Swift Convert String to Int

To convert a String value to Integer value in Swift, use Int() and Optional Value unwrapping.

The syntax to convert a String x to Integer is


Int() returns an Optional Integer value, and we can convert this to an Integer value using Optional Value Unwrapping !, as shown in the following.

var result = Int(str)
if result != nil {
    let x = result! //unwrap to Int


In this example, we take a String value in str and convert this value to Integer.


var str = "256"
var result = Int(str)
if result != nil {
    let x = result! //unwrap to Int


If the value in String cannot be converted to an Integer, Int() returns nil value. In that case, check if the value returned by Int() is not nil. Only if not nil, proceed with unwrapping the returned optional value.


var str = "256 abc"
var result = Int(str)
if result != nil {
    let x = result! //unwrap to Int
} else {
    print("Result of Int() is nil.")



In this Swift Tutorial, we have learned how to convert a String to Integer in Swift programming.