In this tutorial, you shall learn how to write variables inside a string in Kotlin, using string interpolation, with the help of examples.

Kotlin Variable inside String

To write or interpolate variables inside a string in Kotlin, write the variable name preceded by the dollar sign $.

While expanding or interpolating the string, the variable is replaced with its value.

For example, in the following string literal, we have specified the variables x and y.

"Your coordinates are ($x, $y)"

And in the following string literal, we have specified the variable $name in our string.

"Welcome $name"


1 Write integer variable in string

In the following program, we have integer variables x, y. We write these variables inside a string literal using string interpolation $ sign.


fun main() {
    val x = 3
    val y = 6
    val str = "You coordinates are ($x, $y)"


You coordinates are (3, 6)

2 Write name variable in string

In the following program, we have string variable name. We write this variable inside a string using string interpolation.


fun main() {
    val name = "Arjun"
    val str = "Welcome $name"


Welcome Arjun


In this Kotlin Tutorial, we learned how to write a variable inside a string literal using string interpolation.