CSS text-decoration Property

CSS text-decoration property sets line, style, and color, for the text decoration.

text-decoration is short hand for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, and text-decoration style.

The syntax to specify a value for text-decoration property is

text-decoration: text-decoration-line text-decoration-color text-decoration-style;


text-decoration-lineSpecifies type of line for text decoration. Refer CSS text-decoration-line tutorial.
text-decoration-colorSpecifies color for text decoration. Refer CSS text-decoration-color tutorial.
text-decoration-styleSpecifies line style of text decoration. Refer CSS text-decoration-style tutorial.

text-decoration also takes initial or inherit values.


In the following examples, we decorate the text using text-decoration property.


Text Decoration with underline, red color, and double line

In the following example, we set text decoration with underline, red color, and double line, using text-decoration property.


Text Decoration with line-through, and green color

In the following example, we set text decoration with line-through effect, and green color, using text-decoration property.



In this CSS Tutorial, we learned about text-decoration property, and how to use this property for HTML Elements, with examples.