JavaScript Less-than (<)

JavaScript Less-than (<) Comparison Operator is used to check if the first operand is less than the second operand. Less-than operator returns a boolean value. The return value is true if the first value is less than the second, else, the return vale is false.

Less-than Operator Symbol

The symbol used for Less-than Operator is <.



The syntax to use Less-than Operator with operands is

operand1 < operand2

Each operand can be a value or a variable.

Since Less-than operator returns a boolean value, the above expression can be used as a condition in If-statement.

if (operand1 < operand2) {


In the following example, we take two values in variables: x and y; and check if the value in x is less than that of in y using Less-than Operator.


In the following example, let us use Less-than operator as a condition in the If statement’s condition.



In this JavaScript Tutorial, we learned about Less-than Comparison Operator, its syntax, and usage with examples.