Swift – Split a String by Character Separator

To split a String by Character separator in Swift, use String.split() function. Call split() function on the String and pass the separator (character) as argument.

The syntax to split the String str with separator character ch is

str.split(separator: ch)

split() function returns a String Array with the splits as elements.


In this example, we will take a string in variable str and separator character in variable ch. Using String.split() function, we will split the string str using ch separator.


import Foundation

var str = "ab-cde-gh-ijkl"
var ch = Character("-")
var result = str.split(separator: ch)
print("Result : \(result)")


Result : ["ab", "cde", "gh", "ijkl"]

We can also specify the maximum number of splits to happen for the given string.


import Foundation

var str = "ab-cde-gh-ijkl"
var ch = Character("-")
var result = str.split(separator: ch, maxSplits: 2)
print("Result : \(result)")


Result : ["ab", "cde", "gh-ijkl"]

Please observe that only two splits happened for the given string, resulting in three parts or elements in the returned array.


In this Swift Tutorial, we learned how to split a string using String.split() function.