CSS background-image Property

CSS background-image property sets the background with specified image or gradient values for HTML Element(s).

The syntax to specify a value for background-image property is

background-image: value;

The following table gives the possible values that could be given to background-image property.

url(‘URL‘)The URL to the image. More than one image can be specified by separating the URLs with a comma.background-image: url(“sample-image.jpg”);
noneNo background image.background-image: none;
linear-gradient()Sets a linear gradient as the background image.background-image: linear-gradient(red, blue);
radial-gradientSets a radial gradient as the background image.background-image: radial-gradient(red, blue);
repeating-linear-gradientRepeats a linear gradient.background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(red, blue);
repeating-radial-gradientRepeats a radial gradient.background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(red, blue);
initialSets this property to its default value.background-image: initial;
inheritInherits this property from its parent element.background-image: inherit;

The default value of background-image is none.


In the following examples, we try out background-image with different values.


background-image with URL

In the following example, we apply an image, specified by URL, as background, for a div element.


If the size of background is less than the size of HTML Element, then the background image is repeated along both X and Y axis.


background-image with linear-gradient

In the following example, we set background-image property with linear-gradient() value. Two color values are given to linear-gradient().


In the following example, we passed four colors to linear-gradient().


background-image with radial-gradient

In the following example, we set background-image property with radial-gradient() value. Two color values are given to radial-gradient().


background-image with repeating-linear-gradient

In the following example, we set background-image property with repeating-linear-gradient() value.


background-image with repeating-radial-gradient

In the following example, we set background-image property with repeating-radial-gradient() value.



In this CSS Tutorial, we learned about background-image property, and how to use this property for HTML Elements, with examples.