Applications
Goal of this Tutorial
In this tutorial, we shall setup the environment for working with Appium and get hands on with Android Testing.
- Appium with JavaScript
Appium with JavaScript
Software Prerequisites for Appium with JavaScript
Following are the list of prerequisites required to get started with Appium using JavaScript.
- Node
To install Node, download latest node package from, unzip the package, and include the folder path in System Environment Path variable.
For complete step by step process, refer:
NPM gets included with Node during its installation.
Install Appium
Go to

Click on Download Appium. It redirects to a github page where all the sources and binaries or Appium are present.
The above link may change from version to version. So, going through is advisable.

Based on your Operating System, you can choose a suitable download.
For this Appium Tutorial, we are using Windows 10 PC. So, we shall download appium-desktop-setup-1.7.1.exe.