Arithmetic Operators in Swift

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform basic mathematical arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

The following table lists out all the arithmetic operators in Swift.

+Additionx + yReturns the sum of values in x and y.
-Subtractionx - yReturns the subtraction y from x.
*Multiplicationx * yReturns the product of values in x and y.
/Divisionx / yReturns the quotient in the division of x by y.
%Modulusx % yReturns the remainder in the division of x by y.
Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators


1. Addition

Addition operator takes two numeric values as inputs: x and y, and returns the result of their sum.


var x = 5
var y = 2
var result = x + y
print("\(x) + \(y) is \(result)")


5 + 2 is 7

2. Subtraction

Subtraction operator takes two numeric values as inputs: x and y, and returns the difference of right operand y from the left operand x.


var x = 5
var y = 2
var result = x - y
print("\(x) - \(y) is \(result)")


5 - 2 is 3

3. Multiplication

Multiplication operator takes two numeric values as inputs, and returns the result of their product.


var x = 5
var y = 2
var result = x * y
print("\(x) * \(y) is \(result)")


5 * 2 is 10

4. Division

Division operator takes two numeric values as inputs: x and y, and returns the quotient of the division of the left operand x by the right operand y.

If x and y are integers, then the division operator performs integer division, and returns an integer quotient value.


var x = 5
var y = 2
var result = x / y
print("\(x) / \(y) is \(result)")


5 / 2 is 2

If x and y are floating point numbers, then the division operator performs floating point division, and returns a floating point quotient value.


var x: Float = 5.0
var y: Float = 2
var result = x / y
print("\(x) / \(y) is \(result)")


5.0 / 2.0 is 2.5

5. Modulo

Division operator takes two numeric values as inputs: x and y, and returns the remainder of the division of the left operand x by the right operand y.

Modulo operator can be used with integer values only.


var x = 5
var y = 2
var result = x % y
print("\(x) % \(y) is \(result)")


5 % 2 is 1


In this Swift Tutorial, we learned about Arithmetic Operators in Swift language, different Arithmetic operators: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Modulo, with examples.