Swift Array Initialization

Welcome to Swift Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will learn how to initialize Arrays in Swift.

Arrays initialization can be done in three ways.

  • Create an empty array
  • Create an array with Specific Size and Default Values
  • Create an array with some Initial Values

Create an Empty Array

To create an empty Array, use the following syntax.

var array_name = [datatype]()


Following are the examples to create an empty Integer Array and an empty String Array.

// integer array
var numbers = [Int]()

// string array
var name = [String]()

Create an Array with Specific Size

To create an Integer Array with specific size and default values, use the following syntax.

var array_name = [Int](count: array_size, repeatedValue: default_value)

To create a String Array with specific size and default values, use the following syntax.

var array_name = [String](repeating: default_value, count: array_size)


Following are the examples to create Arrays with a specific size and a default value for each item in the Array.

// integer array
var numbers = [Int](count: 3, repeatedValue: 20)

// string array
var name = [String](repeating:"tutorialkart", count:5)

Create an Array with some Initial Values

To create an Array with some , use the following syntax.

var array_name:[datatype] = [value1, value2, .., valueN]


Following are the examples to create an empty Integer Array and an empty String Array.

// integer array
var numbers:[Int] = [25, 78, 56]

// string array
var name:[String] = ["TutorialKart", "Swift Tutorial", "iOS Tutorial"]


In this Swift Tutorial, we have learned how to initialize an Array with the help of example Swift Programs.