How to create maintenance strategy in SAP PM

In this activity you create maintenance strategy in SAP to define the frequency of specific work packages for a type of equipment. Work package can be a inspection, maintenance, service, etc. Each of this work packages consists the different frequencies.


You can define maintenance strategy in SAP PM by using the following navigation method.

Transaction codeIP11
SAP Menu PathLogistics > Plant Maintenance> Preventive Maintenance > Maintenance planning > Maintenance strategies > change.

Configuration steps

Perform the following configuration steps to create maintenance strategy in SAP Plant Maintenance module.

transaction code IP11 strategy

Step 1 : Execute t-code “IP11” in command field from SAP easy access screen.

Step 2 : On change view maintain strategies overview screen, choose maintenance strategies folder under dialog structure and click on new entries button to create the new maintenance strategy in SAP.

maintenance strategies packages SAP

Step 3 : On change maintenance strategies details screen, update the following details.

  • Name : Enter the alpha numeric key that defines as strategy in SAP.
  • Description : Update the descriptive text of maintenance strategy i.e. Electric pumps perf. based H.
  • Scheduling indicator : Choose the appropriate unit, i.e. time.
  • Strategy unit : It defines as unit of time, choose Mon (month) or Yr (year).
  • Call horizon : In most cases 100% is used for call horizon. When an order is generated before a call is required, it is expressed as percentage of cycle length.
  • Shift factor for late completion : It is used to determine the impact of late completion of work. Update the percentage for late completion
  • Tolerance for late completion (%) : Update percentage of tolerance for late completion
  • Shift factor for early completion :It is used to determine the impact of early work completion, enter the percentage factor for early completion.
  • Tolerance for early completion (%) : Update the percentage of tolerance limit for early completion.
  • Factory Calendar : Leave this field as blank or choose the factory calendar as per requirements.
Create Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Now choose save icon and save the configured details.

Step 4 : Choose the maintenance strategies key and click on packages folder.

maintenance strategies packages SAP

Step 5 : Click on new entries button and update the following details.

  • Package no : Update the sequential identifying number of cycle item, starting at 1.
  • Cycle length : Frequency of inspection or maintenance period.
  • Unit : Unit for performance of maintenance task.
  • Maintenance cycle text : Descriptive text of work.
  • Cycle short text : Update the two characteristic key as cycle short text and it is used for assigning to task list.
  • Hierarchy : Enter the hierarchy level of maintenance package.
  • Hierarchy shot text : Short text of hierarchy.
Create Maintenance Strategy package SAP

Choose save icon and save the configured maintenance packages details

Successfully we have created maintenance strategy in SAP PM.