Kotlin Split String

Kotlin Split String using a given set of delimiters or Regular Expression – Splitting a string to parts by delimiters is useful when the string contains many (parametric) values separated by delimiters or if the string resembles a regular expression. In this tutorial we shall learn how to split a string in Kotlin using a given set of delimiters or Regular Expression.

*Delimiter is a character or another string that joins multiple strings into a single one.

Example 1 Split String using Single Delimiter

In the following example, we shall split the string Kotlin TutorialsepTutorial KartsepExamples  with the Delimiter  sep.


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    var str = "Kotlin TutorialsepTutorial KartsepExamples"
    var delimiter = "sep"

    val parts = str.split(delimiter)



[Kotlin Tutorial, Tutorial Kart, Examples]

Example 2 Split String using Multiple Delimiters

Multiple delimiters could be provided as arguments to the split() method of String Class.

String.split(delimiter1, delimiter2, .., delimiterN)

In the following example, we shall split the string Kotlin TutorialsepTutorialasepKartsepExamples  with two delimiters  sep , asep .


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    var str = "Kotlin TutorialsepTutorialasepKartsepExamples"
    var delimiter1 = "sep"
    var delimiter2 = "asep"

    val parts = str.split(delimiter1, delimiter2)



[Kotlin Tutorial, Tutorial, Kart, Examples]

Example 3 Split String Ignoring Case

split() method accepts a boolean value after delimiters, whether to ignore the case of delimiters and the string while splitting.

String. split(vararg delimiters, ignoreCase:Boolean = false)

The default argument for ignoreCase is false. To ignore the case, true has to be provided for the ignoreCase as named argument.

In the following example, we shall split the string Kotlin TutorialsEPTutorialaSEpKartSEpExamples  with two delimiters  SEP , ASEP .


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    var str = "Kotlin TutorialsEPTutorialaSEpKartSEpExamples"
    var delimiter1 = "SEP"
    var delimiter2 = "ASEP"

    val parts = str.split(delimiter1, delimiter2, ignoreCase = true)



[Kotlin Tutorial, Tutorial, Kart, Examples]

Example 4 Split String using Regular Expression

In the following example, we shall split the string Kotlin TutorialsepTutorialasepKartsepExamples  with the Regular Expression  sep|asep .


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    var str = "Kotlin TutorialsepTutorialasepKartsepExamples"

    val parts = str.split(Regex("sep|asep"))



[Kotlin Tutorial, Tutorial, Kart, Examples]


In this Kotlin TutorialKotlin Split String, we have learnt to split string using delimiters, ignoring case, and Regular Expression with examples.