CSS text-align Property

CSS text-align property sets the horizontal alignment of the text in HTML Element(s).

The syntax to specify a value for text-align property is

text-align: value;

The following table gives the possible values that could be given to text-align property.

leftAlign text to the left side.text-align: left;
rightAlign text to the right side.text-align: right;
centerAlign text to the center.text-align: center;
justifyStretches the lines by introducing space between words or characters, to fit the width of the HTML Element.text-align: justify;
initialSets text-align to default value.text-align: initial;
inheritInherits text-align value from its parent element.text-align: inherit;


In the following examples, we align the text in HTML Element(s), using text-align property, with different possible values.


text-align: left;

In the following example, we set the alignment of text in the HTML Element, to left, using text-align property.


text-align: right;

In the following example, we set the alignment of text in the HTML Element, to right, using text-align property.


text-align: center;

In the following example, we set the alignment of text in the HTML Element, to center, using text-align property.


text-align: justify;

In the following example, we set the alignment of text in the HTML Element, to justify the width of the element, using text-align property.


Resize the browser window, and observe the text alignment.


In this CSS Tutorial, we learned about text-align property, and how to use this property for HTML Elements, with examples.