SAP Billing Tables
Table | Description | Module |
TVFST | Billing : Blocking Reason Texts | SD-BIL |
PRSD_DLIEF_EXT | DLI Document Flow Extension | SD-BIL |
PRSD_CO_MAPPING | EM: Mapping original DMR lines to Carry Over lines | SD-BIL |
TVFS | Billing: Reasons for Blocking | SD-BIL |
VBREVC | Revenue Recognition: Worklist of Changed Sales Documents | SD-BIL |
PRSD_DMRP_ACC_CH | Engagement Mgmt: Accrual Characteristics for DMR Lines | SD-BIL |
VSBPST | Processing Status: Self-Billing Procedure w. Autom. Postings | SD-BIL |
TCCLT | Payment cards: Points of receipt for the transaction (text) | SD-BIL |
TVCTY | Payment card category | SD-BIL |
J_1ATXREL | Tax relevant classification | SD-BIL |
Full List of SAP Billing Tables